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Everything posted by Kev152

  1. Results and photos from the weekend now online @ www.racewall.net
  2. theres a couple on my site at the moment, plus a transponder also on there I think.. Kev
  3. thick servers are better graphically - can't hold as many cars due to the increase in detail. By detail i mean, that when you hit a car, the hit is quite realistic, and you can see the other cars sliding etc, climbing walls. in bangers for example as well, on thick you can see damage on other cars thin servers, can get more cars, but less detail, cant see cars sliding - they always appear straight - thin servers you can't see the damage sustained to other cars either. Hits can be unreal, on one computer it may be a tap, but then on the other persons screen, its a full belt hit and they go flying. Thick is generally better quality for racing in.
  4. Remember, the racing may not start till around 7pm this coming Saturday, and may run on a little after 10pm with the permission of the council. This is due to the fact that Cowdenbeath - aka the Blue Brazil - are playing there final home game of the season - and as you may be aware, if they win it, they are league champions, and therefore there will be a few celebrations after the match, while they wait on the trophy arriving to be presented. Anyone else going to the match? I'll be going along and cheering on the mighty Blue Brazil.. How does the song go... "There Was A Coo..."
  5. as far as i believe, the car is written off. how unlucky is he - 2 cars in 2 seasons, written off. i was told he'll be back out racing in a couple of weeks with another new car.
  6. so maybe you won´t any longer allow questions for the not ukdirt supported mods here???? If you won´t support GT Legends or stuff like this its fine but Monistox, Robins, Superstox is stuff especially for this tracks and that kind of sport we all love Thats not what i meant, i was purely referring to the ukdirt games files that can be downloaded from the ukdirt web site, if there is a crash. The forum is primarily for ukdirt. The web spaces is paid for for the use of ukdirt files etc. Im not saying you wont get the odd file that aint ukdirt, but ukdirt is what its meant for. If possible, we'll direct you to where you can get the required files if we know where they can be found etc, so yes, the forum can still be used for support for other mods if its necessary. And i doubt we'll stop people uploading other stuff to the forum.
  7. Due to previous members signing up over and over again, and just intent on ruining it for others, the ukdirt admin decided that offering the free trial was no longer viable as it was not fair on our paid up members, who are having practice and races ruined, restarted and tracks changed randomly by free trialists. It was decided that in order to have the trial, members must pay a £5 deposit which is non refundable, but will be taken from the jolt fee, should you wish to subscribe to use jolt for the remainder of the year. Details will be in the email that you recieved when you signed up on the ukdirt web site as to how to pay the deposit etc.
  8. the ukdirt web site has all the downloads that are required for ukdirt mods.
  9. Cheers Kev for all the time and work you put into maintaining the forum, and getting it all live again when something outwith your control goes wrong. keep up the good work - its always appreciated
  10. Kev152

    30 replica

    Put some in game shots of the car, looks better than the renders imo
  11. hmm, You've read Dragons posts about renders etc. I'm sure if you asked Dragon for help, and for permission to use his models, he would help. I know I can't render etc, never really tried, but sometimes, you just get fed up seeing renders. The cars are meant for in a game, not for as Dragon puts it, sitting on mirrors. It aint exactly any wonder dragon gets annoyed at people doing renders of his models, where they dont do his models any justice at all, and look quite tacky. practice doing the renders, and once you get the hang of it, and they look realistic, then post them on forum for people to see... Dragon is right with most of what he says, sometimes a little blunt and to the point...but hey...
  12. Hi, I have updated Racewall.net with the following: Drivers List Added, and Scottish Points Charts Added. Also, now a gallery from Cowdie on site. http://www.racewall.net
  13. Results from Cowdie tonight added. Will get some pics up tomorrow - no action shots tho. Also, remember to vote for your driver of the meeting in the forum... http://www.racewall.co.uk/Racewall06/07/Fo...showThread&T=31
  14. Just updated Racewall.net with photos from todays practice - Also added first madman article of 2006 www.racewall.net
  15. Updated racewall.net with pics from todays practice meeting. http://www.racewall.net (Site is still in the testing stage...So any errors you come cross, let me know)
  16. Kev152


    Have a look at the hot rod area on the forum; the hot rod web site has alternative downloads for the mod available, for when problems occur with the site
  17. One on racewall.net stock market page for sale, was added on 25th
  18. Please follow this link for more information on the memorial meeting for Mikey 961
  19. Happy 18th mate.. Have a good un. N don't get too drunk.. Kevin
  20. Kev152


    src="bubbles.swf?tarframe=_self&exbackground=3C9DFF&makenavfield0=Agenda&makenavurl0="agenda.htm"target="hoofd"" Delete the " before agenda.htm that " will be closing the initital one from bubbles.swf etc, then after that is being read as outside the quotes so it will read src="bubbles.swf?tarframe=_self&exbackground=3C9DFF&makenavfield0=Agenda&makenavurl0=agenda.htm" target="hoofd" and include the space before target
  21. Hmmm... So you've got MKTEX file in the same folder as your tga file, say its i a folder called Skins within My Documents... On XP, I think when you load up the command prompt, its into your local area.. So you would type Chdir mydocu~1/skins/ enter mktex car777.tga car777.tex enter should work... NB, when changing directories, command prompt will only accept names of up to 6 characters, and you gotta take out any spaces. Anything more than 6 characters, you replace the remaining characters with ~1 as above.
  22. Freddy Try contacting Rab Norrie - www.red5panelkits.co.uk - He says he has starlet panels. Kevin
  23. Agree that Cowdenbeath is not the best track in the game - but for different reasons - the actual layout of the track, is quite similar to how it is in real life, i'm more concerned about the smoothness of the track, and the lengths of the straights - Also, I'm not to sure, but think it would require a lot of work in order for it to be re-modelled. Though, if someone is willing to do it, and do it well, i'm for it, but I think for the time being anyway, we have to make do.
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