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Everything posted by Simon31

  1. Good to see you back! You need to find about 0.5 secs for Hendo and Brum about a a second off as the SS do about 13.8 ish most do about 14.0 Make sure you have a half decent wheel with force feedback and you will be fine
  2. Well Done Skinner those gold strips should look good on that gloriefied yellow roof! Well done Gary you was very fast all night and deserved the final win Crap night for me just cant get pace around here!
  3. Well done to Robin#87 for taking the World Cup and also top scoring! Who managed to beat the very fast #277 Southy in the final who was on blistering form! Heat 1: 277 67 964 87 560 92 41 39 112 99 101 315 338 46 954 718 17 236 31 Heat 2: 277 31 67 41 954 17 560 87 99 315 101 112 46 92 39 718 338 964 236 Heat 3: 236 39 277 87 92 101 41 99 338 954 560 31 112 67 17 964 315 46 718 Heat 4: 315 277 236 99 87 17 41 39 46 92 101 67 560 31 338 964 221 954 718 112 Heat 5: 31 87 560 112 236 46 92 41 67 39 17 964 954 101 221 315 99 338 277 Final: 87 236 315 31 99 112 277 964 560 92 101 17 41 67 338 46 39 954 52 pts 87 Robin H25 45 pts 277 southy 42 pts 236 DanSkin 33 pts 31 Si 27 pts 315 Mike 25 pts 99 JK 22 pts 41 Drumbstick 22 pts 560 Dodge 19 pts 67 Freew 19 pts 112 Tom D 18 pts 92 Hoggy 16 pts 39 LeeK 14 pts 964 Allan 10 pts 17 azata 7 pts 46 Nezza 7 pts 954 Samwit 5 pts 101 bristolstokie 2 pts 338 Evnos 0 pts 221 Spike 0 pts 718 MartynR 0 pts 220 dougieford (MESSER!) Thanks all for racing and we will see you next week at the Kings Lynn for the WORLD OF SHALE FINAL!
  4. Ok we have 22 Cars for tonight we will be running 5 Heats Final Allcomers Its a all in format so please be in chat for 8.20 sharp!
  5. I got my new g27 from eBay with 12 months warranty on it for £200, u can't get them cheaper 2nd hand!
  6. thanks stokie for a great track is very similar to the real thing with it being so narrow and that dip is simply epic! well done tom on the GN championship and the final win! chuffed to off won a heat here as in real life i just crash here lol felt unlucky in gn as was over 6 secs in the lead going into last bend but the track blockage stopped that! hope to see you all next week!
  7. Simon#31 please yellow top
  8. Really good track and almost like the real one! I've done about 10 meetings there in the past and like trav said there is more of a hill then that bit the dip is spot on! And like you said the rubble strips as in reql life u wouldnt wanna mound those kurbs lol, but from someone who has never been there It wouldn't take much to make it just like it is! Great work stokie! We are likeing all these south west tracks just St Day to go
  9. Aub you have it all wrong in my eyes as fans think F2 racing are just bangers with nerf rails! F2s are a very fast racing car and trust me very little contact is used, normally just enough contact is used to hit you wide to gain your place and go thru, when ive raced bradbury, speak, polly etc they hit you hard but not enough to make you feel christ that was gonna send me in the wall! and this is what this mod has got like! and lets be honest these are the reason why Dave left because of stupid hits/rejoins/ attitude etc! The F2 mod has gone the wrong way with hits etc as they are well over the top and we are just trying to sort it out to make the league fun for all! I think we have a great mod with very real life physics and Drumb works with everyone and takes our points on board to create a good working car what you can drive! were not trying to say dont hit hard or we will ban you but we want to the stop the hits from lap downs and the hits what just end your race as in real life you would do these hits but only for last bender not any old lap!
  10. Row 1 #115 Green and #87 Robin head the front row with brilliant semi final races! Robin has won the British already this year and Green the Superstox euro so they can hold there nerve out front but can they hold off the rest of the chasing pack and survive the first bend pushing and shoving! Row 2 #560 dodge has just jumped to the superstar grade and has shown great pace all year but not had much luck in the big races but along side him is the 2011 World Champion #112 TomD who has had his fair share of luck with already winning most of what UKDirt has to offer in most of the Mods! I think Tom will be looking to get to the front quick but will Dodge pounce early on and take up the running? Row 3 Simstox man #98 Bailey hasn't raced much over here this season but when he does he can beat the best of them which has kept him on of the UK Dirts top red tops, he has the speed but can he convert this into gold? #164 Tosh is also on this row the former European Champion has dropped to blue but if i was a betting man i wouldn't bet against this man has the speed and the bumper to win big races! Row 4 #99 JK is a Solid blue graded driver in ukdirt f2s but luck isn't always on his side if it was down to speed he would a superstar but luck isn't always on his side, which is also like #41 Drumbstick the 2010 World Champion has the speed and race craft but it always seems to fail in the big races, he's had lots of 2nds but who remembers 2nd place? Row 5 #315 Mike is known for hard hitting he is the currentEx-F1 world champion so no's what gold tastes like, abit further back then he would like so let's see what he can do in this one! #964 Allan is a former National Points Champion in the heat days he has come back this year and is the TT champion already! has the speed but i think big race experience will let him down in this one! Row 6 #249 Jack is the nice guy off track but on track he no's how to get stuck in! raced a Stoxkart in real life this year which may of helped his driving style could do well here but #488 Dave will be on a mission here as he won the final here last time out with a great drive (even tho #236 DanSkin got all the glory on the vid on facebook!) could surprise a few here! Row 7 #46 Nezza is on this row and we must say congratulations as his wife gave birth to their 2nd child on Monday so she will be a week old when we race for the World Championship wouldn't be a bad week to top it off with a Gold Roof? Nezza is one of the fastest men on Tarmac i think a top 5 will be on the cards here, tarmac hater #277 Southy is also going to be racing in his RCE car, if he could convert his shale form to tarmac for this one he could do some big damage! Row 8 #756 Jase is on the Grid for this one after a drop to yellow could he surprise us and win the big one? he has the speed but gets a bit bumper happy sometimes which may damage his hopes! #233 Grasser hopes to be in attendance after racing the Autograss for a while he has a lot of speed but tends to get the taste of the fence then the glory! Row 9 #238 Kane is a well-respected driver in Ukdirt now after a move from simstox, he has a lot of speed and is often in the right place on the right time could he do it from Row9? #39 Leek is the current shootout champion and has won Gold in the SSC Mod could we see Gold on the #39 DK Car? Row 10 #122 Craig will be happy to be on the grid in this one he has been red this year but has dropped to yellow and now back to blue maybe he could turn his luck around and surprise us in this one, #305 Jackie JNR is another ukdirt newcomer and has been red for most of the season, could we see a newcomer take the Gold? world final grid 115 - 87 560 - 112 98 - 164 99 - 41 315 - 964 249 - 488 46 - 277 756 - 233 238 - 39 122 - 305 consi semi (1s that raced a semi) 236 - 31 131 - 237 495 - 67 774 - 17 33 - 255 211 - 718 205 - 473 319 - all other cars that didnt do semis but have wq points (must start half a lap back in points order) 210 - 961 101 - 221 176 - 318 92 - 45 954 - 641 188 - 172 37 - 48 419 - 632 887 - 921 256 - 220 926 - 835 504 - 456 846 - 760 285 - 515 400 - 968 619 - 496 18 - 550 761 drivers in bold are booked drivers in red are confirmed not racing we also so far have these drivers booked that are not on any of these grids so far: 127, 167, 330, 336, 338, 365, 429
  11. Hello and welcome to the 2012 UKDIRT world final for the Formula 2 Stockcars! 2012 brings us to Barford in which it is set to be a cracker of a race with its short straights and tight bends one thing is for sure its going to be lively! We start off with a look at our current world champion #112 TomD! who kindly had a few words with the Admin team! UK Dirt: Hi TomD thanks for doing an interview with ourselves for this year’s world final programme. Tom: No Problem UK Dirt: Here on UK Dirt we have a lot of new drivers this year so could you introduce yourself? Tom: Well my names Tom Drabble hence TomD and I'm 21, I have been racing since 2007ish on Heat, Then progressed to rFactor when it was released and I had a decent computer to run it! I raced on a Pad till the start of last year and then used my wheel, which I had for well over a year and a half before I started using it. UK Dirt: So it is nearly 12 months since you won the World Final at Kings Lynn. What has it been like for you carrying the Gold roof? Tom: It has been an amazing experience, I never thought I would win the WF but last year was different. I am so happy to have been World Champion for a year; It's been great carrying the Gold roof above my car. UK Dirt: Can you remember much about the world final race and what did it feel like to win the world final? Tom: I can remember some of it very clearly haha. We restarted about 3 times I think it was because people kept disconnecting and I was getting more nervous every time we restarted. Drumbstick was on my outside and I think Green behind me. I didn't hold much hope going into turn 1 but I got a good start and Drumb had a little nibble at my bumper and we both nearly spun, I couldn't believe my luck when I started spinning but we both held it. Then the pack got Drumb and I raced away to a bit of a lead thankfully. I held the gap for most of the race but Drumb and Aub were coming like a steam train at the end but not enough. I think I defended everybody in my house haha. UK Dirt: The World Final being Barford promises to be a busy and action packed race how do you rate your chances are of winning the title again? Tom: It's going to be either the best race in a long time or somebody is going to streak away and win it on Lap 1. I don't hold out much hope for retaining my title with being Outside Row 2 but I will be trying my hardest. If I can get round turn 1 I should be alrite but still got another lot of bends to get round haha. UK Dirt: Do you like to tight track of Barford? Tom: Yes I think it's a great track. A proper driver’s track as it isn't a flat smooth and straight forward track. Neither bend is the same and both have different cambers so you have to set it up a bit in the middle. UK Dirt: Who’s your biggest rival in the main race? Tom: Everybody! I think anybody can win it that starts. The main ones will be, Drumbstick (If he races) Green, James, Robin and DanSkin (Yes DanSkin even though he hasn't yet qualified) and RickyJames (He is so unpredictable) UK Dirt: If you don’t win who do you think will? Tom: Dave 488, He won the final last time out there and was absolutely flying. He is going to blitz everybody this time I think. Maybe this time he will get a video if he wins unlike last time where Drumbstick was so biased against him and wanted to produce a video of DanSkin. If Dave doesn’t then DanSkin the home track specialist will win, His local knowledge will prove decisive and will win if he can catch Dave! UK Dirt: Which surface do you prefer? Tom: Tarmac, I seem to struggle on Shale atm. UK Dirt: What is your most memorable moment / race whilst you have had the Gold roof? Tom: Winning every race I have won, More notable the European this year and the Points last season. UK Dirt: What do you think to the mod and the racing that we have experienced this year? Tom: I think the mod is great and the racing this year has been excellent, It's such a shame I have missed so many meetings else I may have been able to challenge Danskin for the points this season. UK Dirt: Is there anything that you would like to see changed in the mod or the league? Tom: No, I don't think there is a lot that needs to be changed, Alot of things of bob on as they are. I think the mod is as close to real as possible in rFactor. I would like to thank UKSom for creating the mods they have. UK Dirt: UK Dirt wishes you all the best in your defence of the world championship, many thanks for doing this interview. Consolation Semi Final One big shock in this race is National points leader #236 DanSkin, Dan was one of the favourites to take the title but got caught up early on in the race, if he won his semi i would say he would go on to win the big race but even if he wins this there’s a lot of work to do with the quick boys at the front! Starting next to Dan is #31 Simon who was a bit eager to get passed 10th Spot in his semi race and ripped his wheel off in the process! #131 Gary will be on the grid in his RCE he has the pace but can he pull it off in this one? #67 FreeW aims to be present in this one after a great meeting here last time along with #718 MartynR, newly Star graded man #33 Jakie will be in action in his new RCE chassis and will be looking to get on to the grid, along with #774 Leech in is super smart Randall Motorsport Car! Also this year anyone who scored WQR points but didn’t make the Semi or didn’t attend can race half a lap down here is the full grid! 236 - 31 131 - 237 495 - 67 774 - 17 33 - 255 211 - 718 205 - 473 319 - all other cars that didnt do semis but have wq points must start half a lap back (in points order are) 210 - 961 101 - 221 176 - 318 92 - 45 954 - 641 188 - 172 37 - 48 419 - 632 887 - 921 256 - 220 926 - 835 504 - 456 846 - 760 285 - 515 400 - 968 619 - 496 18 - 550 761 - The Under Dog! Ukdirt this year has spoken to the driver who was the lowest in the national points and lowest grade to make the world final this was #122 Craig! UKDirt: Hi Craig thanks for doing an interview with us for this year’s UK Dirt F2 World Final! Craig122: hello that’s ok, interviewing the favourites obviously UKDirt: Tell us a bit about yourself? Craig122: Dunno what to say really 28 male last time I checked, and losing me marbles as quickly as my hair:) UKDirt: How did you get into/ hear about UKDirt? Craig122:got sick of certain mods an/admins on sim stox so came over to here knew about this league for years though from the heat days just never raced heat here. UKDirt: Have you raced yourself in real life? What’s your favourite formula and track to watch now? Craig122: Not raced yet! Wait till the funds allow but mainly watch 1s 2s saloons and favourite track to watch skeg vegas UKDirt: What as your season here at UK Dirt been? Craig122: Begining was fine middle was poop hopefully the end will be better if the bug bites bit more again UKDirt: has anyone helped you in your journey in UKDirt? Craig122: Jack and Hoggy mainly always help me out with setups but starting to find what suits my driving and tweaking more myself now UKDirt: How was your Semi Final race? Craig122: lucky as Simon made a mess of his attack and took himself out and left me 10th with no one that close to me UKDirt: What do you think your chances are for the big race? Craig122: Will take first few laps steady and hope the rest destroy themselves and ya never know UKDirt: If you don’t win it, who do you think will? Craig122: I’ve no idea who will win could be anyone I reckon UKDirt: Do you have plans on racing next year? Craig122: Yup will be back next year UKDirt: Thanks for doing this interview with us, and UKDirt wish you all the best in your future with us and best of luck on the night! Craig122: Cheers, good luck to all in the race World Qualifying stats Green 115 Points: 213 Average: 16.38 Highest Score: 37 Robin H87: Points: 209 Average: 14.0 Highest Score: 28 James 560 Points: 209 Average: 14.9 Highest Score: 28 TomD 112 Points: 296 Average: 22.7 Highest Score: 35 Bailey 98 Points: 40 Average: 20 Highest Score: 21 Tosh 164 Points: 34 Average: 11.3 Highest Score: 19 JK 99 Points: 35 Average: 8.75 Highest Score: 20 Drumbstick 41 Points: 237 Average: 16.9 Highest Score: 38 Mike 315 Points: 197 Average: 17.9 Highest Score: 31 Alan 964 Points: 32 Average: 10.6 Highest Score: 22 Jack 249 Points: 123 Average: 10.25 Highest Score: 18 Dave 488 Points: 120 Average: 10 Highest Score: 31 Nezza 46 Points: 145 Average: 11.15 Highest Score: 27 Southy 277 Points: 178 Average: 17.8 Highest Score: 37 Jase 756 Points: 68 Average: 17 Highest Score: 30 Grasser 233 Points: 24 Average: 6 Highest Score: 18 Kane 238 Points: 173 Average: 12.3 Highest Score: 30 Leek 39 Points: 165 Average: 12.9 Highest Score: 30 Craig 122 Points: 78 Average: 7.8 Highest Score: 19 Jakie Jnr 305 Points: 123 Average: 9.4 Highest Score: 21
  12. Simon31
  13. Simon 31 please
  14. Simon 31
  15. i would defo go for a desktop what i did was to run rfactor at a good leval was ebay- typed in gaming pcs and got a tower for 240 brand new with 4gb ram 750gb memory etc etc then got a copy of xp for 20 quid a lcd screen for 60 mouse for a quid keybord for like 2.50 and speakers for 4 quid im sure it cost me like 350 all in and it runs mint ive had it for nerly 2 years now and wont need to update it for a while yet
  16. Glad to see you have my sponser down the side of your car tosh haha lovely looking car!
  17. no sprat you will be white until the new grades are announced
  18. if you still need some mate drop me a pm with details and ill sort summin out
  19. i really enjoyed the meeting euro race was crap for me and tapped dave on the straght on first lap and span thought driving standards were good a few need to watch it tho thought i was gonna bag the final as was holding behind 964 but caught a back marker with 2 laps to go which let sparky pass but happy with 3rd cya next week well done tom on the euro
  20. I didnt race so cant really comment, But from when i have recently the hits just seem desprate, and when you get hit like it you start doing it beacuse if you dont your just gonna batterd! Aza i never pass you as if i do you just try and wipe me out! I found last season when we raced the racing was like real life just enough to get by and that was it, The problem online is when you get fenced you dont have to fix it or pay to get it fixed, so people are always just gonna drive at you flat out! watch the Vid of kitson, just tapping people wide and came 3rd! Like Stumpy said the Elite few Tom, Drumb, Robin, Dan, will always win everyting as they can set up the car to set mega lap times and while we are all beating crap outta each other they will just catch up and pass us! we lap within .2 of each other and they still normally lead for atleast quater of a race? or in the top 5 by lap 5 or 6! Just think!
  21. Simon31

    Belle Vue

    Simon 31 please yellow
  22. Simon#31 Yellow Top
  23. 2009 Randall for sale, minus engine,box,diff,fin,transponder Ex 795 Randall for sale, Rolling Chassis, comes with : 4 Valved Shock Tec Shocks new this season Tilton Master Cylinders 3 Way Tiltion Brake Bias System Kirky Seat Lightweight 13inch steering wheel Braded brake lines Motorworld engine mounts CXR 9inch rear wheels Spares include 4 Valved protec shocks (one needs a new end on it) 5 Bumpers 3 Wishbones Bottom Arms Track Rod Ends Parnord Rods Car has has the the latest 2011 front suspension added to it, this car helped 795 Alan Kikaldy win the novice of the year in 2009 and also has won finals from every grade! has got me to blue top and the only reason why im selling it is because i blown my engine up on monday and cant afford to replace it. the car had a full rebuild last year including shot blasting! This is a very fast car and will come with a setup sheet from what i run at every track! Phone Simon: 07773561471
  24. Simon#31 Yellow
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