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Everything posted by Flyinsi

  1. have a goodun nick
  2. here's my latest of Baby Bertha, WHAT A CAR !!!!!!!!!
  3. agreed john, also I never realised madcowie used to race WOO and was interested in brisca which is a big bonus I reckon
  4. can ya dig it birthday boy have a goodun
  5. get well soon bill
  6. nice to hear Mag hope everything goes ok for the both of you
  7. have a goodun
  8. I have done a couple of races with madcowie and he is definatley interested in doing stuff with RFactor and like you say he is a great track builder so maybe when the track making tools are released it could be worth bunging in a few requests. As for Mr G I hope he's slaving away coz GTL is looking fantastic judging by the demo
  9. I will put a server up at 8 for some van fun, sorry but I can only get 8 in my sever so it will be 1st come 1st served. IP KILLED
  10. thanx cunny, I can host ht 6 if you wanted to swap me about
  11. have a goodun m8
  12. did he take the magnette to blockbuster as I'm sure I saw it there cabs ??
  13. cunny I'm only down for 2 heats m8
  14. I can host but not sure how many I can get in
  15. have a goodun mac you old bugger you
  16. congrats x2
  17. RIP Beech so sad saw him recently at the blockbuster and that really brings it home to you. Thoughts and condolences to friends and family. Also spare a thought for Jethro as he must be going through the mill right now
  18. yep thanx aussie
  19. Hi james RFactor is fantastic imho. The cars that come with the game are quite tricky to get the hang of but the F3 mod is stunning and tbh I think the modding side of things is what the whole project is about. Agree John you are gonna need a reasonable spec to play online but I have seen servers running 40 cars with pings of under 20. Also there is supposed to be an automic skin D/L facility within the game which when it becomes available could be a great way around skinpacks etc as every time you connect you will get the updated skins straight away. flyinsi
  20. thanx wrighty me and a couple of mates have been thinking about going to the ring sometime and hiring out something really quick to go round in or failing that winning the lottery. Very interesting reading m8 thanx and love the porsche section lmao wouldnt it be nice to find how much of a s***box it is supposed to be tho
  21. have a goodun kev
  22. Having been playing R Factor and seeing the obvious possibilities of modding it, not by me I might add . Would it be worth taking the step of trying to mod another sim as nascar heat will inevitably become harder to find and I for one would love to be still racing online on the short ovals in another 10 years time. I know this would be a massive task and it isnt going to happen overnight but Don't you think it's time to move on ?? Flyinsi
  23. have a goodun freddy
  24. aussie you forgot little old me
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