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Posts posted by LeeK39

  1. So I uploaded some designs on Wednesday I think and ill admit it, I got lazy! So ive spent some time on them and will be finishing them after work. Would it be ok to hand them in as my old ones havent yet been released in the skin pack? And if yes where to as the website still isnt letting us log in.


    Thankss :)


    Whats your issue with the website as I am able to login with no issues?



    it says this


    Attempted Login


    Oops, an error has occured. The login details you have entered have not been recognised within our system. Please re-enter your details and try again.



    Its the correct username and password, even double checked my emails to make sure aha :P It seems like its forgotten me


    PM me with the username details you use on site and I will look into it for you.


  2. So I uploaded some designs on Wednesday I think and ill admit it, I got lazy! So ive spent some time on them and will be finishing them after work. Would it be ok to hand them in as my old ones havent yet been released in the skin pack? And if yes where to as the website still isnt letting us log in.


    Thankss :)


    Whats your issue with the website as I am able to login with no issues?

  3. Did you download the track off the website recently? Or was it the track you had last year?


    I have just updated the link on the website for the Sexbierum download so if you are experiencing issues then I suggest you do a clean install of the track using the updated download on the UKDIrt website.

  4. Was a shame the turnouts wasnt so good at the end, I guess some people prefer the F2 style of racing (more contact), the Superstox I'm told do tend to be more controlled with the rules with regards to contact and thats what was tried with these this season, whether it works for Online Racing I'm still not sure myself.


    Hope to see everyone back for the new F2 season

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