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Everything posted by TamValentine351

  1. Last years please *ADDED*
  2. Last years please
  3. Thanks Dane
  4. Tam Valentine Yellow 351 Book in please
  5. Couple of pics from tonight
  6. Lol ill turn up for the meetings, no sure aboot racing though haha
  7. My F2's for the year
  8. P.M. Sent Cheers Tam
  9. Drivers Name/Chassis: Gary Walker 821/Randall 08 Driver Number:351 Your Name/Nickname: Tam Valentine Current league grade UkDirt/Yellow
  10. Ive lost all my fonts do to me being a choob and forgetting to save them before doing a restore to factory settings on laptop, ive lost them all :-( nearly 2000 aquired over 6 years, could somebody be so kind as to share their font file please by PM if necessary i would be most grateful Thanks Tam
  11. Thanks Dane
  12. I agree mate, the lack of gratitude is becoming the norm nowadays
  13. Thanks for posting this up Drumbstick
  14. 175 Daniel Peacock Tar and Shale skins. 175Tar.zip 175shale.zip
  15. 715 Daniel Peacock
  16. Can anybody tell me please who painted the Stuart Smith 390 shale skin in the game, the white one with a red roof?
  17. No sorry ive not got a Henshaws sign, might do one at weekend if you can wait
  18. Nice one cheers
  19. Dafont, or Fontspace mate, both free sites
  20. It would be interesting to know If and who charges for doing skins, bit out of order if they do
  21. Sorry to hear this Dan, Good luck to James for the future
  22. Good luck for the future mate, and thanks for posting up your setups
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