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Everything posted by Flyinsi

  1. http://rapidshare.de/files/1841801/Armadil...x480_1.wmv.html mr breg reminded me I had d/l this so thought you all might want to take a look
  2. http://rapidshare.de/files/1841801/Armadil...x480_1.wmv.html here is the full vid in a bit better quality and you can save it to your hard drive if you want
  3. Absolutely gutted yet again Aussie but like you say at least we got a guaranteed 6 points with canaries coming back down to quote delia "Where are you" Hopefully several places above you love
  4. happy birthday BB and Wrighty ahhhhhh you romantic old fool you
  5. just got back from racing and thought you lot might be interested in this. there is a longer clip 6 mins approx of all the action or if you prefer I have made a clip of the big crash to round off proceedings. Enjoy Flyinsi :thumbsup: http://rapidshare.de/files/1783812/coaches.WMV.html The Big Crash http://www.flyinsi.com/big_hit.WMV Sadly one of the ministox drivers had to be cut out of his car but hopefully he was not too badly hurt ( back and neck problems I think)
  6. great site rub keep up the good work
  7. Nice one JB glad to see you're back up and running again
  8. Flyinsi

    Mav #325

    sorry to heat that mav but at least you gave it a crack. Know what you mean about back problems m8 as I have a cracked disc and tho I would love to have another crack at the bangers sometimes common sense has to prevail. Chin up m8ty flyinsi
  9. nice one gonzo hope you might venture down to taunton b4 it gets too scratched
  10. nice gesture you two and good man for rounding it up trav
  11. yep i'd go along with that aussie
  12. lol seems to be using the same line as I normally do. oh yeh almost forgot ahhhhhhh
  13. thanx for that stu, nothing like dropping someone in it, I'm only doing this for personal use and thoguht some peeps might like to see it, oh well shan't bother in future. You're right the majority of clips are from westcountry vids but i still compiled them myself, like I said tho shan't bother posting in here anymore
  14. have a goodun aussie and lets hope the tractor boys can do it
  15. www.flyinsi.com I have got a compialtion video ready to go when I figure out how to get it on there D'oh. I'll keep you all posted Flyinsi
  16. thanx for the piccies mag and like psyko says the old rods just look so much better, do you know if there is a fixture list for the classic rods or is it a one off meeting ??
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