UKDirt 2nd Tier Admin-
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Everything posted by drumbstick
Your top 10 in the points Mav that's an auto upgrade to red. Good luck
A free 3-Month Subscription Your Price $0: PR-RINGEXPO2015 Regular retail price: $30 Discount: $30 (100%) 3 month basic membership. for $5: PR-IMSA2015 or PR-MERCEDESGT3 or PR-SROMG Regular retail price: $30 Discount: $25 (83%) 3 month basic membership with the Late Model. for $12: PR-2015PSRTV Regular retail price: $41.95 Discount: $29 (71%) 3 month basic membership with the Ford GT. for $12: PR-GRIPTV or PR-RaceSpotLive Regular retail price: $41.95 Discount: $29 (71%) 12 months basic membership for $49: PRLEAGUE12 Regular retail price: $99 Discount: $50 (50 %) two year basic membership $89: PRHOLIDAYHALFOFF24 Regular retail price: $179 Discount: $89 (50%)
Top 15 in points means a minimum of blue
WD Dan 4 in a row is a truly epic feat, and to hold the silver as well for most of them is something that will never be matched! Congrats to Wardie as well to get that far forward twice was something special as well.
Ricky Because you have missed 30% of the season all or most of which was in grading period 1 we have to evaluate you on your performance in grading period 2. During the period you averaged a score of just under 20 this was 7th on the list only to the top 6 in the points and at times during my tenure as grader would have been good enough to secure you a superstar roof. Individual race results are not taken in to account during the end of period grading.
Murray, apologies it is a mistake. Having evaluated your appearances and scores from the grading period I will be recommending to the admin team you are regarded to White.
I have to say in my 5 or so years doing the grading this has been by far and away the hardest period to do. So many people improving and scoring well, there was an argument for all bar about 4 drivers to go to blue or higher. Keep it up lads
Thanks drumstick just downloaded it now and going to do hofully my first successful practice around taunton also forgot to ask where do I save the download? The replay will go in your replay folder, then should show in game under replays as Taunton Hotlap Drumbstick(Or something like that) The setup will go in your userdata folder > your name > settings > taunton okay thanks mate I when to save the set up and in my user data folder my name is not there only controller and screenshots and a couple of track that we don't use on uk dirt for example Nuremburgring Check in you my documents folder
Thanks drumstick just downloaded it now and going to do hofully my first successful practice around taunton also forgot to ask where do I save the download? The replay will go in your replay folder, then should show in game under replays as Taunton Hotlap Drumbstick(Or something like that) The setup will go in your userdata folder > your name > settings > taunton
No probs Tam, I posted it because I wanted to help people and it looks like I won't be racing so the set will get some use. You can see why people don't want to help others though, the file has been downloaded 90 times and you are the only one who had the common courtesy to say thank you.
For once I actually had an hour to do some practice tonight, so for anyone struggling a bit I have attached a setup and a replay of a hotlap. I am in the high .7s so I expect Josh and Dan will be in the .6s but it should be a good place to start for at least some people. Taunton.zip
Hopefully there is 1 or 2 more good races in my creaking bones yet !!!
Link HERE for chat if anyone needs it
Cheers guys, it was good to have Stumps back in the box
As drivers who have been racing UKDirt F2 for a while will know, we suffer towards the end of a season with a number of drivers being over graded. This can be caused by a number of factors, such as drivers winning finals from lower grades and then never doing enough meetings in a period to be down graded, or drivers with a low average racing each week and finding themselves higher in the points than if everyone raced every week. As an example of this 34% of drivers who raced 10+ meetings(50 drivers) in 2014 were red grade at the end of the season. To address this issue, we always do a regrade at the end of the season for drivers who raced over 10 meetings based on drivers averages and following the following rules 1.) All drivers who completed less that 12 meetings are not eligible 2.) Drivers may only go down a maximum of 1 grade 3.) Grades set on the following averages over the season White 0-5.9 Yellow 6 - 12.9 Blue 13 - 17.9 Red 18 - 21.9 SS 22+ 4.) Top 5 in the 2014 National points remain SS These mean the following changes will come in to effect for the first meeting of the 2015 season at Kings Lynn on the 23/02/15 Changes are DOWN Red N/A Blue 276 92 653 188 58 981 221 246 488 380 Yellow 356 52 443 641 451 474 117 White N/A UP SS N/A Red N/A Blue N/A Yellow 599 Sheet used to calculate grades
Results: Heat 1 Result: 229 180 688 58 846 835 394 79 511 411 979 544 212 817 100 641 Heat 2 Result: 94 455 781 653 276 274 238 182 474 271 397 315 183 188 47 56 881 Heat 3 Result: 271 781 691 103 167 47 8 276 291 82 274 182 455 305 117 237 688 Heat 4 Result: 249 236 94 397 411 488 566 800 39 184 454 221 100 641 544 Heat 5 Result: 236 276 229 846 397 653 212 305 79 182 881 8 511 56 Heat 6 Result: 835 180 800 238 394 315 188 474 82 979 58 184 454 411 117 Heat 7 Result: 781 455 229 238 180 835 188 688 488 271 8 641 212 566 Heat 8 Result: 274 236 691 249 167 846 544 237 39 94 47 881 221 100 56 291 79 Heat 9 Result: 94 167 800 315 691 641 979 184 394 454 411 653 Heat 10 Result: 397 180 276 835 274 182 237 103 58 305 117 544 82 566 511 Heat 11 Result: 781 238 688 249 800 8 455 47 394 237 979 488 167 236 Heat 12 Result: 229 199 58 454 117 291 315 212 271 474 305 56 221 846 Heat 13 Result: 397 94 835 688 184 103 249 82 79 566 291 544 56 Heat 14 Result: 846 274 271 182 39 511 691 411 229 276 180 474 641 653 Heat 15 Result: 236 455 979 394 653 238 249 167 47 488 8 237 82 103 58 Heat 16 Result: 781 691 566 315 800 184 188 454 212 511 511 544 117 Semi Final Grids Semi Final 1 781 94 835 397 249 455 274 688 315 394 58 103 979 188 411 47 212 511 291 117 82 544 881 100 Semi Final 2 236 229 691 180 238 800 276 167 271 653 182 184 566 454 39 8 488 237 79 474 641 305 56 183 Semi-Final 1 Result: 397 781 688 835 511 274 47 249 94 58 82 212 411 117 394 979 NOF Semi-Final 2 Result: 236 180 276 691 229 800 238 653 8 167 488 271 184 641 454 182 79 56 39 566 237 Final Grid 236-397 180-781 276-688 691-835 229-511 800-274 238-47 653-249 8-94 167-58 488-82 271-212 A-Final Result: 397 800 238 180 688 274 47 229 58 249 94 8 82 781 653 271 511 691 835 488 167 236 212 276 Points: 53 pts 397 Hamster 49 pts 800 Ben 48 pts 238 Kane 47 pts 781 Rolphey 47 pts 180 Wardieee 44 pts 229 Tsjalle 40 pts 274 Bigdave 38 pts 94 Marriott 38 pts 688 Fordy 38 pts 236 DanSkin 35 pts 835 Robbo 35 pts 691 Jakeeey 34 pts 249 Jack 31 pts 455 Barker 27 pts 276 Tyzer 24 pts 167 CB 23 pts 315 Mike 22 pts 271 Keiron 21 pts 394 PaulE 21 pts 58 Minitom 18 pts 47 Samson 18 pts 653 Simmo 16 pts 182 shay 15 pts 103 Murray 15 pts 184 Wardy 13 pts 566 Dan 13 pts 979 Jamie 12 pts 188 Aub 11 pts 454 Frans 10 pts 411 Reece 10 pts 39 LeeK 9 pts 212 Pedz 9 pts 8 Lloydy 8 pts 237 Ricky 8 pts 511 Mark 8 pts 488 Dave 7 pts 79 Ryan 7 pts 291 Marten 6 pts 82 DBecks 6 pts 117 DanW 6 pts 474 Danny 5 pts 641 Mav 4 pts 305 Ron 4 pts 544 Micky 0 pts 429 SammyT 0 pts 881 Nathan 0 pts 54 Luke Beeson 0 pts 56 Vixtro 0 pts 183 Charlie 0 pts 599 Harold 0 pts 817 Tim 0 pts 925 Daniel 0 pts 17 Aza 0 pts 146 Ashley 0 pts 451 Stoxsigns 0 pts 677 Luke 0 pts 100 joey 0 pts 221 Spike 0 pts 331 Hutch 0 pts 3 Fast Replays can be found HERE
Welcome to the 5th annual running of the F2 UKDirt open. Tonight we have both 2012/2013 champion DanSkin and 2014 champion Marten booked in and ready to race, so it should certainly be interesting! Will the past experience of DanSkin and Marten guide one of them to victory again, or will someone new take the title? >>> Race Infomation <<< - Heats 1+2 will run at 8PM (This means you need to be in chat at 7:50) - Each driver will get 5 heats each (16 laps). - After the heats, the top 48 drivers will qualify for the semi finals. - The semi finals grid will be decided on points scored in the heats (20 laps). - The top 12 from each semi final will qualify for the Championship Final! - The final grid will be decided by finishing positions in the semi final. - The ins and outs of the grid will be decided by a coin toss which will take place before the championship final. >>> UKDirt Chat <<< UKDirt chat can be accessed via a few simple steps: UKDirt Chat 1.) Check this works before 7:50 as we are not able to wait for people due to the large amount of races to get through. 2) Click the link to UKDirt Chat 3) In the Nickname box put your nickname. 4) In the Channels box put ukdirtsecurechat 5) Click Connect. >>> Meeting Format <<< Heat 1: 411, 429, 979, 79, 394, 511, 817, 146, 212, 641, 835, 58, 100, 229, 331, 544, 688, 39, 180, , server ( steward 255 ) Heat 2: 94, 271, 881, 56, 183, 274, 781, 17, 182, 455, 474, 47, 188, 276, 315, 653, 238, 397, , , , , , server ( steward 41 ) Heat 3: 103, 271, 305, 82, 237, 274, 781, 925, 117, 167, 182, 455, 8, 47, 276, 688, 691, 3, 291, , , , , , , , server ( steward 255 ) .Heat 4: 94, 411, 566, 244, 454, 599, 817, 249, 451, 641, 677, 100, 184, 211, 488, 800, 39, 236, 397, , , server ( steward 41 ) Heat 5: 305, 429, 881, 56, 79, 183, 511, 17, 146, 182, 212, 8, 229, 276, 331, 653, 3, 236, 397, , , , , , , , server ( steward 255 ) Heat 6: 103, 411, 979, 82, 394, 454, 599, 117, 474, 677, 835, 58, 184, 188, 315, 544, 800, 180, 238, , , server ( steward 41 ) Heat 7: 271, 429, 566, 244, 599, 781, 925, 212, 451, 455, 641, 835, 8, 188, 229, 488, 688, 180, 238, , , server ( steward 255 ) Heat 8: 94, 881, 56, 79, 237, 274, 817, 146, 167, 249, 677, 47, 100, 211, 544, 691, 39, 236, 291, , , , , server ( steward 41 ) Heat 9: 103, 305, 566, 82, 237, 274, 511, 925, 17, 117, 182, 835, 58, 100, 276, 331, 544, 180, 397, , , server ( steward 255 ) Heat 10: 94, 411, 979, 79, 183, 394, 454, 167, 451, 474, 641, 184, 315, 488, 653, 691, 800, 3, 291, , , server ( steward 41 ) Heat 11: 429, 979, 237, 394, 599, 781, 817, 167, 249, 455, 677, 8, 47, 488, 688, 800, 236, 238, , , , , , server ( steward 255 ) Heat 12: 271, 305, 881, 56, 183, 244, 454, 117, 146, 212, 474, 58, 188, 211, 229, 315, 331, 39, 291, , , server ( steward 41 ) Heat 13: 94, 103, 566, 56, 79, 82, 183, 244, 17, 249, 451, 835, 184, 211, 331, 544, 688, 3, 397, , , , , server ( steward 255 ) Heat 14: 271, 411, 429, 274, 511, 817, 925, 146, 182, 474, 641, 100, 229, 276, 653, 691, 39, 180, , , server ( steward 41 ) Heat 15: 103, 979, 82, 237, 244, 394, 599, 167, 249, 451, 455, 8, 47, 58, 488, 653, 236, 238, , , , , , , , server ( steward 255 ) Heat 16: 305, 566, 881, 454, 511, 781, 925, 17, 117, 212, 677, 184, 188, 211, 315, 691, 800, 3, 291, , , server ( steward 41 ) Semifinal 1: TBC , , , , , , , , , , , , server ( steward 255 ) Semifinal 2: TBC , , , , , , , , , , , server ( steward 41 ) 5th Annual UKDirt Championship: , , , , , , , , , , , , server ( steward 255/41 ) Each driver is responsible for checking they are in 5 heats before the meeting. If you are not in 5 heats and do not mention this before the meeting it will not be changed after 8PM >>> Further Information <<< Drivers should return to UKDirt chat IMMEDIATELY after their race to wait for any further instructions. Any driver with a high ping or a unstable connection will be warned once. If the connection fails to be improve the driver will be loaded-up All normal F2 rules will be enforced tonight, however there will be much less "wiggle room". If you are seen to be following in other drivers, you will be loaded up, if you are seen to be acting against the spirit of the rules or in direct conflict to the rules you will be loaded up from the meeting. You must display the number you registered to race with in your username. If you do not then you will not score points. If you have any questions please ask one of the F2 admin team, Dave488, Wardiee, Drumbstick, Kane, CB,
Drivers Name: 796 Brian Wilson Bingley Your Number: 429 Your Name/Nickname: SammyT429 Current league/grade: UKDirt - White
2010 skins please Dan
5: SENDING IN FILES - please send in your files via THE UKDIRT WEBSITE UPLOAD TOOL or BY PMING ME ON THIS FORUM, DO NOT upload to this thread