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Everything posted by DanSkin

  1. If it's not a permanent problem I'd put it down to being a feature of RFactor/ARCA/GMotor/whatever with certain system setups... I've seen it (or similar at least) myself a few times in rfactor and arca and normally a game restart solves the issue... (that said I'd sure love to know of a solution or way of preventing it if there is one). If its a permanent problem for you, sorry but I can't be of any help.
  2. Thank you for the meeting. Another impressive showing from the 236 camp.
  3. taken from ukdirt incase it disappears again... Number Name 202 Vegas 300 Mattyaspin 3 Johno 18 marky 259 jimmymuk 112 Tom D 236 DanSkin 286 Mr Beef 288 Ironmac 291 Marten 39 LeeK 136 Kruiz 137 MoR 188 Aub 318 db 413 matthewb 331 HUTCH
  4. DanSkin 236 Red
  5. Temporary solution LSF until you figure out why your wheel is doing that... but assign a "Reset FFB" control in the controller settings and try hitting that when your wheel stops working properly.
  6. The easiest (or only?) way I can think of to race against a graded AI field would be to do the following. Create a multiplayer game (set a password if you like, so no-one else will come in)... Make yourself the server admin, then add some AI cars. Once you've progressed to the warmup session, use the editgrid command to alter the grid order of cars in the race. e.g. typing in /editgrid 1 DanSkin would put me on pole, etc. A list of commands, and information about using the multiplayer side of things can be found in your RFactor directory in the readme file. It is also possible to set up batch files to grid cars, although I'm not sure how much success you would have with that - you may have to trim your install to a set number of cars to ensure the right people were in the race each time. edit I haven't tried any of this - I'm assuming you can assign AI cars positions with that command... You might also want to check just incase you can use the same command in the single player mode anyway...
  7. Thank you for the meeting Johno.
  8. Posted on behalf of Reb who's account is locked at the moment... And the same from myself Alex, very sorry to hear of your loss, thoughts with you at this time.
  9. Apologies from Johno who isn't around to post this, or a funky preview... So you're left with me quickly summarising things. The following people have changed grades as of now! Down DanSkin#236 (Blue) Matty#300 (White) Aub#188 (Red) Up LeeK#39 (Red) Cheers guys!
  10. Two quick issues... Don't forget to unzip what you download before trying to use it! I appreciate the vast majority of people will have no idea who Java is or what version might or might not be installed... So just try running the results viewer first - if it doesn't work, my suggestion would be that you need to install the Java6 file I have indicated.
  11. Afternoon chaps. http://www.ukdirt3.co.uk/rfactor/ResultViewer.zip Read the text files in the Zip, or see them here below...
  12. I wasn't going to respond here for reasons you'll see later but here goes... Presumably then you have had response from the Admin Team(s) in question detailing why no action has been taken in this particular instance(s) or I'm sure no admin team would begrudge you querying "why" no action has been taken. Any comments you do receive are ones you need to take on board and consider when racing in the future. If you have not received any response yet - bear in mind that it does take time to turn around any complaints you lodge - as you said earlier... Which is of course correct, but remember that your fee is for costs incurred running this league (i.e. server and software costs) and not to pay admin members to work every spare hour doing the undesirable jobs. The league is for members by members, and always looking to improve. Only recently I know the F1 Admin Team advertised for new members, I don't think your name was among the applicants, which was perhaps a pitty given your disposition towards dealing with disciplinary issues. Now, sorry if I've been a bit blunt, but when I see you making complaints like this after "ruining my enjoyment" in a few races this and last Friday I just see a pot calling a kettle black (that's in the rules too, but I assumed it was just you still getting the hang of things and learning racecraft as Kendo posted about - so I'm quite happy to let it slide and move on). Kendo has replied inthe time I was typing this, and has covered the rest of the points I was going to make, so I will leave it there. Suffice to say if you stick with it, you will learn there are people to race, and people to treat with more caution. Just as we watch every weekend on tracks around the country. Sometimes someone will be in a bad mood, sometimes you will have upset someone, sometimes you will be mad yourself and so the list goes on....
  13. Well done Kruiz! Thanks to Johno and MoR for the meeting. Enjoyed myself, but had a bit of a tough time of it. But that's my own fault - found out at 7.30 I had messed up my FFB settings so the car felt nothing like it had before... and I haven't touched setups since the autumn really so my own fault. That said had some good battles over the course of the evening. Thanks has to go to Fourwinds for our results magic-er, which should be released by next meeting - then you can all chip in and help out (and save me going mad getting on the servers every few minutes).
  14. DanSkin

    Any Praccy

    Check out the multiplayer section in game and have a look at the list for every server that is available / visible to you at that moment in time, you can sort the list by mods, servername, etc if you're looking for something in particular. What was Jolt 3 - server 5 on the server page is available for practise most of the time (this might change in time). This is now using league skins, and latest versions of all relevant tracks. You may have to connect by IP, or it may show up in your in game list... seems a bit hit and miss for me. To connect by IP use the little plus button at the top left of the servers list. For meetings we'll be running on our Cyber server... 1 and 2 on the server page most likely. UK Dirt servers are, as always, passworded.
  15. Thanks MoR - good work. Jolt 3 is up to date (note also the password {server 5} is updated, as per the UK Dirt website). Edit to clarify - the server now runs league skins only, plus available novice skins.
  16. Great stuff. Jolt3 is updated.
  17. I'll be carrying on. Keep the cup I think. Please/thanks!
  18. Hey folks. Just in keeping with testing, and seeing what we have to work with for the season we would like to try practise for tonight's rFactor F1 meeting in Jolt 1. IP - Password - same as all other ukdirt servers Post here if you have any problems please.
  19. Me booking in! ***CAR TO BE USED; DAN SQUIRE #291***
  20. No replies yet? Amazing skin Grasser. It looks like a lot of time and effort went into it, and it looks to me like it paid off with the finished article.
  21. Yep, as I said after the meeting - thanks to everyone who did, for staying around and helping out by testing at this test meeting. I'd far rather we wobble our way through half of the first test meeting scratching our heads and playing with server settings than get to the first real meeting with a problem like this. And thanks to Drumb for those server settings, if having a slider set in the wrong place is the biggest problem we have all year then things are looking good.
  22. Oh go on then I'll have play... ( I used the 291 car in snt ) DanSkin 236 *** CAR TO BE USED; DAN SQUIRE 291***
  23. Aye, cheers Aussie! Doesn't require a whole lot of input over the course of a week, but nice to keep an eye on whats going on.
  24. I didn't see anything to do with the incident in question... Tum tee tum tee tum... Ridiculous allegations, trying to drag my team name through the dirt eh... Err... Well, no-one seems to want to sign for me and with my masterful line ups & tactics failing, I thought I'd use my funds elsewhere to try and avoid dreaded relegation!
  25. Sorted, I hope, let me know if there are any problems.
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