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UKDirt 2nd Tier Admin
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Everything posted by Ryano

  1. Lee has 38r, I have 92r, will tell you which Ernie and Knobby have once I find out!
  2. Oh and what track we at?! Palmerston North?
  3. YEAHH NZ's on Monday and Wednesday! Book me in!
  4. I enjoyed it, decided to go parked car hitting for the majority though (wheres that embarrassed emoticon) but tis what I needed to do on me birthday!
  5. Knobby Lee Ryano FastErnie JNR We aint got a name or owt yet.
  6. I'd like to race, yeah.
  7. Despite being well off hypothetical pace... 6k please!
  8. Transmission is TBC but it'll be a 6 part series each episode at 30 minutes. Think it'll get further on the TV than ITV's attempt at filming Battle of Britain, which we've been waiting for, for about 6 months!
  9. 6k please, this tracks proper and i bet i'm slow!
  10. 6k provisionally please.
  11. Ryano

    HMC Anyone?

    Me and MotorMouth#200/531 will be there
  12. Ryano6k please.
  13. Really enjoyed my first meeting, some good racing and proper jossles for places and i didnt spin out as many times as i thought i would! See you next week hopefully, before then I'll send some pm's to relevant people asking how to set a pad up properly before I can afford a wheel (soon!). Leech, did Hooty put you over the fence after me and you plastered him all over the fencing in one of the races?
  14. Ryano6k please, be at the back of the field all night spinning myself out but be a giggle
  15. 6k Kerry Remnant please, thought i'd give this rFactor malarky a bash!
  16. Continuing on with what MoR said, the only way i can see them conceivably making it is by adding some other series' in, F1's,F2's etc and having a ladder format where you go from Minis lets say up to F1's, would open it up to more buyers rather than just Banger lads. Having had said that, there was that tractor game released!
  17. The stuff thats cluttering my wf motor and making it look different (or odd depending on your stance). Ta to Allstar who gave us a hand in places
  18. You got the new AdAware? if so close it before running the file.
  19. Turns out it was a bug with the new AVG 9, I'm not the only person to be having problems, just reinstalled it from a different link and its all sorted
  20. Nope.
  21. Yesterday my game (and GRID, so its not just Heat) started minimizing itself every half hour. Which isnt very helpful. The only real trigger point that i can see is that earlier in the day AVG updated and said to restart computer so i did, wondering if this is the cause of my problems, have run a virus/spyware scan and it says theres nothing on my computer. Any ideas be quite nicely appreciated. Mind you i do race with AVG on, so perhaps if i race with it off it'll stop, mind you i did that once and forgot to turn it back.
  22. I'll have a few to post on here after the 24th...
  23. Ryano

    Bilge Alert

    Autospeed explained there in a sentence.
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