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Everything posted by walker

  1. walker


    Aw look its not a banger,shock and horror ! My F1 for another league
  2. Canny beat a bit of rock music AC/DC - Thunderstruck http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=zvoeeq-BH4w
  3. was most haunted any good tonite i havent got sky anymore Yeah its on for seven days,last night was very good as there was lots of things happening.
  4. Nope just finished watching most haunted live though,scary to say the least
  5. Anything happening about this ? not heard anything for ages.
  6. Awsome preview. Hopefully my net dont crash before the big race
  7. Try restarting your pc and see if it works,I had the same problem as you and restarting my pc solved the problem.
  8. oops Post up a screen shot of what you have your settings at.
  9. you need to click ok
  10. Sorry for leaving near the end of the meeting. Gutted as I was doing well in the final catching chevy then my pc restart ,gutted to say the least and just found out I will need to reformat my pc Cyas at the next meeting
  11. Sorry lad your going to have to count me out,been having computer problems lately
  12. Nice find tosh
  13. ave been booing and shouting cheat since the first time he got caught ages back. I heard the mob were cheats in bangers.......hiding behind the goal posts at cowdie
  14. Kruiz will breathe a sigh of relief ........... Happy bday So when ye getting laid Jimmy??
  15. Happy birthday
  16. Thats one nice looking motor tosh
  17. I am up for it,do we need to be good,if we do I may as well not put my name down
  18. I will only be doing the rfactor nz's if they get used
  19. Would we need to have our own skins for this or just use the cars that come with the game ?
  20. Aye I will put my name down for it
  21. Sounds good to me
  22. Just wondering what folk have there auto detail FPS set at on rfactor,never noticed it till I went into the display setting today. Just wondering what its best set at. Thanks ryan
  23. Try and spot who it is
  24. walker


    Sorry mate I ain't from poland
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