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Everything posted by DanSkin
Thanks to every for racing, a big well done to Drumbstick who took the monster 24 car final! Well done also to top scorer Matthew - who was consistent throughout. Results: Heat 1: 39, 331, 236, 53, 413, 426, 298, 212, 123, 322, 146, 525, 137, 155, 286, 215 Heat 2: 413, 41, 188, 236, 331, 53, 286, 146, 8, 137, 300, 298, 156, 435, 212, 525, 288, 215, 146 Heat 3: 236, 39, 331, 426, 288, 188, 322, 8, 41, 155, 137, 525, 123, 435, 298, 300, 156, 215, 20 Heat 4: 8, 413, 188, 435, 41, 288, 53, 20, 146, 426, 123, 286, 322, 39, 155, 212, 300 Final: 41, 413, 426, 188, 53, 435, 322, 288, 236, 39, 212, 331, 300, 137, 146, 155, 298, 156, 8, 525, 286, 123, 20 GN: 39, 331, 146, 212, 413, 8, 41*, 298, 525, 137, 426, 435, 123, 236, 156, 322, 300, 233, 53, 155, 288, 188, 286 Points: Matthew #413 - 49 Drumbstick #41 - 45 Aub #188 - 35 Hutch #331 - 32 LeeK #39 - 31 Dav #426 - 29 DanSkin #236 - 29 Scrapman #53 - 28 Tosh #8 - 20 Mart #435 - 17 Ironmac #288 - 17 Paulp #146 - 13 Murph #322 - 13 Pedz #212 - 10 TGG #298 - 7 MrBeef #286 - 4 Splinter #20 - 3 Mav #525 - 2 MoR #137 - 2 Dubstar #123 - 2 Fozz #155 - 1 Fritz #215 - 0 Fourwinds #156 - 0 Matty #300 - 0 Grasser #233 - 0 See you all next week.
Good evening folks. Grades for tonight: White: 215, 286, 426, 435, 525 Yellow: 8, 20, 146, 156, 300, 413 Blue: 39, 137, 155, 212, 288, 298 Red: 53, 123, 188, 236, 256, 322 SS: 41, 331 Your heats (3 each): Heat 1: 215 286 426 525 // 20 146 156 413 // 39 137 155 212 298 // 53 123 236 256 322 // 331 Heat 2: 215 286 435 525 // 8 146 156 300 413 // 137 212 288 298 // 53 188 236 256 // 41 331 Heat 3: 215 426 435 525 // 8 20 156 300 // 39 137 155 288 298 // 123 188 236 322 // 41 331 Heat 4: 286 426 435 // 8 20 146 300 413 // 39 155 212 288 // 53 123 188 256 322 // 41 All races will be graded starts, line up as would be usual for a UK Dirt graded race. Whites half way down the back straight. Yellows a quarter of the way down the back straight. Blues in turn 2. Reds in turn 1. SS 2/3 way down the home straight. Someone towards the back of the pack will call "IS ANYONE NOT READY?",,, followed shortly by "ROLL AT 30MPH..." - the race will commence when the lead cars exit turn 4. There will be a meeting final, and enough grand nationals for everyone. A reminder to all drivers that GENERAL UK DIRT RULES APPLY AT ALL TIMES. And that UK Dirt F1 rules will be used as a guide at these meetings.
Jolt 3 is up now, I put it up Sat morning, but it seems to have been shut down / shut down itself since then. Note on the server page at ukdirt that the password has changed. So far I've been setting Jolt 3 to RFactor on Saturday and Sunday. I'll start updating the server page to reflect this, unless there is demmand for any other day(s) of the week then I'll see what the rest of Gen. Admin have to say.
UK Dirt RFactor F1 Stockcar Autumn 2007 Series - Rules & Downloads
DanSkin replied to DanSkin's topic in F1 (rFactor)
RFactor game version updated to v1.255(f) -
Hopefully the F stands for final (if you've been following the 1 or 2.. or 6 versions of this patch you'll know what I mean), so barring any untowards problems we'll be running with v1255f henceforth. Please see http://www.rfactor.net for the download links! Head over to http://rfactorcentral.com/detail.cfm?ID=rF...%201255%20Patch to read stuff that is said over there about updating. Don't blame me if your computer bursts into flames, or your house falls down (or more likely your rfactor install messes up... ) because you didn't read the advice, hehe. You need to reactivate the game after it's installed apparently, to do this you will need your original email from them with the code... In the event you no longer have this email... head over to this page on the Trymedia website: http://csc.trymedia.com/csc/question/publi...=0_1/index.html Enter the email address you used when you bought the game, and it will resend the activation code.
Yep no problem. Hop in the server before the meeting just to check there're no clashing novice skins though ideally please.
You scared me there!!! I'm down for the British which is, as I had thought it was, the Saturday night... phew.
UK Dirt RFactor F1 Stockcar Autumn 2007 Series - Rules & Downloads
DanSkin replied to DanSkin's topic in F1 (rFactor)
Skinpacks & Beta version required updated On another note, please read about how races are started if you haven't already. I honestly didn't write all this because I enjoy writing stuff for people to ignore. Not having a go at anyone in particular, just want everyone to enjoy themselves and understand what's going on. -
Gradings will be announced before the meeting. Booking in here, until 7PM Sunday 14/10/07. Please state name, and number. DanSkin236
I'm not sure how feasible something like that is - yes whoever is set as admin in the server can grid up cars in order... but you can only give someone a grid position up to the total number of drivers in the server (i.e. not the complete number of grid slots set up). as far as I know, or the last time I tried at least... So if we had a 15 car race, but the SS grid slots didnt start until slot 25... then no-one would be able to be set to start from the SS grade slots. Thats my understanding behind that particular problem anyway...
Ace video Splinter, thanks
Sorry, for some reason I left you and Bruce off ...sorted now
Thanks to everyone for racing, a big well done to Mac who took the opening Final of the series. Interesting to see already at the top of the points we have a tie, well done to top scorers Scrap, Mac & Hutch. Results: Heat 1: 53, 219, 331, 41, 188, 322, 236, 39, 123, 20, 137, 8, 136, 300, 286, 201 Heat 2: 331, 53, 188, 288, 156, 236, 137, 298, 322, 123, 8, 136, 286, 525, 129 Heat 3: 219, 236, 39, 53, 288, 300, 120, 298, 188, 8, 286, 20, 156, 525, 129 Heat 4: 322, 331, 219, 123, 136, 41, 39, 300, 137, 298, 288, 120, 156, 201 Final: 219, 236, 188, 53, 331, 41, 137, 298, 288, 123, 120, 20, 286, 300, 8k, k39, 322, 156, 136 GN: 123, 188, 331, 53, 41, 236, 322, 20, 120, 137, 219*, 156, 298, 8, 286, 288, 136, 300, 39 Points: Scrapman #53 - 47 Mac #219 - 47 Hutch #331 - 47 Aub #188 - 41 DanSkin #236 - 41 Drumstick #41 - 28 Dubstar #123 - 22 Murph #322 - 21 Ironmac #288 - 17 LeeK #39 - 15 MoR #137 - 15 TGG #298 - 13 Matty #300 - 8 Fourwinds #156 - 6 Kruiz #136 - 6 cod #120 - 6 Splinter #20 - 4 Tosh #8 - 1 Damien #129 - 0 Bruce #201 - 0 MrBeef #286 - 0 Mav #525 - 0 See you next week.
Evening folks, can we all be in UK Dirt Secure Chat 1 by 8.20 please, ready for a 8.30 start. Grades for tonights meeting: White: 20, 129, 156, 201, 286, 322, 525 Yellow: 27, 53, 136, 300 Blue: 8, 120, 123, 219, 298 Red: 39, 137, 188, 236, 288 SS: 41, 331 Everyone will race in 3 heats, as follow: Heat 1: 20 201 286 322 525 // 53 136 300 // 8 120 123 219 // 39 137 188 236 // 41 331 Heat 2: 20 129 156 286 322 // 27 53 136 // 8 120 123 298 // 137 188 236 288 // 331 Heat 3: 20 129 156 201 286 525 // 27 53 300 // 8 219 298 // 39 188 236 288 // 41 Heat 4: 129 156 201 322 525 // 27 136 300 // 120 123 219 298 // 39 137 288 // 41 331 All races will be graded starts, line up as would be usual for a UK Dirt graded race. Whites half way down the back straight. Yellows a quarter of the way down the back straight. Blues in turn 2. Reds in turn 1. SS 2/3 way down the home straight. Someone towards the back of the pack will call "IS ANYONE NOT READY?",,, followed shortly by "ROLL AT 30MPH..." - the race will commence when the lead cars exit turn 4. There will be a meeting final, and enough grand nationals for everyone. A reminder to all drivers that GENERAL UK DIRT RULES APPLY AT ALL TIMES. And that UK Dirt F1 rules will be used as a guide at these meetings. Have fun.
The UK Dirt Server, and this series will continue to use the v1250 game version until such time as v1255 stability is confirmed. (It is my understanding there should be further updates to the 1255 patch soon). I am told that simply installing the v1250 patch again over the v1255 patch will work, and for those needing to switch back and forth / who have already used an activation to get to v1255 there is this page at RFC. http://www.rfactorcentral.com/rfactor_1250_1255_swap.cfm
Jolt 3 rfactor server is up (has been since yesterday), is up to date, and should be working as far as I am aware? Let me know if there are problems please
The first meeting of our RFactor F1 Stockcar Autumn 2007 Series takes place this Sunday. All info needed is stickied at the top of this forum. Gradings will be announced before the meeting. Booking in here, until 7PM Sunday 7/10/07. Please state name, and number. DanSkin236
The series will comprise 10 rounds over the next 11 weeks, including a mid series break. The first round runs 7/10/07, mid series break is 11/11/07 & 18/11/07 and the finale is 23/12/07. 7th October 2007 Ipswich (Shale) - http://www.rfactorcentral.com/detail.cfm?I...xhall%20Stadium 14th October 2007 Birmingham Wheels - http://www.rfactorcentral.com/detail.cfm?I...ingham%20Wheels 21th October 2007 Sexbierum - http://www.rfactorcentral.com/detail.cfm?ID=Sexbierum 28th October 2007 Ipswich - http://www.rfactorcentral.com/detail.cfm?I...xhall%20Stadium 4th November 2007 Belle Vue - http://www.rfactorcentral.com/detail.cfm?ID=Belle%20Vue 11th November 2007 Mid-Series Break - No meeting 25th November 2007 KR3W Raceway (Tarmac), GRC Raceway Park - http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?showtopic=25565 2nd December 2007 Wedgeway 9th December 2007 Fareham Tarmac http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?showtopic=25565 16th December 2007 Belle Vue - http://www.rfactorcentral.com/detail.cfm?ID=Belle%20Vue 23rd December 2007 Birmingham Wheels - http://www.rfactorcentral.com/detail.cfm?I...ingham%20Wheels Series Finale!
Please remember that UK Dirt General Rules apply at all times. Not being aware of these rules is no excuse, I do this because I enjoy it. I don't enjoy reminding people you should not be swearing or driving around like numpties. So wether you've been a member for a few days, or a few years can I advise you take a moment to re-familiarise yourself with them here. Registration Any driver wishing to compete in this series must be a registered and fully paid up member of UK Dirt. Any driver wishing to compete in this series must register as a member of UK Dirt F1s (this is to avoid number clashing and to ensure preference is given to existing members). Downloads This series currently uses RFactor V1.255(F). In order to compete (i.e. avoid mismatches that will prevent you from racing) you should have the RFactor F1 Stockcar mod installed, including all UK Dirt Skinpacks. - F1 Stockcars - http://rfactorcentral.com/detail.cfm?ID=F1%20Stockcars (v0.1, followed by v0.2 update) - Skinpacks #1 - http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?showtopic=24914 - Skinpacks #2 - http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?showtopic=25903 - Skinpacks #3 - http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?showtopic=26209 All tracks and download location information will be made available in the fixtures. Skins Drivers should submit a skin of each roof grade (white, yellow, blue and red) for each surface (tarmac and shale). Reigning World and National Points Champions may submit, and race under solely the Gold and Silver roof respectively. Drivers may submit 1 set of skins for the duration of the series. No swearing or obscenities will be permitted on any skin. Novice/Other skins are available for drivers without a skin. See this skinpack thread for more details. Other skinpack(s) may be released over the course of the series IF there is sufficient demand - don't post your skins assuming you'll get a skinpack, but do ask. Forewarning will be given publicly if another skinpack is to be released. Gradings Over the course of the series gradings will be "active". Gradings will be based on Points Total, Points Average and other formulae performance. Because of the short nature of the series grading changes will be made weekly, these will be announced during the week before the next meeting. Where necessary grading changes may be applied mid-meeting. Any new drivers booking in will be pre-graded in the Meeting Information. The grading split will be (roughly):- SS 10%, Red 20%, Blue 20%, Yellow 20%, White 30%. This list is from top-to-bottom, i.e. the top 10% will be superstars, the next 20% red, etc. Meetings Meetings will take place on Sunday evenings at 8:30pm (please be in chat by 8:20pm. A bookings thread will be made available after each preceding meeting. Please book in stating your name and racing number. You should ensure you enter chat, and race in game using both of these in your name. Format: - There will be 3 heats of 16 laps for each driver. - There will be a meeting final of 21 laps, and where the number of drivers racing exceed 30 there will also be a "b" final. Final participants will be chosen based on scores over the course of the heats - ties decided on best places. - There will be a grand national of 16 laps for each driver. Points: - Heats: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 - Finals: 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 - Grand Nationals: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Drivers must complete 75% race distance to qualify for points. The winner of the meeting final may start the grand national with a lap handicap (whites and yellows take a half lap) and score double points in that race. Start Procedures On entry to race, drivers will not start racing straight away. After the green light/flag drivers will be expected to drive slowly to their grid slot NOT hitting other cars in the process. DO NOT race to your grade. Line up in the order given, two abreast, or in the order you appear on track in. Grade positions: - Whites: half way down the back straight - Yellows: quarter of the way down the back straight - Blues: turn two - Reds: turn one - SS: two thirds down the home straight In most cases there will be no race steward. Line up in grid slots and when everyone is ready someone will call "ANYONE NOT READY" follow by "ROLL AT 30". The race will start when the lead car exits turn four. Racing Etiquette Drivers should race in the correct direction at all times. Drivers should not use the infield in any circumstances - if you are spun out onto the infield, return carefully to the track! There should be no deliberate take outs or follow ins, especially from lap(s) down - respect other drivers and you’ll be given respect yourself. No talking during the race. Basically… play nicely and all get along…!!! Disciplinary Matters Please, please, please remember that this is supposed to be a relaxed and fun series, run outside of the normal leagues to test the RFactor F1 Stockcar mod. I do not want to have to be banning people, or dealing with complaints week after week. However, if you do find yourself with cause for complaint, send a PM to me including replay and an overview of your complaint. If incidents arise such that a complaints and disciplinary system has to be put into place - that will be dealt with at the time and amendments will be made here. Series/Championship(s) Over the course of the series, drivers will be awarded points at each meeting. There will be a series points championship with the winning driver crowned UK Dirt RFactor F1 Stockcar Autumn Series Champion (go on, try and say that quickly...). The series finale meeting will carry double points towards this championship. There will be no other championships at stake over the course of the series. LASTLY - I'm not evil or nasty in anyway, and neither is MoR... as far as I know anyway... So if you need any help or have any questions - just drop either of us a PM.
Thanks to everyone for racing. Well done to Mike for winning our prequal final and ensuring he remained top scorer with a hatful of points from the handicap in the Grand National. Results: (19 cars raced) Heat 1: 321, 2, 288, 120, 331, 110, 236, 657, 435, 149, 53, 525, 684, 286, 674 Heat 2: 2, 188, 331, 321, 236, 137, 298, 657, 110, 286, 149, 53 Heat 3: 321, 53, 137, 188, 236, 8, 298, 120, 435, 288, 515, 684 Heat 4: 137, 188, 2, 288, 120, 8, 435, 331, 298, 110, 657, 286, 149, 515, 684 Final: 2, 331, 288, 236, 321, 137, 435, 53, 120, 298, 8, 286, 515, 149, 657, 684, 110, 188 GN 1: 188, 321, 2, 236, 137, 331, 298, 288, 8, 435, 286, 120, 515, 657, 53, 110 Meeting Points: Driver # - Points Mike #2 - 63 Drumstick #321 - 48 Hutch #331 - 40 MoR #137 - 39 DanSkin #236 - 37 Aub #188 - 35 Ironmac #288 - 35 Cod #120 - 20 Mart #435 - 17 TGG #298 - 16 Scrapman #53 - 15 Tosh #8 - 12 Chops #110 - 8 AliP #657 - 6 Mr Beef #286 - 1 Kev #149 - 1 Dazza #684 - 0 BigAl #515 - 0 Mav #525 - 0 I really enjoyed the racing tonight, I hope you guys did too - and that you'll be back for more... oh... and tell your friends all about it.
Evening folks, can we all be in UK Dirt Secure Chat 1 by 8.20 please, ready for a 8.30 start. Everyone will race in 3 heats, as follow: Heat 1: 2 8 53 110 120 146 149 159 236 286 288 321 331 435 525 657 684 Heat 2: 2 27 53 110 137 146 149 188 236 286 298 321 331 515 525 657 Heat 3: 8 27 53 120 137 146 159 188 236 288 298 321 435 515 525 684 Heat 4: 2 8 27 110 120 137 149 159 188 286 288 298 331 435 515 657 684 Heats: 16 laps, random grid. Do not go on green - roll at 30. Race will start when lead car exits turn 4. Final(s): 21 laps, graded grid. Do not go on green - line up in grades as allocated, roll at 30 will be called when everyone is ready. Race will start when lead car exits turn 4. GN(s): 16 laps, graded grid. Do not go on green - line up in grades as allocated, roll at 30 will be called when everyone is ready. Race will start when lead car exits turn 4. Tonights final will be 18 cars. We will attempt an all in Grand National after the final, if there are warp issues, we will split into two groups. In the case of graded races - points scored in the meeting so far will be used to allocate a drivers grade (i.e. higher points scorers = higher grades). In the case of graded starts, line up as would be usual for a UK Dirt graded race. Whites half way down the back straight. Yellows a quarter of the way down the back straight. Blues in turn 2. Reds in turn 1. SS 2/3 way down the home straight. A reminder to all drivers that GENERAL UK DIRT RULES APPLY AT ALL TIMES. And that UK Dirt F1 rules will be used as a guide at these meetings. Let's keep tonight light hearted and fun.
With reference to this thread in the F1 Forum, a Mini Series / Series is expected to commence Sunday 7th October 2007. This Sunday will see a prequel meeting to that series, for the first time run under the UK Dirt Banner. Format will be dependant upon bookings and details of the series will be released in due course. Meetings will start as usual at 8:30pm. Novice skins / skins not in use are acceptable for those without skins in game or the official skinpack. This meeting will use the UK Dirt Jolt 3 Server and as such will be open only to paid UK Dirt members. Please book in below. DanSkin #236 car in game/skinpack
The decision has been made at the end of the day, and outcome was fairly likely from the beginning. Advertising other leagues rarely has, and rarely will be permitted on this forum. Think what you will Hutch, I have explained myself and why the decision has been made I love this mod, I would not do anything to attempt to hurt it's development.
rFactor F1s is a stand alone mod, and not really in association with UK Dirt.. luckily the development team recognise that "we" are the most likely end user (or at least prime audience for now) - so it makes sense to look here and at other similar leagues, for feedback, etc. I hope, it is the future of UK Dirt, but that is a discussion for another day Advertising other leagues has never been permitted (which is what GRC and SOR are - rules, formats, fixtures, titles, own servers, etc is certainly beyond just "test evenings") BWS was only here by special arrangement and as long standing friends of UK Dirt - this arragenment has now ceased. UK Dirt (namely myself and MoR so far confirmed...) will be running series/mini series shortly and over the winter - in view of testing towards helping the mod development, and organising the 2008 season here at UK Dirt (all being well...).