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UKDirt 2nd Tier Admin
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Everything posted by Ryano

  1. Cheers Drumb, so far I found the best setup for me is a shale one!
  2. Applied for a team.
  3. Quite enjoyed tonight, some good racing throughout. Quick sorry to anyone I held up in the GN, realised I had a broken rear axle with about 2 to go, anything before then and it was probably broken but I was trying to race! WD Leech and thought me and Si were going well at points for white graders, dont know how Si only got 4 points!
  4. Me Rod.
  5. Ryano760 please, thought I'd booked in, turns out I hadnt!
  6. Hopefully mine are uploaded all ok! Any issues with the shale numbers, just say!
  7. Zippy Swearing in race chat aimed at another driver - Two weeks ban all mods. He will be able to race again on 7th March 2011
  8. Ta for explaining, was wondering why everyone was quoting their grades!
  9. Think I'll be white grade... havent raced these before!
  10. Ryano760 - 901 Ian Thompson please, gives me a chance to try these before deciding to race next year
  11. Rated Stuff, Biffo, reporting on stuff almost as old as yourself!
  12. Thanks guys!
  13. Ryano

    Heat 3D

    Quite like it Tads! Works nicely ere, I'll post a pic later to prove it.
  14. Provisional, new hard drives appeared
  15. Booking out.
  16. excellent idea tbh bobbert Tried one the other year at Fleet if my memory serves me correctly...went well...we'll see.
  17. Yeah me!
  18. me me me me me me eme emememmememememe! I must remember to install the mod!
  19. I find that its the ping that matters most. 41 ping and 3 jitter will be fine online. Back in the day they had 24 car races with 200kbps connections, so providing the game is the only thing using the internet then your connection should be fine.
  20. So they're in December then? Completely lost me here!
  21. TEAM MEETING ARE IN JANUARY ON MONDAYS ARE 8.30 PM 6TH TBC 13TH TBC 20TH TBC 27TH TBC Spike, those dates are Thursdays...
  22. Ryano


    Sounds like a video/graphics problem then.
  23. Ryano


    Sure its you warping and not the pc having graphics issues?
  24. Cheers for meet James, I had a nightmare, first time on shale, turned up 2 mins before heat 1 without a setup and a wheel that wasnt really playing ball due to me rushing around. Heat 2 i turned the ffb up and didnt know realfeel is poo on shale so fought that. Heat 3 i was having fun as i'd turned FFB down. Then CHEERS TOSH! came to the rescue and told me about real feel and correct ffb settings, which i lowered to suit me and it went ok. Turned the FFB down more for the rest and went well until the D4C when i accidently posted Numnuts and gave BFD a huge headon as i thought he'd finished! Not great, so 16 points is brill and i had a class race with no setup Leek in the final!
  25. 8 points, result! Considering i either rolled or span in every race.
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