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mad mick

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Everything posted by mad mick

  1. cheers cap, just wondered if my puter was broke, when i saw all that stuff about javascript. i was about to excecute my 13 yr old for messing with the settings lol.....
  2. i have been to the ukdirt site to get the super server info,and am unable to log in?the boxs where you type your name and password have dissappered?.
  3. they look like truimph stag wheels or 2500 pi wheels ....so long ago my memory fails me.
  4. well done my short friend.......don't forget a head on don't count unless you are flat out and screaming as you go in....
  5. sounds like a firewall problem??has the router got it's own firewall ??are you sure you have the correct ip address??cos i think it's different if you run it thro a router??check out the other treads on here i'm sure others have had the same problems?summat about allowing access with a certain port number....
  6. can't you burn them onto a disc ranny?if not send em to me by e-mail or msn and i will burn em 4 ya? no burner?borrow an external one from anyone?
  7. primera rwd? any chance of some pics of the drive train?
  8. it probley froze chris... had a look for ya? could'nt c u anywhere c u at cival war maybe.?
  9. it's all in hand jack hooty's knocking it up  spoke to hooty at the HMC and the track will be finished by fbf.....
  10. just started snowing in brum how is it in sunny? oxfordshire?
  11. happy biffday lads
  12. i may have a jaffa cake and a ham roll with your name on hooters i can't find me flask so you will have to bring the coffee
  13. Caps driving mate i've seen him drive on track make sure u put ya seat belt on...and ya crash hat...i'll make me own way there
  14. http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?download=1464 here is a link to the vb run files john was talkin about, download it your desktop, unzip it, and then run the file it should hopefully cure your problem.....mick
  15. it's all in hand jack hooty's knocking it up
  16. i'll be there barring any disasters...pick us up on the way tro brum lingus.....
  17. happy biffday oh mighty computer question's answering guru!!!
  18. more great work....well impresive dazza....i understand what you mean about making the track look shiney, but i'm sure we could live with it, if you could just lower the grip and call it wet..[easier said, than done i'm sure] i'm just thinking it may offer another challange to drive on as opposed to a "normal" oval track....i personally find milldenhall very difficult to master and smallfield,which are both different to the norm..like i say just an idea,i'm sure whatever you come up with will be excellant...please keep up the good work and i look forward to trying out ....basic, with figure of 8,and a wet surface ,and a ramp jump,and with marshalls you can run over,and a safty fernce you can launch cars over...tractors to push you off at the end....and dancing girls...a band between races...fireworks display's, an interactive bar you can go in after the race...and tell lies about how good you were.....when you get round to it....[maybe you could bash it up in your lunch break?]
  19. great stuff dazza...well done..i know from talking to nick and freddy how difficult it is to make tracks....any chance we could get a test version of your track?maybe call it dazza's banger world ? i have no idea how hard this is to do, but how about making it a wet track? i know we have northampton wet for stock cars,just wondered if it was possible to have a banger track made like that?..only an idea and like i say well done on getting this far.....Mick
  20. if you check the tread you got the set-ups from, i did leave detailed instructions on how to put them in your game..... quote........ download the attached set-up and unzip it .then copy and paste it into each track you have in your set up folder,if you do not have a paticular track in your folder ie wimbledon,you will have to go to that track in single player mode and load the advanced set up,the track should then appear in your set-up folder. once you have the set up in the track folder you should be able to load it in the garage screen,pls note this set up is a starting point only,it will require tweaking for ALL tracks,its not really any good for smallfield,and don't really suit metro's/yanks/jags.
  21. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1988-TOYOTA-COROLLA-...1QQcmdZViewItem after reading the long story, have another look at the box which gives all the vehicle detail's where it sez vrm lol.
  22. 491 after a couple of goes.....
  23. lmao very interesting...was even better when i got my 7 yr old to play...he will neva sleep again...
  24. i could think up loads of things that add and subtract to 11...wats that got to do with the price of sea bass.....get a life......or have you been watching lost on C4
  25. http://www.banditos.info/speles/sobersanta2.swf have a go at this post your best score...mine was 182 first go......
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