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Everything posted by thebagoo

  1. Hi, Typically, work want me to go and recruit some of the great unwashed tomorrow afternoon meaning it'll be tricky for me to get back in time tomorrow night as it'll all depend on motorway traffic. If I book in, at what time can I book out without causing too many furrowed brows? Cheers, Bagoo
  2. Just in case. Bagoo 384 Yellow Thanks
  3. Boost - if you have complaints, it's best to itemise them and send them to Danskin or LeeK etc. Just record who, which race, what happened. They will be reviewed and DPs issued as necessary. Bagoo
  4. Just in case the website booking hasn't worked. bagoo 384 yellow Thanks!
  5. It's a great tool. While it's stealthy, it also saves Windows slowing down by having the registry bloat you always get by installing stuff. Plus, you just bung it on a USB stick or common drive and run everything from there. I've read some of the blurb on how to package things up and it looks fairly straight forward. Maybe in closed season I'll try some experiments on packaging rfactor + patches +all UK Dirt mods everything else up so people have a turn-key UK Dirt "install" without having to muck about. Another thing that can be packaged up is pchat - this is an open source, free IRC client that I already use to access the UK Dirt chat. I think it's possible to "pre set up" this and this may help people get online to race. I don't see why this can't live in the package, too...this might be a help to the less computer literate in getting racing.
  6. Cheers!
  7. Hi, Any chance the server can be switched over to Ipswich or has the next fixture changed venue ? Thanks, Bagoo
  8. Hi, Since the server seems to be all Posterholt, if anyone hasn't gone to Skeggy or the pub and you fancy some practice in a private server, PM me. Bagoo
  9. thebagoo


    Hi, Have you sorted this out now? Bagoo
  10. Nice one...! You packaged up Photoshop yourself or did you get it from somewhere? I do the same but for Gimp etc. Keeps the IT people uninterested since their audit software doesn't pick up these portable app goodies.
  11. bagoo 384 yellow, please.
  12. Anyone on the technical side of UK Dirt tried this with rfactor + mods? If you head over to Portable Apps, you'll see a lot of current applications that can be run without being "installed." I was thinking whether it was possible to package up rfactor + any patches + F1 mod + F2 mod + etc and then package this up into something that you just plonk on your hard disk. Obviously, a CD is still required for the copy protection. I was thinking if this would help the less "computer literate" to get these mods up and running with the right skins, real feel, etc without any hassle. I know you can move the game between hard disks cos I did it when I built a new PC..... Bagoo
  13. Boost - If you struggle with this, let me know and I'll Mikogo it.
  14. thebagoo 384 yellow please
  15. Two things you have to remember here. 1.) In the F1s especially the default set-ups are probably not more than a tenth maybe two at some places away from Superstar pace. This means that making the changes suggested in the guides won't gain you huge amounts of time, and unless you can do the same lap time within a few 100s every lap you probably won't know if its the set-up or you that is making the difference. As an example, I get to spend very little time in rFactor these days, often no more than 30 mins before a meeting. In that time I am never going to get the sort of consistency I need to be confident in any set-up changes and have found if I do make any then when I go back to the track next time the changed set-up is slower. 2.) Balance is everything. As an extreme example you can jack the right front corner up and it will give you loads of bite of the corner; however it will understeer like a pig all the way round the turn because the left rear needs to unload to help the car turn so it does you no good. This applies to every change you make; it has to have a trade off somewhere else. The change you made might be the correct one however you might need to make a further change to counteract the negative effect from the previous change and bring the balance back Hi, Thanks for the info. I rarely run with the default but I have just been practicing around Hednesford and reverted to the default and found it to be more consistent (but not quicker) than another set up I've been trying to develop. On tracks I like, I probably now have at least 1000 laps (probably sounds a low figure to some people) and am fairly consistent so I have an idea what makes a difference on those when I make small modifications. I'm not a particular fan of tar and, despite putting more laps in on it, I still struggle to get consistency. It's funny you mention the front right as I have a tendency to lower it to give me more turn in and I tend to lower the caster, too, which gives me more grip through the turn as I *think* the car isn't pivoting so much when I steer more aggressively. Perhaps it's just my imagination. I would tend, when modifying the setup on tarmac to change this in this order: a. Gear ratio b. Wedge c. Tyre pressures d. Track bar e. Ride height (outside front only) f. caster g. Some spring. I rarely touch shocks but I think this is probably what I ought to be tackling ahead of some other things. I've been trying to look at some of the data that Motec produces but it's hard to work out what information tells you something valuable. I guess I'd really like to get tyre contact patch info out of rfactor so I know how to maximise grip but I think I maybe need to write some code to access this data! Or maybe I just need to keep practicing. Cheers, Bagoo
  16. Hi KrisH, Yeah, raceline is a good resource and I reformatted the "troubleshooting" bit into something I could pin up on the desk. Trouble is, in some cases, I've found that doing the opposite of what is suggests yielded the best results! Not all cases, mind. Just some. Have to just keep tinkering, I think. Cheers, Bagoo
  17. See above. In the v0.92 .rar archive (can be opened using 7zip or peazip or whatever) that I just downloaded there are a) RealFeelPlugin.dll b) Controller.ini c) Three readme files (unimportant, mostly) If I look at my rfactor installation, these files live in the places shown: a) The RealFeelPlugin.dll is in my "C:\Program Files (x86)\rFactor\Plugins" folder. b) The Controller.ini is in my "C:\Program Files (x86)\rFactor\UserData\thebagoo384" folder. I also have a RealFeelPlugin.ini file in my "C:\Program Files (x86)\rFactor" folder BUT I'm not sure if the last item was automatically created when the real feel plug-in first ran as this ini file isn't in the archive that I downloaded. Now, that's where the files are living in my rfactor install and real feel seems to work so I'm guessing these locations are correct. So, you definitely need to put the right files in the right places for it to work....try these locations and see what happens. Cheers, Bagoo
  18. Fancied a change..... thebagoo384_skp6_TARMAC.zip
  19. Not sure if I understand what you mean. In c:\program files (x86)\rfactor there should be a file called 'RealFeelPlugin.ini' If it isn't there, you haven't got it. If it is there, in that file, you should see this at the start... [General] RealFeelIsOn=True ConsoleEnabled=False SpeechEnabled=True SteerForceInputMax=11500.000000 KeyRepeatDelay=0.100000 ConsoleRepeatDelay=0.100000 MinSpeed=10.000000 SmoothingLevel=0 LogEnabled=False DefaultMaxForceAtSteeringRack=1500.000000 DefaultSteeringDamper=11500.000000 DefaultSmoothingLevel=0 ... Hope this helps...
  20. If it's working, you should hear "real feel enabled" in some garbled female voice each time you start a driving session.
  21. I've tried that approach and that's the usual line I try to take. What I have noticed, especially on tarmac, is that it normally ends up with me being easier to attack when entering a bend plus I find it hard to attack because the car isn't set up for a high corner entry speed. What I've been trying to do more of late is set it up so I can get the power on quickly, like you do in a kart...they don't seem to grip unless you power through the bend. Not sure if this is applicable to an F1 but I'll try anything!
  22. Yeah, I've learned this, also. I'm trying to find my own way with some by looking at the difference between yours and the defaults and why it makes a difference. I've tried using the raceline and other setup guides but none of the tweaks I try that they suggest really seem to make the "critical" improvement so I've just started buggering around with stuff and trying to assess what the change helped with. Interesting that you change gear ratios and braking effort - these are two things I hardly ever touch. Maybe that's where I'm going wrong!
  23. Thanks again, Southy - these have been a big help for me in understanding how to set the car up for myself. If only I knew *how* you'd arrived at some of the settings, that would be another matter! Cheers, Bagoo
  24. Hi m8, Not raced there yet but I think that maybe 13.9 or 14.0 might be a useful time. Maybe someone who has raced there can better answer this. Cheers, Bagoo
  25. cheers mate thats pukka also do you race f2s or saloons not sure if im on the pace on the practice on my own lol. Hi m8, I don't race those but had been thinking of racing F2s, if not just on shale. If any of them are like racing hot rods, let me know and I'll have a go as that seems to be more my style No wonder I was always a Bert Finnikin fan! I do have some F2 setups that Southy posted (and he didn't hang about on the track) so if you want me to send you those, let me know. Or, you can probably find them on here somewhere in one of Southy's retirement posts...I had a quick look for it just but couldn't find it. Cheers, Bagoo
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