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Everything posted by Flyinsi

  1. Wahey well done Mart you Tart, lets hope it's the 1st of many
  2. people can make whatever they like but tbh I don't think there is gonna be a massive amount of interest in a mod like this. Failing that get yourself 3dmax and read some of the tutorials that are around on the web and have a go yourself as all the ukdirt mods have essentailly started out this way flyinsi
  3. get it here sparky http://s30.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=3SNSOGN...D73GVBMJN5DYP08
  4. top stuff wayne let us know how you get on
  5. Here is a link for the new mod which I have uploaded to yousendit (hope you don't mind dirtnz). I think it's limited to 25 downloads so get in quick flyinsi http://s30.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=3SNSOGN...D73GVBMJN5DYP08
  6. Hello there, does anyone have the alternate sound for brisca heat, the little block sound that was on the old brisca heat site. If so could you kindly upload it for me. thanx in advance flyinsi
  7. here are the tracks that come with the new NZ game http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?download=242
  8. finally got it courtesy of rubber big thanx m8, I will upload the tracks in a bit so you can see what you think. 1st impressions of mod are great, although the sound file is from the original nascar game here so if anyone has the sound file from the old brisca game I would love to bung that in there.
  9. good old royal mail mine arrived this morning, mainly due to the world beating service offered by ROYAL MAIL, WE DELIVER. ( that should be another tenner on the bonus for me )
  10. thanx rub, I don't use msn but if you wouldnt mind I'll set up my account again and give you a shout
  11. yes aussie mine has just stopped as well did anyone on here manage to get it ??
  12. np m8 but if you can get someone to upload it to yousendit you can get peeps to make mirrors and then you can get it out to a lot more people.
  13. Saw this on my mates Call Of Duty forum and had to bung it on here. free porn click here http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/youare.swf
  14. looking forward to this but d/l is soooooooooo slow 2.7kps 7 1/2 hrs to go on a broadband connection, I think you need to find someone that can host your file m8. www.yousendit.com will let you upload up to a gig of stuff and you can also get people to mirror the file there as well. Got to be worth a go m8
  15. mine should be in the post cap so soon as it's here I'll give you a shout
  16. Here's my new F2 stunningly rendered by dragon, had to have it on my desktop
  17. lol that's the wierdest jack I've ever seen
  18. Here is my banger racing compilation, massive thanx to Jonathan Mcleod for hosting http://www.motorsportmediamulti.com/Av_It_...;!!.WMV Please let me know what you think flyinsi
  19. great shame to hear that cabs always a regular and like trav says hopefully he will reconsider. I think it's time the person that did this is banned for good as I remember the punch up with the bears at blockbuster, not a great advert for the sport.
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