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Everything posted by Simon31

  1. Bookings Closed
  2. Well done JK, I can assure you all now after being in TS with the UKSOM lads there are not and never will be any team racing! Any problems please report to one of the admin team as per rules and we will look in to it Simon
  3. Name:Simon Number:31 Grade:Yellow
  4. Simon31

    Next week

    Yes Aub, first meeting is 7:30, second one is 9:00
  5. Simon 31 Blue
  6. Thanks to all what raced tonight, big thanks to Dode and Stumpy for being the meeting stewards! Hope to see you all next week for Belle Vue Results: Heat 1: 236 315 212 691 17 90 338 380 599 221 246 198 244 624 Heat 2: 74 87 122 116 238 46 31 718 494 760 274 848 80 Heat 3: 315 691 112 494 31 87 488 274 249 760 246 221 205 244 14 Heat 4: 236 489 41 84 330 39 589 624 17 212 116 954 79 Heat 5: 41 122 488 330 80 380 599 90 79 718 198 Heat 6: 84 489 238 112 46 74 39 249 954 338 589 848 14 Consi 1: 116 80 589 246 718 90 221 848 338 249 205 14 244 599 79 760 274 624 954 198 B-Final: 599 624 718 338 249 90 274 760 244 848 494 954 205 79 A-Final: 74 315 489 691 236 116 84 41 330 488 112 46 17 212 39 380 31 80 238 246 589 GN 1: 691 122 112 46 41 599 39 330 212 954 488 848 338 589 80 79 205 380 GN 2: 87 238 236 315 249 489 90 17 31 246 116 760 274 494 244 718 74 84 Points: 44 pts 315 Mike 40 pts 691 Jakeeey 40 pts 236 DanSkin 39 pts 489 Montangoo 35 pts 74 Tommy Vaes 30 pts 41 Drumbstick 26 pts 122 craigcharles 25 pts 84 Timm 24 pts 87 Robin H25 23 pts 238 Kane_M 23 pts 112 Tom D 20 pts 330 Menace 18 pts 46 Nezza 17 pts 116 JK 16 pts 599 Harold 14 pts 488 Dave 13 pts 39 LeeK 12 pts 31 Si 12 pts 90 LiamB 12 pts 249 stoxjack 11 pts 17 Aza 11 pts 212 Pedz 9 pts 494 Cooper 8 pts 380 Liam Powell 7 pts 624 RayDick 7 pts 718 MartynR 7 pts 338 Evnos 6 pts 80 Lars 4 pts 589 Stijneman 3 pts 274 bigdaveUK 3 pts 954 Samwit 2 pts 79 weeryan 2 pts 760 Ryano 1 pts 221 Spike 1 pts 246 Stox 0 pts 14 DRAY 0 pts 198 aaron_J 0 pts 244 Kris 0 pts 761 DannyGrady 0 pts 205 Pistol 0 pts 351 TamValentine 0 pts 848 bully jnr 0 pts 262 Harmen
  7. Simon31


    Heat 1: 198, 599, 624, 17, 205, 221, 338, 351, 246, 380, 691, 90, 212, 315, 236 (Server 45) STEWARD STUMPY Heat 2: 74, 494, 718, 122, 274, 760, 848, 31, 116, 238, 262, 46, 80, 87, (Server 48) STEWARD DODE Heat 3: 589, 624, 761, 17, 79, 84, 954, 31, 116, 330, 489, 39, 212, 41, 236,(Server45 ) STEWARD STUMPY Heat 4: 14, 14, 494, 205, 221, 274, 760, 246, 488, 691, 249, 315, 87, 112,(Server .48) STEWARD DODE Heat 5: 198, 599, 718, 761, 79, 122, 351, 262, 330, 380, 488, 80, 90, 41,(Server .45) STEWARD STUMPY Heat 6: 14, 14, 74, 589, 84, 338, 848, 954, 238, 489, 39, 46, 249, 112,(Server .48) STEWARD DODE BE IN CHAT 8:20!
  10. my skins f1231.zip
  11. My 2013 Higman for this year
  12. No all skins have to have the cab panels a mutual couler as per real life rule
  13. All skins still up for grabs apart from 2008 Randall due to time wasters!
  14. Simon 31 blue grade 782 Stuart Rolph please
  15. i have a few F2s what ive painted and wont be useing anymore, and will be a shame to see them go to waste! if you want any give me a PM or reply here and i will sort them for you, only thing is if you want them you must use them in the F2 Season!
  17. 4 days to go! Remember if you don't vote and you win an award you won't get it!
  18. One week to go! Get them in!
  19. We have had great response to this already! Come on lads lets get these in! Simon
  20. Hi Shrek the sub fourm is at the bottom of this page all info is there Simon
  21. Ok its that time again we do the awards i have trimmed them down and added a few as some of them seemed pointless! Please PM them to me ASAP and the closing date will be DECEMBER 20TH so i can get these out just after Xmas. A COUPLE OF RULES TO WIN AN AWARD YOU HAVE TO VOTE! FOR EXAMPLE IF JOE BLOGGS GETS 100 VOTES FOR DRIVER OF THE YEAR BUT DOESNT VOTE HIMSELF IT WILL GO TO THE NEXT PERSON WITH THE MOST VOTES WHO HAS VOTED! EVERY VOTE MUST HAVE A REASON WHY YOU HAVE VOTED FOR THE PERSON OR TRACK TO COUNT! IT MAY SEEM A BIT MUCH BUT WE WANT IT TO BE A GOOD READ Best Tarmac Track Best Shale Track Best Overall Driver: Best Lower Graded Driver: Favorite Driver: Fairest Driver: Hardest Trier: Hardest Hitter: Most Improved Driver: Newcomer of the Year: Best Paint Job: Meeting of the Year: Most Memorable Moment: Aims for 2013: How was 2012 For You: Person to beat in 2013: PLEASE PLEASE VOTE IT HAS BEEN OUR BEST YEAR IN F2 RFACTOR SINCE IT STARTED SO LETS HAVE A GOOD AWARDS! UKDIRT ADMIN
  22. Thanks for meeting Drumb was a very busy night! Chuffed to of retained the Whites and Yellows Championship as it was hetic race but i could see there was some big hits going on infront of me so just held off until 3 laps to go and made my move! Real happy to of got 3rd in Central to top a good season! Thanks to all whats raced! Cya next season! Si
  23. be in chat for 8:20 sharp and yes you can race!
  24. Nice preview Drumb! Font think I can do anything from where I am starting but will happy hand over the crown after winning it last year, some real good lower graders this year!
  25. Thought it wasn't a bad meeting I could of done quite well but had no luck at all until the final, was nice racing with the blue tops last night as we just left each other alone and manage to pull away from the reds instead of getting swallowed in! Cya next week!
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