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Everything posted by Flyinsi

  1. here's mine hoping to see a few of these beauties at the festival of speed this year
  2. you need to register to d/l it m8 just click on the vid clips bit and scroll down page then click again and it will take you to the album, after you register 2 left clicks and a right to save target and youre on your way, btw there is tons more NZ stuff on there worth looking at
  3. http://74457601.home.icq.com/ it's in the video clips section
  4. lol you're right scrappy i can just about remember the 80's
  5. http://www.zeronews-fr.com/scribe.php?ident=volkswagen right click to save
  6. thanx dave btw you can d/l individual vid clips by registring and believe me it's well worth it as there are quite a few not on the video itself
  7. Found a great site with loads of piccies of NZ Stocks etc plus a vid which I'm d/l at the moment it's 96meg called petrolfumes 04. Well worth a look round D'oh here's the link http://74457601.home.icq.com/
  8. thanx trav I amybe updating my avatar very soon
  9. Have a goodun you two, Don't drink too much pry
  10. wow nice one dragon will be nice to have a blast in these
  11. Flyinsi


    thanx as ever chris
  12. nice one chuckie congrats to you and mrs chuckie, all the best for the future
  13. lmfao and I thought my banger prep was bad, glad you enjoyed it mate but I was looking at that thru my fingers seriously dangerous stuff
  14. Thanx Kev I am going to print this out and show it to the kids then sell their pressies on E-Bay Happy Christmas m8
  15. thanx stu guess it's fingers crossed time then
  16. Does anyone know if it's going to get a UK release or if there are plans for a PC release ??? This game is superb and sums up me to a tee, simple yet effective
  17. thanx for the info stu sounds like it might be worth a go
  18. Now all you need to do is kick the windows out and stick an H-Frame in it cabs
  19. LOL careful chris or you may tempt me, looks like I'm gonna need a few more xmas tips
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