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Everything posted by Spike

  1. Last years plz
  2. Spike 221 not worried about colours thx spike
  3. 120 pounds
  4. was good too be back with dad beening very ill at present sorry danskin was a bit off a late booking. I wont be racing next week as dad on chemos for cancer again see you all in 2 weeks I hope
  5. Spike221
  6. wheel playing wheel
  7. seen you around the tracks m8
  8. we download 5.1 file from there site and delete update works for me
  9. wheel sorted booking in plz spike 221 yellow
  10. I put my setting back to my wheel but no wheel rotation but set degrees
  11. not my night with r factor keeping crashing
  12. you bt m8
  13. Only got mobile at present
  14. Spike

    Sorry guys

    Need to cancel no Internet
  15. Notgoing to make it
  16. not my best track and no luck but did roll frans
  17. same for me m8
  18. thx all even got a heat win in f2s very rare that
  19. Spike 221 yellow 246 lan brickley car plz
  20. last years plz Added
  21. I updated my r factor fine m8 with windows 10 no issued at all
  22. Drivers Name/Chassis: Billy Webster 226 Driver Number: 221 Your Name/Nickname: spike Current league grade: UKD yellow
  23. same as last year plz
  24. sorry booking out 64p spike
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