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Everything posted by southy277

  1. WD Daveboy
  2. I run a XFX 640MB Nvidia 8800GTS card and i could turn everything up full even when using a AMD 6000 Dual core and 2GB RAM. I then got a deal to buy a £400 New card for £150. The old one is sat in a box. Keep meaning to put it on ebay but if anyone fancies it PM me and i'm sure we can sort something out.
  3. WD Tom - I were hopeing to at least finish the final but on lap 2/3 i ended up spinning into the centre green so that was over. Some great racing in the heats and all the racing seemed very fair. See you next week.
  4. Another really good meeting. The finish in the B&R race must of been a photo finish. WD James - he really made the meeting his and a brilliant result in the GN. Has anyone won on here from the hanicap? Thought i were doing well in the final until i fenced myself into a parked car on turn 1, got going again. Had a good battle then with Hooty but when i had my chance i sent them into the same parked cars. Sorry Hooty! See you next week guys - keep the good racing coming!
  5. Need to cancel - cheers
  6. I agree with Johno. It was a brilliant meeting. Will anyone be doing a video of the final? WD Dan - unbeatable all night and i'm sure that the British will be one title or many. I did better than i thought, i love the new Kings Lynn but just cant seem to keep consistant laptimes.
  7. Well Dazza has just made it interesting... I am personally betting on a TomD or MoR win. Both seem to be able to step it up in the bigger races. I am sure that who ever wins it tonight will deserver it. I will be counting myself out as i struggle with the shale since moving to the smith chassis this year..just can't seem to get consistant laptimes and struggle for grip..a change of shale chassis might be a good call. Does anyone find they can drive different chassis's better than others?
  8. Thanks for that Corny - looks like im need to sort out a better setup....miles off pace.
  9. What laptimes are people getting round KL?
  10. missing skinpack or part of a skinpack. If a certain drivers skin is missing and they enter the race then a mismatch will occur. If they are not in the race then the mismatch will not occur. Shame i missed it.
  11. Sounds like it were a good meeting - shame i had to miss it. Although i should of skipped trying to get the real F1 running and raced on here - still its not running right! Looking forward to Kings Lynn.
  12. Will have to book out - have fun!
  13. Please keep my booking as provisional - trying to get real F1 to fire up right for BV. Cheers
  14. Blymn - why dont you create one for a future meeting and post it up as an example - ask other members to provide feedback.
  15. Not a bad night of racing. I had some good battles with others, cobbers and skeet mainly. Final was a little destructive especially when trying to lap drivers. WD to Cobbers for final and skeet for points. See you all next week.
  16. SOUTHY277 - Got to book out - sorry.
  17. Southy 277 Yellow provisional please
  18. WD to Aub on the final win. I agree with Dave. The meeting started great with some good racing, shame i didnt have a little more luck early on but then in the final i think some people got very giddy with the bumper work. I know its contact racing but its not banger racing. The bumpers are for tactical use and there is no need to launch at the driver in front on every bend. This is mainly a little advice. If people think about it, especially whites and yellows. The more bumper work you carry out early on in the race the sooner the reds and ss's catch up. All your doing is docking yourself points with every attack. Anyway, hopefully i'll see you all next week. Cheers. Southy
  19. WD to MoR on the title defence. Sounds like it was a good challenge for him. I had to abandon the UK Open race as my wheel decided not to work. The admins reset the game weekend to adjust the laps and my wheel started working again but as they were in the race i could not logon to the server. There were some good racing. Were having a good battle with the blues until Hooty decided to follow us into the fence and wrecked the race. Watched the reply and it he had the throttle down all the way till the fence. Anyway. I thought the new faces did well - not perfect but i'm sure we all weren't when we joined. Southy 277
  20. Can you please make sure that southwell177 is booked in - white. His race number for tonight will be 98 i think. Cheers.
  21. Looks nice Aub. WD
  22. I have always wondered why the reds and ss don't just race as a pack to get through the field and then sort out for positions in the final laps of the race. Ah well....not my problem lol
  23. Another great meeting, not just because of the points i collected but the racing was ace. Some good fair hard racing at times. I am not a tarmac fan in F2's and never seem to get anywhere near the pace but hopefully i have finally cracked it. Cheers all.
  24. Ok, Cheers Leek.
  25. Are all the points up-to-date on the website?
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