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Everything posted by Spike

  1. wrong one on website
  2. Spike


    just got internet today after swapping back to bt from another company not happy last night
  3. Spike

    my g27

    all sorted thx it took ages for pc to find g27 all well now thx to dan jake lee for there help
  4. think im sorted
  5. booking out cant get g27 working properly on windows 8 soz guys
  6. Spike

    my g27

    will not work on my window 8 properly
  7. which folder do I need to put it in just setting new pc up thx spike
  8. spike 221 yellow as missing next two weeks
  9. spike 221 yellow
  10. Results: Heat 1: 246 90 151 184 515 380 237 43 204 264 556 6 Heat 2: 300 236 39 229 305 560 291 338 527 384 221 24 210 14 385 Heat 3: 112 515 90 246 184 305 24 560 129 338 6 385 556 384 Heat 4: 380 236 151 291 39 527 229 221 14 43 210 237 300 Heat 5: 384 300 112 291 151 454 90 246 210 338 515 385 184 39 6 Heat 6: 380 229 14 305 236 221 560 527 204 24 129 43 NON SCORING B FINAL: 43 315 264 129 204 6 210 385 A-Final: 90 221 291 39 454 112 184 305 380 246 527 560 GN 1: 384 338 112 246 560 184 315 39 129 515 GN 2: 236 300 43 380 291 305 229 454 210 237 Points: 45 pts 90 brown 39 pts 291 marten 37 pts 112 tomd 35 pts 380 powell 32 pts 39 leek 30 pts 236 danskin 28 pts 221 spike 28 pts 246 stox 28 pts 305 jake 27 pts 184 chevy 25 pts 300 matty 23 pts 454 frans 20 pts 384 bago 19 pts 229 tsjalle 16 pts 151 dode 15 pts 560 james 11 pts 515 big al 11 pts 338 evnos 10 pts 43 pinken 8 pts 527 ft 6 pts 14 louis 5 pts 315 mike 2 pts 237 ricky 2 pts 24 skeels 0 pts 6 pinky 0 pts 21 skegtemp 0 pts 79 weeryan 0 pts 264 imberj 0 pts 385 boostman 0 pts 480 mackie d 0 pts 489 calum 0 pts 556 george 0 pts 204 minitom 0 pts 419 burhenne 0 pts 64 ayrton 0 pts 129 sije The replays are here!!!
  11. Meeting format for tonight and make sure you are in 3 heats each. Heat 1: 90, 129, 380, 43, 246, 151, 184, 305, 315, 264, 454, 480, 556, 515, 204, 237, 419 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 2: 24, 39, 64, 291, 527, 560, 112, 229, 236, 14, 21, 79, 385, 489, 300, 338, 384, 221 server .45 ( steward 236 ) Heat 3: 24, 90, 129, 246, 560, 112, 184, 305, 315, 385, 454, 489, 556, 515, 204, 338, 384 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 4: 39, 64, 380, 43, 291, 527, 151, 229, 236, 14, 21, 79, 264, 480, 237, 300, 419, 221 server .45 ( steward 236 ) Heat 5: 39, 64, 90, 246, 291, 112, 151, 184, 315, 21, 385, 454, 480, 515, 237, 300, 338 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 6: 24, 129, 380, 43, 527, 560, 229, 236, 305, 14, 79, 264, 489, 556, 204, 384, 419, 221 server .45 ( steward 236 ) A-Final: B-Final: GN 1: GN 2: ALL SHOOT OUT DRIVERS ARE GRADED AS SUPERSTAR TONIGHT all in chat for 825 ! first races off at 830pm cheers spike
  12. booking closed mi up shortly
  13. LATE BOOKING TAKEN YNTIL 7PM THe following drivers are booked in for the next F1 meeting @ Kings Lynn. whites 14 LouisH 21 skegTomp 264 imberj 454 Frans 480 Mackie D 489 calum 515 Big Al yellows 204 minitom 221 Spike 300 Mattyaspin 338 Evnos 419 F.Burhenne blues 3 Johno 40 leightonh 64 Ayrton Smith 90 LiamB 129 Sije 380 Liam Powell reds 43 pinken 229 Tsjalle 246 Stox 305 jakiejnr 527 fast track superstars 112 Tom D 184 Chevykiller 236 DanSkin Presentation1.pptx
  14. Spike

    set ups

    default is a good place to start m8 and practise m8
  15. just racing semi as going to be late finish early start in morning
  16. http://www.ukdirt.co.uk/main.php?P=chat&m=1131
  17. my first whhel had no force feed back as did nezza and big al
  18. booking out as i broke my big toe today too sore to race
  19. it stoke m8 lap time will not win races here m8
  20. come on big al get booked in m8
  21. should be a laugh
  22. Spike

    Taunton MI

    should ht4 be 48 server ?
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