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UKDirt 2nd Tier Admin
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Everything posted by drumbstick

  1. Harmen was not scored for some reason so he has been reinstated to 5th position
  2. Please book in here for the F2 part of the double header with saloons on Wednesday. The meeting will start at 7:30 and follow the standard format. You can book in for the saloon meeting on the WEBSITE To book in please use the template below Name Number Grade Bookings: 26 White 98 aaron_J 210 skegTomp 264 imberj 259 Charlie 354 Suicide 491 crewesader 481 Mackie Yellow 21 Louish 211 Stannie 237 rickyljames 238 Kane_M 454 Frans Blue 131 Gary 180 Wardie 624 RayD Red 116 JK 246 Stox 480 Leighton 589 Stijneman 981 MartinB SS 41 Drumbstick 87 Robin 112 Tom D 236 Danskin 305 jakiejnr 691 Jakeeey
  3. Good meeting tonight I thought, good hard racing all night and I have a new play mate
  4. Results: W&Y 217 211 338 21 237 454 238 221 354 264 491 259 Heat 1: 238 217 87 116 221 274 262 589 112 488 380 211 981 259 Heat 2: 98 249 354 236 691 305 338 246 21 454 46 237 491 264 Heat 3: 305 41 112 221 454 981 380 46 274 624 21 589 259 354 491 Heat 4: 262 236 98 488 87 238 691 338 246 217 237 211 249 116 Consi 1: 46 981 246 589 380 21 259 237 491 A-Final: 236 338 238 488 262 221 217 98 274 41 46 454 249 354 87 981 112 246 589 691 116 305 GN 1: 217 98 338 380 21 981 305 691 274 589 116 41 237 491 GN 2: 112 46 249 87 488 262 246 454 238 236 211 259 354 221 Points: 38 pts 236 Danskin 33 pts 238 Kane 33 pts 338 Evnos 33 pts 98 Bailey 31 pts 262 Harmen 28 pts 217 Neke 28 pts 488 Dave 23 pts 221 Spike 21 pts 87 Robin 20 pts 112 TomD 19 pts 305 Jake 17 pts 249 Jack 13 pts 274 Big 13 pts 691 Jake 12 pts 46 Nezza 11 pts 380 Liam 11 pts 41 Drumb 10 pts 454 Frans 10 pts 981 MartinB 9 pts 246 Stox 8 pts 354 Suicide 8 pts 21 LouisH 7 pts 116 JK 4 pts 589 Stijneman 1 pts 624 RayDick 0 pts 259 Charlie 0 pts 264 Imber 0 pts 491 Crewe 0 pts 211 Stannie 0 pts 237 Ricky The replays are here!
  5. Welcome to the last World cup qualifying round, each driver will get 4 heats with the to 18 points qualifiers going straight to the final. A further 4 cars will qualify for the final from the consolation. There will be enough GNs for everyone Heat 1: 217, 259, 262, 211, 221, 238, 274, 380, 488, 116, 589, 981, 41, 87, 112, , , (Server .48 Steward Dode) Heat 2: 264, 354, 491, 21, 237, 338, 454, 624, 46, 98, 246, 249, 236, 305,691 , , , (Server .45 Steward Stumpy) Heat 3: 259, 354, 491, 21, 221, 274, 454, 380, 624, 46, 589, 981, 41, 112, 305, , , (Server .48 Steward Dode) Heat 4: 217, 262, 264, 211, 237, 238, 338, 488, 98, 116, 246, 249 87, 236, 691, , , (Server .45 Steward Stumpy)
  6. Closed
  7. Everything you need should be HERE
  8. Name: Drumbstick Number: 41 Grade: SS
  9. Apologies all, due to a clerical error on my part the bookings on the website are for Wednesdays meeting at Ipswich. Book in below for the Lelystad meeting on Monday night. Please use the template below to book in Name: Number: Grade: Booked: White 217 Neke 259 Charlie 262 Harmen 264 Imber 354 Suicide 491 Crewe 491 Yellow 21 LouisH 211 Stannie 221 Spike 237 Ricky 238 Kane 338 Evnos 454 Frans Blue 274 Big Dave 30 Tyler 380 Liam 488 Dave 624 RayDick Red 46 Nezza 98 Bailey 116 JK 246 Stox 589 Stijneman 981 MartinB SS 41 Drumb 87 Robin 112 TomD 236 Danskin 305 Jake Barsby 691 Jake
  10. Sorry Guys we had a fixture change and the site never got updated. I will open the thread now
  11. The novice skins are included with the mod, they are not in the skinpacks
  12. Results: Heat 1: 217 84 87 58 236 380 981 237 246 41 21 589 259 Heat 2: 338 116 46 488 691 480 43 454 305 354 612 481 Heat 3: 217 338 236 84 43 354 691 116 305 480 981 237 Heat 4: 87 58 41 488 454 246 46 589 380 612 21 259 Heat 5: 338 87 236 116 480 217 981 84 380 237 612 354 Heat 6: 43 41 454 488 691 305 246 58 46 21 589 259 Heat 7: 217 236 87 41 480 246 488 380 454 981 58 43 21 612 Heat 8: 338 116 354 691 305 84 46 237 589 259 Heat 9: 217 236 43 454 380 691 480 981 305 58 338 84 Heat 10: 87 41 488 354 237 246 46 21 612 589 A-Final: 87 43 116 236 338 488 380 246 84 46 454 217 981 237 21 354 58 612 41 480 589 305 691 Points: 65 pts 87 Robin H25 54 pts 236 DanSkin 51 pts 338 Evnos 46 pts 43 Sije 45 pts 217 N.Burhenne 44 pts 116 JK 43 pts 488 Dave 34 pts 41 Drumbstick 28 pts 84 Timm 28 pts 691 Jakeeey 27 pts 246 Stox 26 pts 454 Frans 26 pts 380 Liam Powell 24 pts 46 Nezza 22 pts 480 leightonh 21 pts 354 Suicide 20 pts 58 minitom 17 pts 305 jakiejnr 13 pts 237 rickyljames 12 pts 981 MartinB 6 pts 589 Stijneman 4 pts 21 LouisH 3 pts 612 Lee 1 pts 259 charlie guinchard 0 pts 481 Mackie D Replays are here!
  13. Welcome to the 2013 Golden Helmet. Each driver will get 5 heats with the top 24 cars qualifying for the final. The final will be gridded on points from the heats, and there will be no GNs Heat 1: 58, 217, 259, 21, 237, 64, 84, 380, 246, 589, 981, 41, 87, 236, server .48 ( steward - DODE ) Heat 2: 354, 481, 612, 338, 454, 43, 488, 46, 116, 480, 112, 305, 691, server .45 ( steward - STUMPY) Heat 3: 217, 354, 481, 237, 338, 43, 64, 84, 116, 480, 981, 236, 305, 691, server .48 ( steward - DODE) Heat 4: 58, 259, 612, 21, 454, 380, 488, 46, 246, 589, 41, 87, 112, server .45 ( steward - STUMPY) Heat 5: 217, 354, 612, 237, 338, 64, 84, 380, 116, 480, 981, 87, 112, 236, server .48 ( steward - DODE) Heat 6: 58, 259, 481, 21, 454, 43, 488, 46, 246, 589, 41, 305, 691, server .45 ( steward - STUMPY) Heat 7: 58, 217, 612, 21, 454, 43, 380, 488, 246, 480, 981, 41, 87, 236, server .48 ( steward - DODE) Heat 8: 259, 354, 481, 237, 338, 64, 84, 46, 116, 589, 112, 305, 691, server .45 ( steward - STUMPY) Heat 9: 58, 217, 259, 338, 454, 43, 84, 380, 116, 480, 981, 236, 305, 691, server .48 ( steward - DODE) Heat 10: 354, 481, 612, 21, 237, 64, 488, 46, 246, 589, 41, 87, 112, server .45 ( steward - STUMPY)
  14. I am going to do something I don’t normally do here and explain the decisions we made regarding docking of positions in the meeting final at Bristol. This may help to explain why it has taken so long to make a decision. 1.) 151 Docked two places for corner cutting on lap 5: It was concluded that although we do not believe this was intentional the 151 car had all 4 wheels of the racing surface and gained multiple positions by doing so 2.) 480 No action taken: We investigated a possible corner cut by the 480 car on lap 19. It was concluded that there is no definitive conclusion that more than 2 wheels left the racing surface, and no advantage was gained. The width of this decision was probably no more than a fag paper. 3.) 338 Docked two places for corner cutting on lap 7: The 338 car clearly has 3 wheel s off the racing surface and makes contact with another car while doing so. 4.) 180 docked 2 places for corner cutting on lap 6: The 180 car clearly has 4 wheels of the racing surface to make contact with another car. I have updated the results above and added the World Final Grid. Thank you for your patience Drumb
  15. Sorry guys, I will check the link on the website but until then you can get the correct version from HERE Extract the zip file to your rFactor locations directory which is probably either C:\Program Files (x86)\rFactor\GameData\Locations Or C:\Program Files\rFactor\GameData\Locations
  16. Semi-Final 1: 236 305 112 180 188 31 315 262 330 480 488 380 354 454 84 79 760 491 981 64 233 116 65 Semi-Final 2: 87 46 41 115 291 691 338 151 43 589 122 211 848 246 624 244 221 58 Results: Heat 1: 180 354 46 87 115 330 305 760 691 211 246 848 262 480 491 Heat 2: 112 43 151 79 122 233 41 380 31 981 454 259 64 Heat 3: 338 115 180 112 488 330 151 116 87 848 454 491 589 480 Heat 4: 43 480 46 41 246 211 244 233 64 380 236 259 Heat 5: 338 488 305 262 691 354 981 116 760 236 244 122 79 589 31 Consi 1: 31 211 589 246 380 454 848 122 760 981 244 236 259 491 A-Final: 480 151 41 338 112 330 262 180 589 79 46 233 31 246 691 305 87 354 211 116 43 488 GN 1: 488 46 87 43 31 305 981 112 79 151 691 233 244 180 GN 2: 236 41 338 589 380 480 848 760 354 259 330 116 262 454 211 Points: 44 pts 338 Evnos 34 pts 151 dode 34 pts 41 Drumbstick 32 pts 480 leightonh 32 pts 112 Tom D 26 pts 43 Sije 25 pts 488 Dave 25 pts 46 Nezza 24 pts 180 wardieee 20 pts 330 Menace 17 pts 87 Robin H25 17 pts 305 jakiejnr 16 pts 354 Suicide 15 pts 262 Harmen 15 pts 115 michael green 11 pts 79 weeryan 11 pts 589 Stijneman 11 pts 236 DanSkin 10 pts 380 Liam Powell 9 pts 981 MartinB 8 pts 760 Ryano 8 pts 31 Si 8 pts 233 Grasser 8 pts 691 Jakeeey 6 pts 122 craigcharles 6 pts 211 Stannie 6 pts 246 Stox 5 pts 848 bully jnr 4 pts 244 krish 2 pts 64 Ayrton Smith 1 pts 259 charlie guinchard 0 pts 58 minitom 0 pts 65 dan heath 0 pts 217 N.Burhenne 0 pts 473 rudeboy 0 pts 481 Mackie D 0 pts 491 crewesader Replays are HERE World Final Grid Ins: 236 305 112 180 188 31 315 262 330 480 LCQ 1 LCQ 3 Out: 87 46 41 115 291 691 338 151 43 589 LCQ 2 LCQ 4
  17. Bookings closed
  18. Semi final bookings closed
  19. Good evening and welcome to the 2013 F2 Semi finals. The meeting format will be as follows. Semi Final 1 Semi Final 2 Heat1 Heat2 Heat3 Heat4 Heat5 Consolation 1 Consolation 2 Final GN1 GN2 Each driver will get 2 heats with the top 18 qualifying for the final. A further 2 cars will qualify from each consolation Heat 1: 58, 354, 491, 760, 848, 211, 221, 180, 262, 274, 330, 46, 115, 246, 480, 87, 305, 691 (Server .48 Steward Danskin) Heat 2: 65, 79, 217, 259, 473, 122, 454, 43, 64, 380, 624, 31, 151, 233, 981, 41, 112, (Server .45 Steward Stumpy) Heat 3: 58, 217, 481, 491, 848, 338, 454, 180, 330, 488, 624, 115, 151, 589, 616, 87, 112, (Server .48 Steward Simon) Heat 4: 65, 244, 259, 473, 211, 221, 43, 64, 84, 274, 380, 480, 46, 233, 246, 41, 236, (Server .45 Steward Stumpy) Heat 5: 79, 244, 354, 481, 760, 122, 338, 84, 262, 488, 31, 589, 616, 981, 236, 305, 691, (Server .45 Steward Stumpy) Grids Semi Final 1 Semi Final 2
  20. Thanks to everyone who has been patiently waiting for these. With the Semi-finals this week and the biggest DP penalties of the season being applied it has been a busy week. If you click on the spreadsheet you will see a larger version which should tell you all you need to know. Congrats to those going up and I am sure those going down will bounce back this month
  21. I have added the track link to the first post
  22. drumbstick


  23. Results: W&Y: 79 21 981 330 454 221 781 589 515 58 65 211 Heat 1: 291 211 781 589 87 454 43 112 89 46 39 116 17 488 31 65 515 Heat 2: 236 330 616 246 180 305 41 79 380 21 262 221 691 210 58 338 981 Heat 3: 330 236 79 87 41 781 116 981 454 488 17 691* 262 39 489 31 246 21 Heat 4: 616 338 211* 46 112 180 43 291 305 589 65* 58 380 515 221 210 Consi 1: 221 21 981 210 65 489 691 31 380 58 17 515 262 116 488 39 B-Final: 17 691 31 380 116 58 488 515 262 489 A-Final: 87 981 236 291 221 246 41 454 210 180 305 43 589 616 46 112 65 781 21 79 330 338 GN 1: 291 43 454 112 17 31 87 46 246 210 981 79 515 58 GN 2: 616 338 236 262 116 330 781 305 380 488 180 691 41 21 65 589 * Docked two places for a jump start Points: 43 pts 236 DanSkin 37 pts 291 Marten 37 pts 87 Robin H25 28 pts 616 Jeyder 24 pts 330 Menace 21 pts 454 Frans 21 pts 981 MartinB 19 pts 246 Stox 18 pts 338 Evnos 18 pts 41 Drumbstick 17 pts 211 Stannie 17 pts 781 Adam Rolph 17 pts 43 Sije 16 pts 112 Tom D 13 pts 180 wardieee 12 pts 221 Spike 11 pts 79 weeryan 11 pts 46 Nezza 11 pts 116 JK 10 pts 17 Aza 10 pts 305 jakiejnr 8 pts 589 Stijneman 7 pts 262 Harmen 7 pts 31 Simon 5 pts 210 skegTomp 5 pts 380 Liam Powell 3 pts 691 Jakeeey 2 pts 488 Dave 1 pts 21 LouisH 1 pts 58 minitom 0 pts 65 dan heath 0 pts 419 F.Burhenne 0 pts 515 Big Al 0 pts 39 LeeK 0 pts 489 Mooby REPLAYS
  24. Tonight will start with the whites and yellows race, followed by 4 heats. The top 18 drivers will qualify for the final with a further 4 from the consolation. There will be enough GNs for everyone Heat 1: 65, 211, 454, 781, 17, 419, 515, 589, 43, 31, 39, 46, 116, 291, 488, 87, 112, (Server .48 Steward Dode) Heat 2: 21, 58, 79, 210, 221, 330, 981, 246, 262, 338, 616, 180, 380, 691, 41, 236, 305, (Server .45Steward Stumpy) Heat 3: 21, 79, 454, 781, 17, 330, 419, 981, 246, 262, 31, 39, 116, 488, 691, 41, 87, 236 (Server .48Steward Dode) Heat 4: 58, 65, 211, 210, 221, 515, 589, 43, 338, 616, 46, 180, 291, 380, 112, 305, , (Server .45Steward Stumpy)
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