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Everything posted by DanSkin

  1. Just in case anyone might have missed this with it being in the heat forum now... http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?showtopic=27076
  2. http://www.bhmotorsports.com/download/13253 That will help. Not perfect, but better than nothing. Just read the readme and it's simple enough.
  3. DanSkin236 please/thanks
  4. Cheers guys!
  5. Dan Squire 291 for both please.
  6. And it's up and running on Jolt 3... see you all there!
  7. Voting will close Sunday 6th January. Keep them coming!
  8. Points standings after round 10 of 10:
  9. Well done to Dubstar for taking the meeting final win tonight. Congratulations to Drumbstick who top scored tonight, overhauling Hutch's lead to take the Series Points Championship, and topping it by taking victory in the Series Supreme race at the end of the night! Results: Heat 1: 8, 684, 41, 315, 322, 20, 331, 123, 236, 286, 146, 426, 136, 248, 515, 63 Heat 2: 8, 322, 684, 41, 488, 413, 20, 137, 136, 298, 146, 236, 112, 192, 188, 39, 248 Heat 3: 488, 39, 2, 188, 298, 286, 20, 288, 8, 331, 236, 413, 156, 322, 515, 123 Heat 4: 286, 156, 41, 2, 137, 488, 684, 331, 146, 298, 426, 288, 315, 192, 112, 63 Heat 5: 136, 288, 2, 188, 426, 413, 39, 315, 156, 137, 123, 112, 63, 515, 192 Final: 123, 426, 188, 41, 413, 286, 684, 137, 331, 2, 288, 322, 298, 20, 8, 39, 315, 488, 156, 136 GN: 2, 188, 413, 156, 146, 684, 41, 286, 322, 20, 426, 488, 236, 192, 298, 288, 8, 331, 137, 136, 63, 315, 515, 39, 123, 112 Supreme Championship Race: 41, 2, 236, 137, 146, 288, 684, 286, 413, 426, 298, 136, 331, 20, 8, 188, 39, 123, 156, 322, 515 Meeting Points: Drumbstick #41 - 82 Aub #188 - 78 Mike #2 - 70 Dazza #684 - 68 Matthew #413 - 60 MrBeef #286 - 58 Dav #426 - 48 Dubstar #123 - 46 Tosh #8 - 44 Dave #488 - 42 Fourwinds #156 - 36 Murph #322 - 34 MoR #137 - 32 Splinter #20 - 28 LeeK #39 - 26 Kruiz #136 - 24 Ironmac #288 - 24 Hutch #331 - 24 Sybe #315 - 20 PaulP #146 - 16 TGG #298 - 14 DanSkin #236 - 4 Tinman #248 - 2 Samson #63 - 0 Kendo #192 - 0 BigAl #515 - 0 TomD #112 - 0 Thanks to everyone for racing tonight and over the course of the series. Personally it's been a pleasure and one I hope we see continue and go from strength to strength here at UK Dirt.
  10. Evening folks! Grades for tonight: Whites: 20, 63, 156, 192, 248, 488, 515 Yellows: 8, 112, 136, 286, 298, 315 Blues: 39, 146, 288, 322, 426 Reds: 2, 123, 137, 236, 684 SS: 41, 188, 331, 413 Heats: (5 heat format) Heat 1: 20 63 248 515 // 8 136 286 315 // 146 322 426 // 123 236 684 // 41 331 Heat 2: 20 192 248 488 // 8 112 136 298 // 39 146 322 // 137 236 684 // 41 188 413 Heat 3: 20 156 488 515 // 8 286 298 // 39 288 322 // 2 123 236 // 188 331 413 Heat 4: 63 156 192 488 // 112 286 298 315 // 146 288 426 // 2 137 684 // 41 331 Heat 5: 63 156 192 248 515 // 112 136 315 // 39 288 426 // 2 123 137 // 188 413 Remember folks tonight is the last meeting in our series - so double points on offer all night. We'll be crowning the Series Points Champion, and in a special race after the GN our Series Supreme Champion (21 laps, open to the top 20 in the series points at the end of the night)! After last weeks bit of mayhem I'd like to ask people to check out the rules one last time... Hopefully you're all full of Christmas cheer, and Seasonal kindness - so please feel free to let some of that flow over into the racing.
  11. Just duplicating what is also posted in the main F1 Forum - http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?showtopic=26799 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Afternoon folks. As promised, now is your chance to have your say as to whether we should be running Heat F1s or RFactor F1s 2008... Please fill in the details below, and PM them to me, DanSkin (click here to PM me - copy and paste the 'details' bit of this message across...). Everyone who sends me a PM should get a thank you / acknowledgement of receipt message back. We're doing this by PM to avoid any nastiness / dispute on here. It'll hopefully also give everyone a fair chance to have their say without fear of judgement from others - nothing anyone says will go beyond the F1 or General Admin Teams, so don't worry. Along the same lines reasoning like "RFactor = Rpooper" or "Heat is poo" don't carry much weight... If you feel that passionately and strongly about it, please explain why. We've picked these few bits as being "key", you're welcome to add as little or as much extra as you please. No deadline as such yet, we'll see how it goes, but I'd like to think we can get the bulk in by early January please. All the best for Christmas and the New Year.
  12. I'm kind of glad somebody other than me said this... I wanted this to be a fun series, for people to get used to the mod / learn about problems / etc and general re-learn how to race online with a new game. I was rather hoping we would get through the series without the underlying problem of ukdirt as a whole rearing it's head - peoples lack of respect / ability to race sensibly. There's a brake, it's there for a reason. RFactor records replays for a reason, and if I get any time / enthusiasm I'll take a look through them. Thanks to the people who did race sensibly, I did get some decent battles in amongst the chaos / trying to break down fence posts. The positive side for me at least tonight, I found the contact very good...
  13. Points standings after round 9 of 10:
  14. Well done to Dubstar for taking the final tonight, and Matthew for top scoring! Results: Heat 1: 331, 212, 684, 112, 322, 248, 137, 288, 236, 3, 426, 2, 156, 315, 657, 286 Heat 2: 137, 212, 426, 236, 413, 3, 41, 123, 146, 684, 112, 435, 315, 248, 515, 657 Heat 3: 315, 146, 413, 332, 331, 426, 3, 288, 41, 2, 156, 236, 123, 435, 286, 248, 515 Heat 4: 2, 137, 212, 413, 41, 146, 331, 286, 435, 288, 256, 123, 657, 515, 684, 322 Final: 123, 413, 2, 331, 156, 41, 212, 137, 288, 236, 286, 146, 426, 112, 684, 435, 248, 657, 322, 315, 515 GN: 2, 137, 156, 413, 41, 286, 236, 288, 331, 212, 146, 426, 123, 112, 248, 435, 315, 657, 322, 515, 684 Meeting Points: Matthew #413 - 46 MoR #137 - 38 Mike #2 - 37 Hutch #331 - 36 Pedz #212 - 35 Drumbstick #41 - 28 Dubstar #123 - 23 Fourwinds #156 - 20 PaulP #146 - 16 DanSkin #236 - 15 Iron #288 - 14 Dav #426 - 13 Sybe #315 - 10 Johno #3 - 10 Dazza #684 - 9 MrBeef #286 - 8 TomD #112 - 7 Murph #322 - 6 Tinman #248 - 5 Mart #435 - 2 BigAl #515 - 0 AliP #657 - 0 See you all next week for the final round of the series at Birmingham.
  15. Evening folks! Grades for tonight: Whites: 112, 156, 248, 515 Yellows: 8, 286, 315, 435, 657 Blues: 2, 3, 146, 212, 322, 426 Reds: 123, 137, 236, 288, 413 SS: 41, 331, 684 Heats: Heat 1: 112 156 248 // 8 286 315 657 // 2 3 212 322 426 // 137 236 288 // 331 684 Heat 2: 112 248 515 // 8 315 435 657 // 3 146 212 426 // 123 137 236 413 // 41 684 Heat 3: 156 248 515 // 286 315 435 // 2 3 146 322 426 // 123 236 288 413 // 41 331 Heat 4: 112 156 515 // 8 286 435 657 // 2 146 212 322 // 123 137 288 413 // 41 331 684 All races will be graded starts, line up as would be usual for a UK Dirt graded race. Whites half way down the back straight. Yellows a quarter of the way down the back straight. Blues in turn 2. Reds in turn 1. SS 2/3 way down the home straight. Someone towards the back of the pack will call "IS ANYONE NOT READY?",,, followed shortly by "ROLL AT 30MPH..." - the race will commence when the lead cars exit turn 4.
  16. The usual please folks. Get booked in for the penultimate round of our Autumn Series! Bookings close Sunday 7pm. Please book in here stating name and number, and use these in your name in the server. DanSkin#236
  17. Absolutely fantastic video Splinter. Although I do think the trying to watch 4 different segments at the start all at the same time at gone midnight is a bit much of a challenge for me!
  18. Points standings after round 8 of 10:
  19. Congratualtions to Kruiz who took tonights meeting final, and well done to Allan who top scored in only his second meeting... Results: Heat 1: 123, 41, 156, 684, 188, 286, 20, 2, 137, 300, 315, 426, 435, 515, 236, 136 Heat 2: 123, 39, 288, 188, 136, 236, 684, 426, 331, 268, 435, 300, 515, 248, 2 Heat 3: 268, 331, 137, 188, 41, 136, 39, 2, 156, 236, 20, 435, 248, 315, 288 Heat 4: 41, 268, 123, 426, 137, 515, 156, 331, 315, 288, 286, 248, 684, 39, 300, 20 Final: 136, 268, 236, 188, 288, 684, 2, 137, 300, 331, 426, 435, 156, 248, 123, 20, 39, 286, 315, 515, 41 GN: 137, 435, 123, 236, 2, 268, 188, 286, 136, 331, 20, 248, 288, 315, 515, 300, 426, 156, 684, 39 Meeting Points: Allan #268 - 43 Aub #188 - 38 Dubstar #123 - 36 Kruiz #136 - 35 MoR #137 - 32 DanSkin #236 - 29 Drumbstick #41 - 25 Ironmac #288 - 21 Dazza #684 - 21 Mike #2 - 20 Hutch #331 - 17 Fourwinds #156 - 14 LeeK #39 - 13 Dav #426 - 10 Mart #435 - 9 MrBeef #286 - 8 BigAl #515 - 5 Matty #300 - 5 Splinter #20 - 4 Sybe #315 - 2 Tinman #248 - 0 Join us all next Sunday for the penultimate round of the series at Belle Vue!
  20. Evening all...! Grades for tonight: Whites: 63, 156, 221, 245, 515 Yellows: 20, 136, 268, 300, 315 Blues: 2, 146, 212, 286, 435 Reds: 39, 123, 137, 236, 288, 426 SS: 41, 188, 331, 684 Heats: Heat 1: 63 156 221 515 // 20 136 300 315 // 2 212 286 435 // 123 137 236 426 // 41 188 684 Heat 2: 63 221 248 515 // 136 268 300 // 2 146 212 435 // 39 123 236 288 426 // 188 331 684 Heat 3: 156 221 248 // 20 136 268 315 // 2 146 286 435 // 39 137 236 288 // 41 188 331 Heat 4: 63 156 248 515 // 20 268 300 315 // 146 212 286 // 39 123 137 288 426 // 41 331 684 All races will be graded starts, line up as would be usual for a UK Dirt graded race. Whites half way down the back straight. Yellows a quarter of the way down the back straight. Blues in turn 2. Reds in turn 1. SS 2/3 way down the home straight. Someone towards the back of the pack will call "IS ANYONE NOT READY?",,, followed shortly by "ROLL AT 30MPH..." - the race will commence when the lead cars exit turn 4.
  21. Another great video splinter!
  22. Points standings after round 7 of 10:
  23. As the title of the thread says - where would you like to race next week folks? We have three rounds left, which are as follows... 9th December 2007 - tbc... so over to you guys, where would you like to race?
  24. Big congratulations to MrBeef tonight for taking the final win, and then working his way through from the back of the GN grid to start scoring double points for positions! Well done also to Hutch who top scores over the meeting. Results: Heat 1: 331, 27, 137, 123, 288, 188, 236, 2, 136, 300, 212, 426, 156, 286, 3 Heat 2: 684, 331, 236, 212, 286, 123, 426, 146, 268, 39, 315, 16, 3 Heat 3: 331, 39, 146, 288, 315, 684, 188, 137, 236, 27, 156, 136, 268, 3, 300, 16, 20 Heat 4: 39, 123, 288, 684, 426, 212, 146, 315, 16, 188, 137, 300, 286, 268, 20, 63 Final: 286, 684, 331, 236, 146, 123, 137, 212, 27, 288, 136, 426, 39, 300, 156, 16, 188, 315, 3 GN: 123, 212, 331, 136, 236, 300, 684, 286, 146, 137, 27, 315, 39, 426, 156, 16, 3, 288 Meeting Points: Hutch #331 - 53 Dazza #684 - 44 Dubstar #123 - 41 DanSkin #236 - 34 MrBeef #286 - 32 PaulP #146 - 29 Pedz #212 - 27 Ironmac #288 - 23 LeeK #39 - 20 MoR #137 - 20 Cap #27 - 14 Dav #426 - 10 Aub #188 - 10 Kruiz #136 - 9 Sybe #315 - 9 Matty #300 - 6 JK #16 - 2 Allan #268 - 2 Samson #63 - 0 Fourwinds #156 - 0 Splinter #20 - 0 Johno #3 - 0 See you all next week when we'll be racing... oh... er... well... see another thread that'll appear shortly!
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