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Everything posted by Rudeboy473

  1. New attempt at something decent
  2. i'm glad you missed this one, Doh!
  3. i made it into a couple of the pics, and facing the right way. must've been doing something right. great shots :thumbs_up: Hope birmingham is just as fun
  4. save to desk top then copy/paste back into folder
  5. on the template its written as a60e, its the only one on download section
  6. could someone tell me why my skin is messed when i try to enter an a60e template
  7. 343 please and i'll see how i get on. also server doesn't recognise my car. how come?
  8. i can't get in either,server says host not responding
  9. ok overall concensus.... wake up, get steering wheel. is it really that simple? i hope so, thanks for the replies and the help. just so you all know i do race (although not since 07) but only bangers, i've never known any thing else in my life so i'm not an amatuer racer just inexperienced at doin it online, thanks again now i'm off for practice
  10. it was not a reply to spike, and for the record he did tell another driver i was getting better, then we had the final. it just reminded me of the amount of moaning in server about novice drivers, not hard to figure out who people are talking about when i was the only white top in 2 of the heats i appreciate that it is frustrating to be taken out by a nooby but everyone starts some where, and just to say you should always remember what happens now, coz when i've improved enough to race you guys properly, what goes round comes round. oh and i think spike buried me in prakky a few times although i took no notice but if i'm getting buried i cant improve, none of these comments are directed at any particular driver i just noticed a little hostility towards myself last nite
  11. ok where to start, i am a novice there is no hiding the fact but that does mean that i'm not as good as the top drivers so therefore means a few more mistakes. i, personally think i have improved quite alot over the last few meetings with the introduction of a pad instead of using keys, but my driving skills maybe completely useless without a good setup so until i learn to setup a car stop moaning coz i'm in your way, i'm a driver not a spanner monkey. last night i spun mainly because some drivers dont have the patience to work thier way round me and just put me in the wall, which, suprise!, means i ended up spinning resulting in me putting someone else out too. some times it is on my own but the last couple of meetings its mainly heavy contact. So please remember i'm still learning and i won't learn nuthin unless you guys help. If i have taken you out over the last month or so i apologise (this probably applies to everyone) but i am progressing slowly.
  12. am i now number zero, which would then mean i got 343 points, sounds good to me lol
  13. i did book in via ukdirt web site for the 25th and booked in for the 23rd on forum thread i dont think i scored any points though but i definatly booked for both events
  14. i think i've done them right this time
  15. sit back and relax man, just do your praccy and turn up and we will do the rest that was my point, where do i turn up? i dont know sim stox server details
  16. i'm not up to speed with technical details for servers, but how will ssc and f2 run tonite unless both run an all-in format. i'm probably way off but thats how i see it
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