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Everything posted by Flyinsi

  1. that really is a super bus trav
  2. thanx as ever for the clips cap and sorry to hear there were some injuries, keep us up to date on how they are m8
  3. yes john the 65 mod is a lot easier and there are a couple of new mods in the pipeline inc Can Am
  4. cheers aussie now all I have to do is paint my own skin lol
  5. Gran Prix Legends, quite simply a stunning game despite being 8 years old. I would recommend d/l the 2004 demo from blackhole motorsports as it has all the graphical updates on it. Be warned tho it is not an easy game to master .
  6. all the best mav and let us know your progress
  7. dunno m8 I'm a webspace virgin myself but I'm going to have a crack at it when I can get some dosh spare
  8. top stuff stu talk about arriving in style. You could've started a new topic here m8 as my weapon of choice was a mk2 jag, I'll post a piccy if I can find the photos but I think mrs si must've hidden em lol
  9. lol that looks like mrs si on a good day
  10. thanx m8 will pop over for a look
  11. I have been recommended netfirms m8, $30 a year for 250 meg of space and 5gb data transfer a month, also comes with a cd for webpage building and doesnt need any html code knowledge
  12. I had the same problem getting into dos yorick, this worked for me. Go into documents and setting folder then into your user folder then start menu then programs then accessories there you should see a command prompt shortcut simply send to desktop to create shortcut and you should be able to get into dos ok. Sounds like you could have a virus so I would get hijackthis as wrighty suggested to me as well as spybot and adaware and do a couple of system scans. hope it helps a bit m8 cheers flyinsi
  13. here is dirtnz's excellent new track. I have posted it here as the d/l off his site is verrrrrrrry slow, hope you don't mind m8 http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?download=145
  14. here ya go rub enjoy http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?download=145
  15. the official name for that colour is " Kelly's ices Yellow " is it not cabs
  16. thanx m8 d/l as we speak. D/L was verrrrrrrry slow but it was well worth the wait absolute cracker of a track many thanx m8
  17. thanx as ever cap top stuff
  18. nice one spike keep us updated on how you get on m8
  19. thanx cunny and death to all virus makers
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