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Everything posted by Flyinsi

  1. oi oi traveloy have a goodun m8ty
  2. yes big al I got it for my boy last year and it is pretty good, not to massive and it's got a nice crossover to practice your driving skills on
  3. well done choobs and kelly congrats to both of you
  4. lol sadly that's prolly more near the mark than we would care to imagine grasser
  5. thanx for the clips cap
  6. yep nice to meet up again james, great meeting and a massive follow in for paul tapp, how he got out of that one I'll never know. Shame tiggy can't get a car that actually works but at least there was some nice tin that DID run.
  7. should have my ukdirt shirt on if it's nice and cabs did meet you at blocky last year in the pits with ranny and tugs. And splodge you better turn up coz you still owe me that ice cream
  8. anyone going coz would be nice to meet a few more ukdirters ??
  9. What a game and how knackered am I after my 4am start. Well done Liverpool that has to rate among the best comeback of all time. Highlight of the evening had to be Dudek doing his Grobbelar impression, fantastic stuff. Let's hope UEFA back down so the two merseydide clubs get a crack of champion's league football next year.
  10. Who'd have thought Lord Vader knew what a Badger was, top link andy
  11. happy birthday adam I'll get you a drink if you're at crasharama
  12. thanx for the piccies sim not sure I would like to be on them bikes tho looks a tad slippy
  13. Lol looks like another lost in the post item Mag
  14. good idea Shaft altho mine's got a puncture at the moment
  15. d/l it yesterday scrappy but not had time to have a blast tho, can't wait for GT legends like you say cap looks brilliant the trailer is superb stuff
  16. sorry thought it would be a bit near the knuckle after posting it no offence meant
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