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Nick M48

UKDirt Members
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Everything posted by Nick M48

  1. It sounds like a 'pop-up' of some kind, it could well be AVG. I've had it happen before when Windows update pops-up to remind me to reboot. It'ss just a case of eliminating things one by one, I'd start with AVG.
  2. Happy Birthday Sam, hope you have a good day.
  3. I always love watching Montoya, you just know he's going to give it everything he has and sometimes more!
  4. I guess us 'old folk' have ourselves a first target
  5. Damn damn damn and.....damn I just pay my jolt fee to return to Bangers and then I hear that the Skip diving Brummy is coming back, it's going to be hard enough putting up with JB let alone Mick as well!
  6. We could do with a few more to make this a bit more fun, so come on guys get signed up.
  7. I'll join you.
  8. I havent played Batracer for a while but thought I'd join you, hopefully we can get enough people.
  9. wow! that's pretty damn cool.
  10. It sounds to me as though the power circuit on the hard drive has developed a short circuit, I hope it hasn't damaged your main pc power supply or motherboard I don't think it's really something that you will be able to fix yourself. I'm no expert, that's just what it sounds like to me.
  11. What bit didn't work, the car still coming out in the wrong place? Did you reset the Xform too?
  12. Right click on the top modifier in the stack and select collapse all.
  13. Something you might want to try in max is to collapse the stack, to remove any edit mesh modifiers etc then reset Xform.
  14. It's more than likely talking about ram, photo editing can consume huge amounts, how much do you have? double check that you have the amount you think you should have by going to system properties, sometimes a ram module can fail. Are you on xp or vista?
  15. Nice!
  16. I use these, haven't had any problems so far, use the voucher code found on the ovalchat forum and you get a bit of money off too.
  17. Theres some great pics in there, thanks for taking them and sharing them, they will come in very handy I'm sure.
  18. Is it only 3dmax 7 that does it or other programs too?
  19. Have you tried re-installing max to a different directory? The error is just a generic one it doesn't really tell you what the problem is.
  20. Looks great, Permission granted
  21. Looks great Marsman, you have my permission.
  22. Respect to the troops, they are a special breed of person, Happy Christmas and New Year.
  23. Merry Christmas everyone!
  24. To be honest, chewy's account being locked isn't a bad thing, so please Admin don't rush to let him back! Merry Christmas!
  25. lol I wouldn't go that far! There's loads of stuff on the net, just do a search.
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