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Everything posted by TRAV365

  1. ok your added James and yeh novice car is ok m8 BOOKINGS NOW CLOSED
  2. could not see the point in running 1 semi to be honest we will be running the final later in the season as planned with top 22 point scorers It would of helped if a load had not just booked in at the last min.
  3. Sorry due to a lack of bookings only 15 of the above were booked in to race and the other 6 have not scored any points towards the series. so due to the lack of cars Admin have decided to cancel the semi finals and will run the final at the later date with the top 22 cars on the night taking part. Sorry if this effects anyone but a 7 and a 8 cars race would be a waste of time. soz to gary and dave aswell for doing poster and grids
  4. Please post in here if you have to cancel or want a late booking please. Bookings will close at 8pm and i will not take any more after that
  5. Are we going to run the same rule like simstox no more than 2 wheels on the grass caught putting 4 wheels on grass more than once your docked at end of the race?????????????
  6. Yeh was a top race the final and dont even no why you think id burry you the only time i can think that ive done a big hit on you was at bradford on a last bend for a win. Any way first meeting from blue did better than expected and enjoyed every race i was in Wd to Grasser on winning the final Cheers Kev and Johno for meeting
  7. im only doing the nationals race m8 then off to bed. Thanks for running it tonight i was to shatterd been a long 2 days
  8. Here are the new grades for september and will be in for monday 14th at Crimond up to superstar Tosh164 up to red Nezza46 up to Blue Pusher2,Cap27,Wrighty496 down to white Budge313 slight edit 315 to be left superstar as only did 1 meeting last period soz
  9. Really enjoyed BV a track ive not gone that well at but seem to be going well on shale. the 2 heat races with tosh were superb great fair racing
  10. Yeh theres a few of us with the problem. i think the wrong track is on the server version1 yet in the downloads its version2
  11. TRAV365


    Nice 1 great little track thanks
  12. Sorry the results are a tad late and the meeting ran slow than expected any way thanks to all 36 drivers that took part last night was a great turnoutand the best so far for f2rf. Wd to Drumb41 and Tomd112 for winning there semi finals.Wd also to nz551 for winning the Final first time out. Congrats to other winners on the night Jarry16,Albertz106,Cap27,236 Danskin and Drumb41. (Semi1) HT1 41,531,136,363,152,18,380,515,968,351//27,496,236,106 (semi2) HT2 112,926,233,164,365,488,870,599,39,46//2,632,56,221 HT3 16,164,365,nz551,351,41,3,176,488,363//2,256,495,221,599,313,289,496,56,136,18,106 HT4 16,380,495,632,289,233,3,236,968,531//46,176,112,39,nz551,870,313,926,515,256,27,152 CON 106,152,256,176,18,236//39,599,968,870,46,2,515,313,27,496,289 FINAL nz551,112,3,41,233,256,531,164,495,380//136,632,152,56,176,236,351,926,488 Bfinal 27,2,46,599,496,515,313 GN1 236,495,365,112,632,18,380,3,256,27//136,176,152,16 GN2 41,2,233,531,46,164,488,nz551*,313//515,599 Points scored 41-----39pts 112----35pts nz551--33pts 233----33pts 3------28pts 164----27pts 531----26pts 365----22pts 495----21pts 16-----20pts 380----19pts 236----14pts 632----13pts 256----12pts 488----11pts 18-----10pts 2------9pts 926----9pts 363----8pts 136----8pts 351----7pts 46-----7pts 152----6pts 289----6pts 968----5pts 870----4pts 515----3pts 599----3pts 79-----3pts 39-----2pts 313----2pts 27-----1pt 56-----0pt 106----0pt 221----0pt 496----0pt Wd to the 18 drivers that have made it to the Wf so far and with 112 being the top placed world finalist in last nights final he won his semi the inside line for the wf.There is 6 more places up for grabs at the conslation semi final in 7 weeks time at Coventry. The grid so far 112---41 926---531 233---136 164---363 365---152 488---18 870---380 599---515 39---968 ?-----? ?-----? ?-----?
  13. Bookings now closed no more late ones will be taken sorry
  14. sorted Mart knew id forget some one back row anyway so made it easy lol lucky me with you behind
  15. Welcombe to Stanlake and up tonight we have the 2 semi final races. With a great booking list of 34 cars it looks set for a very good meeting. we will be running 4 heats tonight hts 1 and 2 will be the semis then each driver will get another ht each and those not in a semi will race in ht 3 and 4. so there may be a bit of a wait as all the heats will be run 1 after the other. The top 16 after the heats will go straight to the final and the remaing drivers will go into the cons were a further 6 drivers will go through. for those not in the main final there will be a bfinal and the 2 gns. The top 9 from each semi will go forward to the world final with the rest going into a cons semi where the top 6 will go through Please can you make sure you have all the skin packs from here http://www.ukdirtforum.com/index.php?showtopic=32435 we do not want any missmatches tonight as its a busy meeting. please if you have time pop into the server for some practise and youll know if you have any problems. please check the semi grids as they have changed as per real life and the drivers take up the gaps HT1 semi1 41 -- 136 363 -- 531 152 -- 27 515 -- 351 18 -- 968 496 -- 106 236 --380 HT2 semi2 112 -- 164 926 -- 488 221 -- 599 233 -- 2 46 -- 56 365 -- 632 870 -- 39 HT3 16,495,nz15,351/2,106,313,496/3,18,221,365,599/56,79,164,256,289,363,488/41,136 server .90 steward Aub152 HT4 16,495,nz15/27,313,380,968,870/3,39,46,236,515,632/79,152,233,256,289,531,926,112 server .90 steward Drumb41 GN1 16,351/27,106,380/3,18,236,365,632/56,152,256,363,531/112,136 server .90 steward trav365 GN2 495,nz15/2,313,496,968,870/46,221,515,599/79,164,233,289,488,926/41 server .91 steward Drumb41 Meeting starts at 8.30pm sharp so please be in chat for 8.20pm
  16. Late booking or cancellations in here please any one not booked in for there semi its to late im affraid but you can book in for rest of the meeting
  17. ta lee im the rm so got you down
  18. wasnt aimed at you saying you spat your dummy...was aimed at trav. oh and forgot to say in my post above it was not even aimed at you but at walker personally you reversing out the fence and getting matty helped me out as i got the lead only for dazza to hit the fence and hit him a lap later haha
  19. This meeting will also start at an earlier time of 8.30pm as there is no heat meeting next week
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