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Everything posted by Simon31

  1. Heat 1: 21, 491, 237, 74, 211, 380, 488, 180, 238, 41, 87, 112, 305 Server 48 Heat 2: 244, 954, 84, 217, 589, 641, 981, 31, 246, 338, 116, 236 Server 45 World Of Shale Final Heat 3: 491, 244, 74, 84, 217, 488, 981, 238, 246, 338, 41, 87, 305 Server 48 Heat 4: 21, 237, 954, 211, 380, 589, 641, 31, 180, 112, 116, 236 Server 45 Final GN
  2. Bookings Closed
  3. All late bookings book in here
  4. Simon 231 Blue Wardy 180 Blue
  5. GRID 236 - 87 41 - 305 46 - 589 691 - 246 237 - 380 31 - 116 338 - 39 84 - 315 238 - 112 249 - 488 21 - 262 291 - 43 Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, welcome to the official BriSCA F2 Grand National Championship here on UKDirt. For those of you unaware of this championship, the Grand National Championship or ‘GNC’ is one of the most prestige championships on the BriSCA F2 calendar. The GNC Finale will be the first race of the night, and will feature the top 24 available drivers in a closed grid non-points race. Looking through the Grand National Points table, we see 236 sat in pole position, there's a shocker? Again another brilliant season for DanSkin who recently managed to successfully defend his World Champion status. DanSkin has never managed to find a top 3 finish in the Grand National Championship, will this Monday see him add another title to the list? We see Dutchman H25 Robin on the front outside, a man who has certainly got nothing to prove. Robin has done well all season, and with good finishes in many recent championships, im sure he will fancy a go at this one! With many majors, and a previous 3rd place in 2010, Robin could be the man to stop! Double Grand National Champion and defending champion, TomD will be looking to get his Daz Kitson machine flying around what is known to be RCE heaven! Tom will be aiming to make it 3 Grand National titles in a row, so don't expect him to be hanging around soon as his is currently sitting 18th on the grid (if all of the drivers make the starting grid). Tom has seen it all before, Gold, Silver, European just to name a few. Will this unstoppable car and driver bond see Tom make it 3 GNC titles this Monday night? Currently sitting 8th in the Grand National points is #246. With a huge chance of moving a few slots up the grid, and a recent English Open title, Stox will certainly be a dark horse in this one. A good season has seen Stox sustain a red wing for the majority. Don't rule him out yet! Of Course, we wish all of the finalists the best of luck, and don't forget a full meeting will follow the big race!
  6. Simon 31 Blue
  7. Results: Heat 1: 397 180 653 211 691 116 238 338 454 237 419 848 112 21 954 Heat 2: 87 236 31 46 210 589 246 380 667 488 58 244 Heat 3: 211 488 21 46 236 380 112 116 180 338 246 244 954 Heat 4: 31 87 848 454 238 397 653 589 667 58 210 237 691 419 Consi 1: 246 112 237 667 338 419 58 244 A-Final: 397 211 454 112 236 31 46 246 238 380 653 589 488 848 667 21 116 237 87 691 180 GN 1: 211 46 238 236 116 691 589 397 653 667 87 848 180 488 21 31 237 454 380 246 112 Points: 45 pts 211 Stannie 44 pts 397 Josh Hampson 34 pts 236 Danskin 31 pts 46 Nezza 28 pts 31 Simon 25 pts 454 Frans 22 pts 238 Kane 19 pts 87 Robin 18 pts 112 TomD 14 pts 116 JK 14 pts 653 Ryan Simpson 12 pts 589 Stijneman 11 pts 180 Wardie 11 pts 691 Jake 10 pts 380 Liam Powell 10 pts 488 Dave 10 pts 246 Stox 8 pts 848 Bully Jnr 8 pts 21 Louis 6 pts 210 TomParker 5 pts 667 Mr Dangerous 4 pts 338 Evnos 1 pts 58 Mintom 1 pts 237 Ricky 0 pts 65 Dan Heath 0 pts 198 ArronJ 0 pts 481 Ryan Mackie 0 pts 954 Samwhit 0 pts 244 KrisH 0 pts 264 Joe Imber 0 pts 419 F.Burhenne 0 pts 84 Tim Verstappen 0 pts 249 Jack The replays are here!
  8. Heat 1: 65, 198, 848, 21, 211, 237, 454, 264, 419, 84, 116, 180, 238, 338, 663, 112, 691(Server.48) Stumpy Heat 2: 210, 481, 954, 58, 244, 31, 380, 488, 667, 46, 246, 249, 397, 589, 87, 236(Server.45) Dode Heat 3: 198, 481, 954, 21, 211, 244, 264, 380, 488, 46, 84, 116, 180, 246, 338, 112, 236(Server.48) Stumpy Heat 4: 65, 210, 848, 58, 237, 454, 31, 419, 667, 238, 249, 397, 589, 663, 87, 691(Server.45) Dode
  9. Bookings closed
  10. Simon 31 blue
  11. Simon 31 Blue
  12. Simon31


    Results: Heat 1: 264 244 180 84 41 246 238 249 455 217 237 183 354 116 134 Heat 2: 653 112 454 338 380 589 79 616 330 58 Heat 3: 330 41 653 238 84 616 455 454 58 116 21 79 264 134 180 Heat 4: 249 112 217 246 183 589 380 338 244 101 237 Consi 1: 116 237 101 21 79 259 58 A-Final: 653 180 238 112 455 244 616 116 249 217 380 41 246 454 84 21 264 101 338 330 237 589 GN 1: 116 41 455 84 217 653 589 21 58 616 338 259 GN 2: 244 180 112 246 249 264 237 330 454 380 101 238 79 Points: 48 pts 653 Ryan Simpson 40 pts 112 Tom D 35 pts 180 wardieee 31 pts 244 krish 27 pts 238 Kane_M 26 pts 455 Kbarker 24 pts 41 Drumbstick 23 pts 249 stoxjack 20 pts 84 Timm 19 pts 246 Stox 17 pts 217 N.Burhenne 17 pts 116 JK 17 pts 616 Jeyder 15 pts 264 imberj 15 pts 330 Menace 14 pts 589 Stijneman 13 pts 454 Frans 11 pts 380 Liam Powell 10 pts 338 Evnos 5 pts 58 minitom 4 pts 79 weeryan 4 pts 237 rickyljames 3 pts 21 LouisH 1 pts 101 bristolstokie 0 pts 23 Dayne Powell 0 pts 134 Jakebond 0 pts 259 charlie guinchard 0 pts 211 Stannie 0 pts 221 Spike 0 pts 354 Suicide 0 pts 419 F.Burhenne Replays
  13. Simon31


    Be in chat for 8.20 Sharp! Heat 1: 134, 237, 244, 259, 264, 101, 221, 419, 84, 180, 217, 116, 238, 246, 249, 455, 41, (Server.48 Dode) Heat 2: 21, 23, 79, 58, 211, 354, 454, 330, 380, 589, 653, 46, 338, 616, 112,(Server.45 Stumpy) Heat 3: 21, 79, 134, 264, 58, 221, 419, 454, 84, 180, 330, 653, 116, 238, 616, 41,(Server.48 Dode) Heat 4: 23, 237, 244, 259, 101, 211, 354, 217, 380, 589, 46, 246, 249, 338, 455,112 (Server .45 Stumpy) Final GN
  15. 31 Simon Red
  16. Simon 31 Red
  17. Simon 31 red
  18. Simon 31 Red Should be home in time
  19. Reserves: 79 101 217 494 599 354 90 393 205 419 51 211 198 491 451 74 954 40 473 210 277 781 23 429 14 569 151 351 760 718 26 72 141 977 80 515 (At least 5 reserves are guaranteed places on the grid due to drivers being banned) Si did a great preview, however some idiot (Me) gave him the wrong grids so it is incorrect. We will try and get this sorted and posted. If you are unable to race in your semi but qualified please let us know. Track can be downloaded HERE GET BOOKED IN! UKDIRT ADMIN
  20. Simon 31 Red
  21. Last time we was there I'm sure if u was low 14s you will be ok think my fastest was 13.9
  22. Name: Simon Number: 31 Grade: Red
  23. Results: Heat 1: 246 981 84 236 315 46 338 305 221 31 691 380 393 491 354 Heat 2: 21 589 291 249 87 237 43 480 616 116 488 419 58 238 39 Heat 3: 589 236 480 691 87 221 84 31 380 58 116 43 393 238 246 Heat 4: 981 616 338 488 315 46 291 305 249 21 491 354 Consi 1: 43 58 116 354 380 39 31 491 393 419 237 238 B-Final: 380 237 31 393 491 A-Final: 249 116 87 981 236 84 246 315 354 589 46 691 305 291 616 58 21 338 488 221 480 43 GN 1: 981 291 616 87 236 39 221 380 338 305 21 393 691 43 GN 2: 480 246 84 46 315 31 116 589 58 488 249 237 354 491 Points: 43 pts 981 MartinB 35 pts 87 Robin H25 34 pts 236 DanSkin 30 pts 84 Timm 29 pts 249 stoxjack 27 pts 246 Stox 24 pts 315 Mike 24 pts 589 Stijneman 23 pts 116 JK 21 pts 291 Marten 21 pts 480 Leighton 19 pts 616 Jeyder 17 pts 46 Nezza 14 pts 338 Evnos 11 pts 21 LouisH 11 pts 221 Spike 9 pts 31 Simon 8 pts 488 Dave 7 pts 305 jakiejnr 7 pts 691 Jakeeey 5 pts 39 LeeK 5 pts 237 rickyljames 5 pts 380 Liam Powell 4 pts 43 Sije 4 pts 354 Suicide 3 pts 58 minitom 0 pts 217 N.Burhenne 0 pts 238 Kane_M 0 pts 393 MatthewL 0 pts 419 F.Burhenne 0 pts 491 crewesader Replays are here!
  24. Simon31

    Belle Vue

    Please check your in 2 heats please Heat 1: 354, 393, 491, 217, 221, 981, 84, 246, 338, 31, 46, 380, 691, 236, 305, 315, , (Server 45) Heat 2: 21, 58, 237, 419, 589, 43, 238, 249, 616, 39, 116, 291, 480, 488, 87, , , (Server 48) Heat 3: 58, 393, 221, 419, 589, 43, 84, 238, 246, 31, 116, 380, 480, 691, 87, 236, , (Server.45 ) Heat 4: 21, 354, 491, 217, 237, 981, 249, 338, 616, 39, 46, 291, 488, 305, 315, , , (Server .48)
  25. Bookings Closed
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