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Everything posted by Flyinsi

  1. what about the minis Seriously tho It would be great to have a sunday for example to have a meeting with a different formulae including NZ mini's etc as both Ben and Dragon have put in some great work for it not to be utilised in jolt. I think there is plenty of scope particularly with NZ to be run in a league outwith UKdirt but that's another issue.
  2. Sorry to hear of your problems m8. Hope your back online soon JB as I have just painted up a nice target on the back of my 2 for ya. In the meantime here's a piccy of me and mrs si on valentine's day
  3. thanx m8 and tbh i suspect I have got a big time prob as I have formatted twice already and am still getting lots of different problems. Thanx for the link m8 i will give it a try
  4. I get this error when trying to access msdos to convert my skins. Any ideas ??
  5. lol@ cunny chosen ones I wish m8. thanx Kev I think I'm gonna have to give it a try
  6. My internet explorer browser keeps crashing and I'm also getting loads of pop-ups despite having a pop up blocker, anti-spy and anti-virus switched on. This is still happening despite having formatted my hard drive and it's doing my head in. I'm also getting generic host errors so any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanx in advance Flyinsi
  7. rofl I never tire of watching this cabs cheers, now lets try and name a few of the characters from Captain Pugwash shall we
  8. thanx as ever cap, may come in handy for my next movie
  9. excellent stuff from MR G and the team bring it on
  10. thanx for the replies chaps and sorry about using youknowwhat scrappy. I am currently trying to get some webspace and as soon as I have I will let you know. I think after 25 downloads it is automatically blocked, so If you don't want to wait PM me and I will send you a new link after I re-upload it, obviously it will be 1st come 1st served until I have a permanent webspace
  11. Flyinsi


    sorry craig haven't got his addy but nice to see you back in the ukdirt forums m8
  12. http://s23.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=21WEEO5...BN0H8ZD24XVB0KT Thanx to all who have posted clips Enjoy. Feedback is welcome as I'm planning to do a few more of these during the year
  13. This is a question of how to get video footage on the PC. Do I need a capture card and if so can anyone recommend a reasonably priced one as I'm planning on doing a bit of filming this year. Thanx in advance Flyinsi
  14. lmfao that is brilliant
  15. missed this thread well done cunny m8
  16. very nice model but a bit out of my price range
  17. I'm not miss marple but I reckon it's in France somewhere
  18. quality Mac, looking forward to seeing the double act with my home boi P Diddy David
  19. Very sad to hear of your loss boozie, although I haven't met you we have always had a good crack online and my thoughts are with you at this sad time.
  20. Flyinsi


    thanx as ever for the clips cap
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