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Everything posted by Yorick_H30

  1. i just make 1 setup..buxton and then chuck em in all track folders.... and work those from there i aint the fastest but then again wot do i know of setups
  2. http://answersthatwork.com/
  3. msn is dead here... anyone else having problems
  4. Your steering wheel is on the wrong side of the car but what the Hell are those 2 bulbs doing on the front only slows you down Going for a ride in my chav killer many have tried and failed edit..i call my car... Rusty
  5. sooperb stuff si enjoyed that one...
  6. Happy Birthday m8 Dont drink too much now.. i wouldnt Enjoy your day
  7. you have 2 cards in...??
  8. Happy Birthday big fella cya on warneton the 6th
  9. Hello ive just had this error wot i did too solve it was.. go too your windows folder..then go too repair..copy autoexec.nt too the system 32 folder worked for me...
  10. It Runs sure took you long enuff mags (Mags PMSL) im curios how you get on
  11. Good Luck on track Spike may you fence Loadsa cars
  12. nice on cabs... one more car too hide from
  13. SOLVED coppied the autoexec.nt from the windows repair folder too my system32 folder
  14. found the post... but it aint there .. on the link provided by cabs anyone else got it?
  15. Hope it was just for running the engine in... you cant get any setups work done in that condition... get some ice racing in car looks the bizz m8
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