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Everything posted by thebagoo

  1. Cheers. I usually go better on shale. Besides, sideways is proper racing Let me know if you want any help with setups in practice. I might not have the answers (certainly on tarmac) but I've learned a few things since I started and I can maybe point you in the right direction. Besides, it's best to develop your own setup for your own style of driving... Also, if meetings are on and UK D servers are busy, I sometimes run a practice server with a few other drivers and we chew over what seems to work and what doesn't, set up wise. Not saying you'll learn anything but if you're struggling on a track, you'll at least you'll be with like-minded, clueless people! Cheers, Bagoo
  2. Been cheaper to have got an F2 by now? ;-) Well, Stoxkart, maybe.
  3. Thanks for running the meeting and to all those who won...and raced well. I nearly loaded for good after heat 2 as I'd had enough of being "relatively" quick but getting nothing. So, a lesson in there maybe. Cheers again and apologies to those who I got in the way of, particulary in the final. Bagoo
  4. 384 TheBagoo Yellow, please. Cheers, Bagoo
  5. ^ see what I mean about holding price. Just for reference on prices, I got a ~6 month old one that had been used very little (bloke who had it had a very short attention span) for £130 on Ebay after doing a bit of a backdoor dealing with him. I think the auction ended on £160 but he honoured the price we agreed. Cheers Bagoo
  6. Skins posted on behalf of 385. The Smith skin (shale, I think) doesn't have a rear number plate in the cab so I stuck the number on the rear panel. Is that OK with respect to the rules? Cheers, Bagoo 385_Skins.zip
  7. Hi, I had a gameport MS FFB wheel and then moved to a G27...the difference, especially on shale, is chalk and cheese. I know others who have moved to a G27 and they also say it's a big difference. But, it won't make you ultra competitive just on its own. If you want a second hand G25/G27, expect to pay upwards of 100 quid, maybe 150 quid tops. The thing is, if you get one in good condition and look after it, I suspect it'll hold it's price well. Again, there is a setup guide for wheels on UKSOM. Cheers, Bagoo
  8. thebagoo

    set ups

    Hi m8, As I said in the server, and as others have pointed out, be careful with the throttle and just practice, practice, practice. I think we gave you some setups, too - are they not working out ? The thing is, someone else's setup won't necessarily suit your style - you have to find your own way, to some extent..but look at what other people's setups have changed in them to try to learn what does what. Also, as I said, take a look at the UKSOM website for some info on setups although I'm not sure I believe what it says as some of the setups I've seen bear little relationship to how it says about setting the car up. Also, try googling - I think there is a resource at raceline with some useful info on it. Cheers, Bagoo
  9. Hi, As always, be extra careful if you don't know what you're doing / make a copy of the original file before following this guide If you're having trouble messing about trying to find UK Dirt Servers instead of racing, you can always edit your bookmark file. Since this has affected me/some others, perhaps this would be a useful thing to share. The bookmark file is normally located at: C:\Program Files (x86)\rFactor\UserData\<your user name>\bookmarks.xml or C:\Program Files\rFactor\UserData\<your user name>\bookmarks.xml If you edit this file, it could be empty or partially populated with some XML guff. If you wish to have bookmarks for the servers, paste this into it (replacing everything else) and save it. There may be some issues with Windows 7 "security" so you may have to copy the bookmark file to your desktop, then edit/paste, then save, then copy it back again. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <bookmarklist> <bookmark> <name>UKDirt Server 1 (.48)</name> <ip></ip> <port>34297</port> <password></password> <comment></comment> </bookmark> <bookmark> <name>UKDirt Server 2 (.45)</name> <ip></ip> <port>34297</port> <password></password> <comment></comment> </bookmark> </bookmarklist> When you click "join", then choose the "friends list" tab, you should see the servers listed. Note that it still sometimes requires a refresh to find the servers.... Hope this helps. Bagoo
  10. just booked in via website but please book me in - thebagoo 384 yellow
  11. Hi, I've coerced a new recruit into joining up (Boostman) - he's desperate to race at Buxton, he's had his "training" and he's paid his dues this evening...will his membership be processed in time? Thanks Bagoo
  12. thebagoo 384 yellow, please.
  13. book in please. thebagoo 384 yellow
  14. thebagoo


    I take it this is it? http://www.ukdirtforum.com/index.php?showt...&hl=bristol
  15. thebagoo


    Same here. It doesn't appear to be on UK Dirt or UKSOM. Anyone help, please?
  16. I'd suggest starting from scratch. Uninstall rfactor and then delete the rfactor directory from program files if is hasn't gone already. Then reinstall it and check it works in it's non-modded form. Copy this to something like c:\rfactor\backups\original Then, add one mod and check it works. Copy this to something like c:\rfactor\backups\original_with_f1 Then, add a track and see if that works... Backup.. Add a mod. Try the track(s) Backup Add another track. Try it in both mods. Backup.. etc. Tedious, I know, but you'll find out what breaks it. Out of interest, which mod have you installed first and which track(s) ? Is it Windows 7/8 too? If Win 8, i think people have reported issues. Either way, try running the program in "administrator mode"
  17. WD to winners and a nice meeting with great racing. Thanks to the admins, too. Enjoyed the track a lot. Pity I missed a heat - serves me right for reading the news when I should be watching chat. I wondered where everyone had gone ;-) Anyway, see ya next week.
  18. Didn't see this until now. If you need some assistance, PM me. I don't have Windows 8 but I can try to sort you out.
  19. thebagoo


    13.74 here. But I don't think I'll be getting too many of those. Average is higher, maybe 13.8/.9 if I settle down. So, when racing, it'll be 14.5-15.0 ;-) Bagoo
  20. 28 views and no help? Hmmm. Not good. What version of windows are you running? If Win 7, have they gone into the right program files folder? This is true if you have a 64 bit version.. I'm assuming you have downloaded the items and installed them to the default locations via their installers. If you look in: c:\Program Files\rFactor\GameData\Locations\ You should see folder names for the tracks you have installed. They may also possibly (more likely) be in this place: c:\Program Files (x86)\rFactor\GameData\Locations\ If they exist in the same place as your rfactor, which I guess they do since you say they show up in the grasstracking, have you had a good root around as they might be hidden under "UK ovals" or some other name (try clicking some boxes with '+' in them to reveal any 'hidden' tracks). Ultimately, they should be in the same place as you find them for the grass tracking mod. Otherwise, if you can use these tracks via the grass track mod but you cannot see the tracks in any other mod than that's perhaps an installation problem or something bizarre with your comp. You could try reinstalling the mods and/or the tracks just to verify everything is OK. Hope this helps. Bagoo
  21. thebagoo 384 yellow Thanks!
  22. Seems to be up at the moment: Just in case The Bagoo 384 Yellow
  23. Hi, May have a new recruit to UK Dirt as he's been set up with a PC and rfactor + mods. He was going to use my old M$ FFB wheel but it's game port and doesn't work with Windows 7 (or I couldn't get it working, anyway) I've got a G27 and this has obviously been recommended by me as it's a great wheel and should hold it's value. I'm not too hot on other wheels, though - does anyone have any recommendations for a suitable FFB wheel up to say, 140 quid? Bagooo
  24. Well done Dan and to all the race winners. The final was what I expected - brutal! In the end, I had no idea who was on the lead lap or not so I decided to just pull off out of the way and watch the last bend. Quite pleased with three 3rds considering I expected to get zilch on the tarry stuff. Good and fair racing all night - very enjoyable. Thanks to the admins, too. Bagoo
  25. Interesting results - thanks to all that voted. It's probably what I expected. One interesting question might be...was anyone using a particular view for a while, then changed view and suddenly found themselves a lot more consistent or successful? Bagoo
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