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Everything posted by psyko75

  1. what about guys that got allready Brisca Heat. Any chance for only the skins?
  2. one supid question... How many members pay and how much are the cost of the servers?
  3. i think one general topic is need for non paid members to write in for help and such things. If we want to raise up the number of drivers in each league we can not close everything. This site is at the moment already very difficult for newbies to get into (ukdirt and bulletin board)
  4. well said Dennis but do you think they will ever get together?? I don´t think so. Maessen is a man of it´s own, as Camso is. It´s looks like Formel 1 with Eccelstone and the teams that want to make a own racing series. Camso want a own F1 league and Maessen want to hold on with his fast big F1s There have been a really nice german website from Mr Kramer. He shut it down cause of the action / nonaction the promotors did with him (no get of results, no press status and lots of discussions that he should some reports not post as they have been) The promotors have to get into that they live from and with guys like him or Edman that are full into that sport and give them a good promotion outside the track. You can not get bad with people like this.
  5. i´m not going to view races at Jaba anymore cause i don´t understand the officials and after a nearly fight with one of them i passed. I think best stuff on there are the Stockcar 1300. Lots of aktion on that little track. The big positiv of Jaba Curcuit is the be near at the track... but it´s allthough the bad side. I have been there once a SCC got onto the wall... the track is really dangerours for the people watching. And i don´t like the three heats thing without a final. Maybe i give it a try again next season but last time i have been there there have not been many drivers starting.. so really boring there that time.
  6. OK you got me.. but F2s in my understanding are newer so called superstox. I like the name superstox more than F2 btw.
  7. I think we decided the problem with the flag situation in venray already. Most people that got a flag in there hands there don´t even know how to use them.. @ edman: I think last time a was in Ipswich there F2 have been there (have to say last time was...........1984...........lol) So don´t know the situation. Maybe i thought Ipswich was fast cause i only watched Tilburg and Kaldenkirchen in that time and they were much slower. Hopefully they will get it in venray cause i love the racing there and have never been interested in surface tracks.
  8. Hopefully never again a long track. to bad to view and way to dangerours for everybody. I think the smaller corners are the best way to do as i like the big boys going fast on the straights. As i have not been on other tracks for a long time and here it was said a F2 went 126 km/h on venray after the last changes. Whats the averange speed on tarmac tracks in uk for F2 (and i don´t mean on that little little tracks) maybe Ipswich as i allways thought it was a fast track
  9. i think in venray they got most time less contact cause they are affraid of their material.
  10. i double and tripple that.. yes it´s really a fast track but why not... F1´s are not made to drive slowly aren´t they???
  11. i think the server info is not so important. I printed it out and stick it next to my pc. only server info i need is the password
  12. at 10:00 UK time ... 21:00 in germany it was said yesterday at raceway venray there should be more than 90 minutes short track racing shown.
  13. like sim said there will be a screen where you can choose what system you want to get boot.
  14. start with installing ME and after that install xp. while installation don´t choose update and install xp to another partition (that you can make while the installation).
  15. i posted it but might not have been seen. Cause of a birthday i have to cancel *sh*t* 477
  16. i have to cancel. sorry guys. If somebody wants and needs he can use my skin
  17. get paypal and make the payment that way. Did the same and worked fine
  18. Have not been on to much tracks... Kaldenkirchen, Tilburg, Venray, Posterholt, Ipswich, Baarlo That are all i know and Fav of that is Ipswich but this is because it´s the only UK track, continental track i would say Venray
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