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Everything posted by Dazza#289

  1. Nice Skin mate not being funny or having a go i know its going to be used by someone else but if its a 186 copy dont you think it would be better on a randall06 chassis as thats what george uses?
  2. Darrel Smith comes out as Smeiro and Dazza comes out as Dazzildo
  3. Marcy#133 sent me the pic of shinny's car allstar so its huge i didnt get it off site he sent me original photo sized one 3072x2048 pixels to be exact lmao
  4. Yes it is shinny's from wf spike.. Tiny update just started it going out ina minute aswell 1759 lines done
  5. Sorry to Bring Back a Old Topic But i Thought id put it here instead of renders. Heres my Latest Cheers to Marcy#133 for the pic
  6. Dazza#289


    No Rodders Pic is by Himself if you look in non league/off topic at desktop topic you'll see 2 pics of it in progress
  7. Was Going Thru Me old pics And Saw This So Edited to put the black Bits at top & bottom.. Pic By me im quite proud ofit lol
  8. Cause We Came Up There To Wipe your hairy old Arses
  9. I Thought the Bloke in the back was tryin a bit of DJ'ing haha
  10. i know haadee its only a base at mo im gonna build a proper cage for it so thatll be a few polys the arches are gna be as smooth and as close as i got them still gotta do loads on the interior side of things and gonna build a custom steering collum like the brisca f1's then suspension engine ( if i can get enough pics of my mates one ) exhaust aswell radiotor etc etc.. like i said still a far way from complete but will be worth it i think after all is done
  11. Theres no Stock Rod Mod For Rfactor. And Before you Say i Thought you meant for heat read my post properly
  12. Ok people ive got 3dmax back and started making a new model....(see below) Its far From complete yet but i only started onit a few hours ago started on cage which needs making abit bigger after looking at it needs arches and skirts etc. will eventually go into rfactor for some testing to see how this mod is with the short circuit fans .. sorry for mk2 wheels on a nova but was just to show it off
  13. Just Had A read up on this whilst trying to solve it with wrighty And A Few people Have Said it could be to do with the ghost car Or Dual core Proccesors if your running them?
  14. my tft seems fine for everythink i use watched a few dvd's onit 2 and there crystal clear
  15. oo kk not to worry thought it was one of them thin ones i would have it but my screen sits on a shelf screwed to wall so not enough room. soz pedz
  16. got a pic pedz thinking of a new monitor for pc as mines only a 19 haha
  17. Ok Sorry to Bicker Here But Andy That Aldous Rep Thingy Looks Crap. it the front bumper is miles to curved the back quarters are nothing like that. the cage looks miles to thick and big it sure as hell needs smoothing. and it looks like half the side is missing on passenger side from that render...and it looks like a fat bird has sat on the edge of the bonnet. now before you say anythink back about give it ago yourself. if i still had 3d max after a virus done my pc i would and im trying to find it at the moment but no luck. and i did start a ssc myself a while back but that got lost in the process.. heres a picture to show you what i mean
  18. Asit Said On TNB Sometime this Weekend Which must meen today...
  19. Heres mine. taken by me.. Shame its abit stretched poxy camera wasnt on right size setting
  20. emm the top one closest i would say is air conditioner Find it here... http://www.dafont.com/search.php?psize=m&a...air+conditioner not to sure about the bottom one
  21. Heres Mine. Put It As My Desktop As I Think It Looks The Chest Part Of A Women. And Everytime i see it It Kicks Me up The arse And Mottivates Me To Get On With Mine
  22. Ye i Knew That It Had Damage Inc Members In It But It Wasnt Them So I Dont Count It .
  23. Emmm Only Time Boxer And Fuller Raced For Damage Inc As Far As i Know Was Old Skool Teams. And Runners was Boxers Team Then Whiteman took over last year i think
  24. Heres Mine From Live For Speed. The Smoke Has Been Added
  25. Happy Birthday Lads Have A Good'un N Dont get To drunk Admin edit - language
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