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Everything posted by thebagoo

  1. WD Dan.
  2. Bagoo. 384. Blue, most likely.
  3. Says it all
  4. I think it's already on dx9 cos that's what I normally run. Cheers for help. If I get time to try it and it works I'll book in....
  5. I'll try dx9 but I'm fairly sure that's not it. I tried about 5 other tracks including Buxton, stoke, Birmingham........... And all were working OK. Sometimes I get the warning box, other times, it just hangs. It may work for some because of existing files elsewhere? Or is a track completely self contained in its folder? I think I have raced Bristol before and it was OK so I guess it's something to do with this new track.
  6. I seem to have a problem with Bristol v1.0 I deleted the Bristol folder in "locations" before installing. When I try to load this track, I get a dialog box with: "Error loading texture F2_TRUCK_391 for material ROADA245." There are some similar dialogs afterwards, complaining about ROADA245, followed by rfactor bombing out. Any ideas ?
  7. Well done, Dan. A deserved win for a worthy and respected champion.
  8. I don't think he was referring to you, Ricky. You have respect for other drivers. correct didnt even bother with GN Don't blame you
  9. I don't think he was referring to you, Ricky. You have respect for other drivers.
  10. thebagoo 384 red please
  11. thebagoo 384 red (presumably)
  12. Lloydy - I don't bother with World of Tanks anymore. I did play it quite a lot until I got about 3 tanks at tier 8 (just by free play) and then it became a waste of time watching your shells bouncing off Russian tanks all day (the devs are Russian - says everything you need to know). Plus, there were a fair few plebs on it. Maybe they changed things in the new version but I couldn't be bothered to download it. Only one problem with playing online....other people ;-)
  13. thebagoo 384 red ta
  14. Cheers, grasser!
  15. Hi, No servers listing....are they down for maintenance ? Cheers, Bagoo
  16. Some problem logging in at the website. Uploaded here, instead. Please let me know if these are illegal ;-) Bagoo_384_Skinpack_1_2014_TarmacOL.zip
  17. Hi Ritzo, This part of the above guide is useful: http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9f09hBwBe1ro4yis.jpg ....as when you press the throttle, you should see the RH red vertical bar increase etc. If it doesn't reach the full extent, then maybe your device needs calibrating. Try looking in the control panel for gaming controllers (sometimes under human interface devices). You should find something that allows you to see the steer angle and pedal positions... e.g. For the G27, there is this. http://forums.logitech.com/t5/image/server...pbl-1&px=-1 The G27 doesn't need calibrating but if you have something different, there may be a calibration sequence you need to follow. If you get really stuck, let us know what wheel it is and someone will be able to figure it out. Cheers, Bagoo
  18. Sorry! PM'd Dave with them just for good measure.
  19. On behalf of 385: Boostman Please let me know if there are any problems.
  20. thebagoo 384 yellow ta
  21. thebagoo 384 yellow ta
  22. Is it not this? http://www.ukdirtforum.com/lofiversion/index.php/t38262.html
  23. WD Ashley
  24. Login to UKDirt website. Then go to Downloads UKDirt Chat That page has all the downloads and information you will need to sort chat out
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