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Everything posted by Spike

  1. rfm and hdv mismatch
  2. just seeing if it me . tried the f1 they are ok
  3. spike221 red barry goldin plz
  4. sold
  5. yes m8
  6. still for sale if any takers
  7. will not be racing as now retired red top
  8. ok m8 will do shortly
  9. used for two seasons good condition £130.00 pm me
  10. booking out
  11. Results: Whites and Yellows: 380 356 237 525 43 443 474 394 515 244 Heat 1: 43 236 151 184 90 39 167 525 394 40 246 238 515 443 711 Heat 2: 380 262 527 237 229 249 254 244 62 356 474 112 146 221 Heat 3: 236 146 229 90 262 527 380 184 246 43 221 356 515 525 711 443 Heat 4: 151 238 249 244 39 474 167 112 62 40 254 237 394 Heat 5: 525 184 236 229 246 40 527 221 249 356 62 244 515 711 43 Heat 6: 380 39 238 262 151 474 90 167 237 112 254 47 146 443 394 B-Final: 221 62 515 356 443 47 394 711 A-Final: 380 151 184 112 236 525 527 238 249 262 90 40 229 146 244 254 167 43 246 474 237 39 GN 1: 151 146 238 262 236 380 90 246 249 237 47 443 711 221 43 GN 2: 40 167 39 229 525 184 112 394 474 244 62 515 356 254 527 Points: 60 pts 380 liam 54 pts 151 dode 44 pts 236 danskin 39 pts 184 chevy 32 pts 238 kane 30 pts 525 mav 30 pts 262 harmen 24 pts 112 tomd 23 pts 39 leek 23 pts 527 ft 23 pts 229 tsjalle 20 pts 90 liam 17 pts 40 leighton 17 pts 146 ashley 17 pts 249 jack 15 pts 167 cb 8 pts 43 lloydy 8 pts 246 stox 6 pts 474 danny 6 pts 244 toff 5 pts 237 ricky 4 pts 394 paul 2 pts 254 samwit 1 pts 221 spike 0 pts 71 josh w 0 pts 79 weeryan 0 pts 443 ritzo 0 pts 515 big al 0 pts 47 samson 0 pts 356 mitch 0 pts 385 boostman 0 pts 62 hunter thx for racing top job by stumpy and wardie The replays are here!
  12. MEETING INFO FOR IPSWICH 29/5/14 ALL WHITES AND YELLOW IN CHAT 815 WHITES AND YELLOWS 71 79 443 474 515 47 237 244 254 356 380 385 525 43 394 Heat 1: 71, 443, 515, 43, 47, 385, 394, 525, 40, 151, 184, 39, 90, 167, 246, 236, 238, server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 2: 79, 474, 237, 244, 254, 356, 380, 146, 180, 221, 62, 249, 262, 527, 112, 229, , server .45 ( steward 180 ) Heat 3: 71, 443, 515, 43, 47, 356, 380, 525, 146, 184, 221, 90, 246, 262, 527, 229, 236, server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 4: 79, 474, 237, 244, 254, 385, 394, 40, 151, 180, 39, 62, 167, 249, 112, 238, , server .45 ( steward 180 ) Heat 5: 71, 79, 515, 43, 244, 356, 385, 525, 40, 184, 221, 62, 246, 249, 527, 229, 236, server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 6: 443, 474, 47, 237, 254, 380, 394, 146, 151, 180, 39, 90, 167, 262, 112, 238, server .45 ( steward 180 ) TOP 22 SCORERS TO FINAL , REST TO B FINAL GOOD LUCK ALL ALL GET 3HTS FINAL AND GN
  15. spike red 221
  16. spike221 red
  17. sorry lads rm was a bit rusty last night just like to thank everyone for racing top job done by wardie and grasser thank you lads
  18. WD DAVE FOR FINAL WIN WHITES AND YELLOWS 525 380 488 165 43 300 394 237 Results: Whites & Yellows: 525 380 488 165 43 300 394 237 Heat 1: 112 262 221 527 165 488 238 39 237 525 134 48 254 300 Heat 2: 380 43 229 90 653 122 246 167 184 146 394 443 480 Heat 3: 43 254 238 48 249 237 229 527 184 262 300 525 394 79 Heat 4: 488 380 112 122 165 146 90 167 246 39 443 221 Heat 5: 488 165 90 48 229 262 238 237 254 246 167 394 122 525 Heat 6: 184 380 112 43 249 527 146 300 221 39 79 443 B-Final: 79 394 443 525 300 A-Final: 488 184 380 43 122 262 238 229 254 527 48 237 165 246 112 221 167 90 39 146 GN 1: 165 262 43 525 237 229 249 221 246 184 394 122 GN 2: 380 112 238 254 167 146 488 527 90 39 300 443 79 48 Points: 59 pts 488 dave 54 pts 380 liam 47 pts 43 lloydy 34 pts 262 harmen 32 pts 184 chevy 31 pts 238 kane 30 pts 112 tomd 28 pts 229 tsjalle 27 pts 165 pieter 24 pts 122 craig 23 pts 254 samwit 19 pts 527 ft 14 pts 48 tinman 13 pts 237 ricky 13 pts 90 liam 13 pts 249 jack 11 pts 146 ashley 10 pts 221 spike 9 pts 167 cb 8 pts 525 mav 4 pts 653 ryan 2 pts 246 stox 1 pts 300 matty 1 pts 39 leek 0 pts 79 wearyan 0 pts 134 jakebond 0 pts 443 ritzo 0 pts 455 mumford 0 pts 480 mackie d 0 pts 394 paule 0 pts 62 hunter The replays are here!
  19. ALL WHITES AND YELLOW IN CHAT 815 RACE1 W AND Y 79 134 443 455 480 525 43 165 237 300 380 394 488 SERVER 45 STEWARD 221 Heat 1: 79, 134, 525, 165, 237, 300, 488, 48, 221, 39, 62, 262, 527, 112, 238, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , server .48 ( steward 180 ) Heat 2: 443, 455, 480, 43, 380, 394, 122, 146, 184, 653, 90, 167, 246, 249, 229, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , server .45 ( steward 233 ) Heat 3: 79, 455, 525, 43, 237, 300, 394, 48, 184, 62, 249, 262, 527, 229, 238, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , server .48 ( steward 180 ) Heat 4: 134, 443, 480, 165, 380, 488, 122, 146 221, 653, 39, 90, 167, 246, 112, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , server .45 ( steward 233 ) Heat 5: 134, 455, 525, 165, 237, 394, 488, 48, 122, 90, 167, 246, 262, 229, 238, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , server .48 ( steward 180 ) Heat 6: 79, 443, 480, 43, 300, 380, 146 184, 221, 653, 39, 62, 249, 527, 112, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , server .45 ( steward 233 ) TOP 22 SCORERS TO FINAL , REST TO B FINAL GOOD LUCK ALL ALL GET 3HTS FINAL AND GN
  21. spike221 white
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