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Everything posted by Simon31

  1. Well done Skinner!
  2. Just semi for me Dave,
  3. Simon 31 red
  4. Thanks to all what raced tonight MASSIVE WELL DONE to DanSkin #236 who won the Grand National from a lap down! Results: Heat 1: 82 236 329 356 151 180 93 246 474 397 237 380 954 167 Heat 2: 329 31 236 167 39 397 356 47 443 474 394 238 93 Heat 3: 31 394 82 180 39 238 47 380 246 954 443 151 237 A-Final: 236 180 31 397 151 238 356 329 380 237 246 443 474 167 47 82 394 93 39 GN 1: 236 31 180 397 237 246 394 380 329 47 474 151 167 238 93 82 443 39 356 Points: 57 pts 236 Danskin 44 pts 31 Simon 38 pts 180 Wardieee 27 pts 397 Hamster 26 pts 329 tsjalle 19 pts 356 Mitch 18 pts 82 Dbecks 18 pts 151 Dode 15 pts 238 Kane 13 pts 394 PaulE 12 pts 39 Leek 10 pts 246 Stox 8 pts 237 Ricky 8 pts 47 Samson 7 pts 167 CB 4 pts 93 Twisty 3 pts 474 Danny King 2 pts 443 Ritzo 1 pts 954 Samwit 0 pts 65 Dan Heath 0 pts 117 DanW 0 pts 8 lloyd 0 pts 276 Tyzer 0 pts 691 Jakeeey 0 pts 146 Crashley 0 pts 188 Aub The replays are here!
  5. Heat 1: 82, 93, 8, 474, 954, 237, 276, 167, 188, 180, 236, 238, 397 (Server 48) Heat 2: 65, 117, 394, 31, 356, 443, 691, 47, 146, 229, 246, 39, 151, (Server 45) Heat 3: 65, 82, 8, 394, 276, 356, 691, 47, 146, 188, 151, 180, 238, 397 (Server 48) Heat 4: 93, 117, 474, 954, 31, 237, 443, 167, 229, 246, 39, 236 (Server .45)
  6. Simon 31 Blue
  7. Results: W+Y: 443 394 237 474 481 65 93 922 Heat 1: 31 380 151 52 443 237 221 238 981 39 848 394 65 8 Heat 2: 653 589 691 93 488 167 474 246 180 356 112 188 481 Heat 3: 653 180 188 238 589 167 221 52 93 848 981 394 481 Heat 4: 31 380 488 112 151 443 474 691 246 39 8 65 356 237 Consi 1: 39 8 848 394 356 147 65 A-Final: 112 188 180 380 238 167 474 39 981 488 93 8 691 246 52 151 598 394 221 31 653 848 237 443 GN 1: 31 151 238 188 443 981 356 848 8 112 52 394 GN 2: 180 653 39 589 380 488 237 691 474 93 246 221 167 147 Points: 38 pts 380 Liam Powell 37 pts 180 wardieee 33 pts 188 Aub 30 pts 31 Si 30 pts 238 Kane_M 29 pts 653 Simpson 29 pts 112 Tom D 23 pts 151 dode 22 pts 589 Stijneman 21 pts 488 Dave 20 pts 167 CB 18 pts 474 BeesFanDanny 17 pts 443 ritzoberst 16 pts 39 LeeK 14 pts 691 Jakeeey 11 pts 981 MartinB 10 pts 93 Twisty 10 pts 52 HHUNTER 9 pts 237 rickyljames 8 pts 221 Spike 5 pts 356 Mitch Wells 5 pts 246 Stox 4 pts 848 bully jnr 2 pts 8 pinken 0 pts 65 dan heath 0 pts 79 weeryan 0 pts 134 Jakebond 0 pts 147 gazlush 0 pts 481 Mackie D 0 pts 922 chris.mugford 0 pts 394 PaulE The replays are here!
  8. Simon31


    Whites and Yellows race 8:20 (Server 48) Heat 1: 65, 134, 147, 443, 922, 237, 394, 31, 380, 8, 52, 151, 221, 848, 981, 39, 238, (Server 48) Heat 2: 79, 93, 429, 474, 481, 146, 167, 356, 589, 653, 188, 246, 488, 691, 112, 180, , (Server 45) Heat 3: 93, 134, 147, 429, 481, 394, 146, 167, 589, 653, 52, 188, 221, 848, 981, 180, 238, (Server 48 ) Heat 4: 65, 79, 443, 474, 922, 237, 31, 356, 380, 8, 151, 246, 488, 691, 39, 112, , (Server 45)
  9. In here please
  10. Simon 31 blue
  11. Twisty I can see where your comming from and in my opinion you drive the right way as your gaining a lot of experience, problem is and it happens every year you get drivers who won't pass because they have a bumper and have to use it, you pass them clean and they fire you every bend because "it's stock at racing" apparently! Just keep doin what your doing and you will be fine
  12. Simon 31 blue
  13. Simon 31 red
  14. Results: Heat 1: 8 112 238 246 641 52 691 356 394 474 146 276 Heat 2: 342 236 39 180 285 167 488 981 599 21 380 221 262 Heat 3: 112 8 380 238 221 488 246 39 342 641 474 236 Heat 4: 146 180 167 276 394 262 52 981 691 21 599 285 Consi 1: 691 21 262 356 981 599 A-Final: 52 39 112 394 236 238 246 180 380 356 691 8 167 146 641 276 262 488 342 21 285 221 GN 1: 394 238 380 691 246 8 21 276 236 146 981 GN 2: 262 39 112 221 180 488 599 356 342 52 167 641 Points: 43 pts 112 TomD 38 pts 39 Leek 34 pts 238 Kane 32 pts 394 PaulE 30 pts 52 Hhunter 28 pts 180 Wardie 25 pts 246 Stox 24 pts 8 Lloydy 23 pts 236 Dan Skin 20 pts 380 Liam 15 pts 262 Haemen 14 pts 342 Matthew Heatrick 14 pts 488 Dave 13 pts 221 Spike 13 pts 167 CB 13 pts 691 Jakeeey 11 pts 146 Crashley England 10 pts 276 Tyzer 8 pts 356 Mitch 7 pts 641 Mav 6 pts 21 Louis 6 pts 599 Harold 6 pts 285 Mav Jr 6 pts 981 MartinB 1 pts 474 Danny 0 pts 45 Andrew 0 pts 187 Lanx The replays are here!
  15. Heat 1: 146, 187, 356, 394, 474, 8, 52, 276, 641, 238, 246, 691, 112, (Server 45) Heat 2: 21,45, 342, 599, 221, 285, 39, 262, 380, 488, 981, 167, 180, 236, (Server 48) Heat 3: 45, 187, 342, 474, 8, 221, 39, 380, 488, 641, 238, 246, 112, 236 (Server 45 ) Heat 4: 21,146, 356, 394, 599, 52, 285, 262, 276, 981, 167, 180, 691 (Server 48)
  16. Bookings Closed
  17. Simon 31 red
  18. Simon 31 Red please
  19. Can you put last years tar car in the shale pack mate my higgy, wardie is doing me a skin for tar but ill use that skin for shale
  20. Barry Goldin then please
  21. 886 Chris Bradbury RCE Simon 31 Red Grade ALREADY TAKEN
  22. Simon31

    F2 Awards

    Votes close at midnight tommorow! We only have 14 votes so far unless we get Atleast 20 we won't be posting the results! Thanks to all who have voted!
  23. Simon31

    F2 Awards

    Its that time of the year again! Please can you get these in to me ASAP, the closing date is 8/01/2014 Best Overall Track Best Overall Driver: Best Lower Graded Driver: Favorite Driver: Fairest Driver: Hardest Trier: Hardest Hitter: Most Improved Driver: Newcomer of the Year: Muppet Of The Year: Best Paint Job: Meeting of the Year: Most Memorable Moment: Aims for 2014: How was 2013 For You: Person to beat in 2014: UKDIRT ADMIN
  24. Well, here it is folks! The one and only BriSCA F2 Gala night here at UKDirt. Gala night will see huge numbers of drivers from all over the world make their way to Birmingham Wheels Raceway, located in the heart of the second city. Birmingham Wheels has hosted regular Saturday night meetings since the 80’s, and of course this tradition still continues today. Birmingham Wheels is renowned for its wide bends and fast straights, yet never fails to produce top quality stockcar racing!! The official UKDirt F2 Gala Night will certainly be one to remember, with lots of series finales including the Whites & Yellows Championship Final and the Central Series Final. Two phenomenal races with guaranteed huge grids, the crowd are guaranteed a top night of BriSCA action! Add to that Shoot Out ’13 plus an extra special Champion of Champions and you have got an unmissable night of brutal bumper bending madness! What is this extra special Champion of Champions race I hear you speak of? The Champion of Champions event is a closed grid event where all of 2013’s champions are put head to head in the ultimate challenge! Ten direct qualifiers through their championship status, and one direct qualifier who has managed to race every single meeting this season! Not on the grid? There are still places up for grabs! Both the Whites and Yellows champion and the Central Series champion will be seeded on the grid, leaving five empty places on the grid. The last five drivers to qualify will be decided by you! Yes that’s right, you! We would like all of the BriSCA F2 drivers to vote for their driver of the season. Please vote by simply sending a PM to -- KrisH244 – on the forum. Kris can be found under the ‘UKDirt 2nd Tier Admin’ list on the forum. Please PM him the Name and number of your driver of the season. All votes are confidential and votes will close at 7:30PM on 18/11/13. Kris will then announce the nominees in MIRC at 8PM. Drivers will then have until the end of the Central Series finale to PM Kris on MIRC to ensure their Driver of 2013 gets a place on the grid. Please note that Drivers already on the Champion of Champions grid are not up for nomination. The Champion of Champions will be decided over a 16 lap race where drivers will be gridded at random. Please note, in the case of a tie-break, the position(s) will be decided by the number of meeting attended, then national point’s average (Lowest qualifies). World Championship – 236 European Champion – 46 British Champion – 480 Scottish Champion – 87 Irish Champion – 41 World Cup – 112 UK Open – 87 WOS – 87 English Open - 246 F2 Nationals - 236 Golden Helemet – 87 F2 TT - 236 GN Championship - 236 EuroMasters – 116 Whites and Yellows Champion – TBC Central Series Champion – TBC Whites and Yellows Starting off looking at the Whites and Yellows grid, we see 58 minitom take pole position. Tom has had a brilliant season racing off the lower grades, and will certainly be one to watch in this race. A well setup RCE chassis at what must be one of its home tarmac tracks, this guy is going to mean business! LouisH will be starting alongside minitom on the front row of this Whites and Yellows series finale. Louis had a phenomenal meeting last week at Hednesford Hills Raceway, the twinned Incarace track. Louis finished 2nd in the meeting points, so he must have been doing something right! With both car and driver on form, keep your eyes peeled. Row 2 will feature Spike and RLJ. Both Spike and Ricky have more than enough experience to win this race off row 2. Will experience beat this novice front row, or will the novices leave the oldskool lads in a cloud of smoke? One last mention, Si #31 is currently sitting in the first reserve slot. Simon will be looking to sneak onto the back of the grid and work his way up to victory in this Whites and Yellows race. With two previous back to back victories in this championship will we see the Whites and Yellows championship heading back to the West Country? Central Series Onto the central series final now which is set to be a cracking race with none of the ukdirt big names in the line up! The likes of #236 Danskin and #41 Drumbstick failed to turn up and with the likes of #87 Robin who failed to make the grid, an outsider is looking like they will take this one! Looking at the front row we have #39Leek and #238 Kane, Leek has won big races in the past so im sure nerves wont play a part in this one, but Kane may feel the pressure a bit more then the newly crowned Banger World Champion! Both have the speed to win it but can they convert speed to race victory? Mid pack we have we have some hard hitters with the likes of #691 Jake and english open champion #246 Stox, each driver in this race will be looking to add a title to there shelf with no real big names in the race! #46 Nezza will be doing his best to add this one onto his European championship winning car as he starts near the rear of the grid! who will win this one at a great track which is set to be a great evening? Shoot Out ‘13 Shoot Out 13 has certainly been a great championship so far, seeing drivers struggle to be on pace at the wide variety of tracks that host the vital qualification rounds. Multi-championship winner DanSkin on pole in his trusty RCE, current WoS champion Robin on his outside. Which one of the front row will win this one? Both drivers are on top form coming into this race, and they will both take some stopping! Row 2 will see hard hitter TomD and one of our UKDirt young guns Kane #238. Tom seems to be plodding along nicely in this late part of the season, however it will take more than that to win this race. With Kane on his outside he will need to be quick off the line as Kane could really do some damage if given the chance. All eyes on row 2! Row three sees two new members to the UKDirt family, Wardieee and Ryan Simpson. Both Ward and Simpson can stand proud with multiple championship wins across many formulas including the BriSCA F2 stockcars, yet none of them have managed to find their way to a BriSCA F2 championship here on UKDirt. Both have settled well in this shootout series however in recent weeks Simpson hasn't been racing due to issues in the garage. Will these be fix in time for this Shoot Out Finale? Looking further down the grid we see so many big names looking to make a big impact on this race, HamsterJR, Drumbstick, Bailey, Dave, Stox and Nezza. All of these drives can quite easily take the Orange and Silver checks, all of them with more than enough experience to win. Will we see one of the front row drive off to an easy victory, or will the likes of Drumbstick and Bailey work their way to victory in this 10 lap dash? 24 cars bumper to bumper, 10 racing laps, one Shoot Out champion! Let’s go racing!
  25. Results: Heat 1: 87 74 180 305 238 380 488 21 237 491 112 Heat 2: 84 236 217 589 244 981 116 31 641 246 954 Heat 3: 84 305 74 238 217 246 244 981 87 58 488 491 Heat 4: 589 112 180 31 380 116 236 237 21 641 954 World Of Shale: 87 180 238 589 246 74 981 116 84 641 236 380 244 488 112 58 21 954 305 491 217 237 31 A-Final: 488 236 217 305 981 641 87 180 238 21 112 244 84 246 58 116 74 237 380 589 491 954 31 GN 1: 217 116 84 236 87 380 180 305 31 246 488 21 112 981 238 58 641 74 211 244 589 237 491 Points: 40 pts 217 N.Burhenne 38 pts 236 DanSkin 33 pts 305 jakiejnr 28 pts 84 Timm 26 pts 180 wardieee 26 pts 87 Robin H25 24 pts 488 Dave 20 pts 981 MartinB 18 pts 116 JK 17 pts 74 Tommy Vaes 17 pts 589 Stijneman 17 pts 238 Kane_M 16 pts 380 Liam Powell 13 pts 641 Mav 12 pts 31 Simon 10 pts 244 Kris 9 pts 112 Tom D 7 pts 21 LouisH 7 pts 246 Stox 5 pts 237 rickyljames 1 pts 491 crewesader 1 pts 58 minitom 0 pts 954 Samwit 0 pts 211 Stannie The replays are here!
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