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UKDirt 2nd Tier Admin
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Everything posted by Ryano

  1. Only just missed you, got in at 5 to ten! WD Tom.
  2. I'll either be late or not turn up at all. James knows that as well!
  3. 9 cars and some stunning racing, more please!
  4. And me, get better soon!
  5. Me please
  6. Munch Swearing in general race chat - 1 week ban all mods. He will be able to race again on 30 May 2011.
  7. Going to have to book out, somethings cropped up, sorry!
  8. Sorrry guys, I'm gonna book out, not keen on track and being flat out all the way with low numbers doesnt excite me.
  9. Ryano760 Blue please.
  10. Dode may not make it, he has no internet at the moment
  11. Love the last 2 pics!
  12. Think I booked in, bet I wont catch anyone! Ryano760 Red (somehow).
  13. Ryano760 Blue, just got in, spose i best download track!
  14. Been fine for me for a fair while now.
  15. Possibly do it mod specific (maybe through a meeting seeing as people say they aint talking to one another when in server...) and then just pool all the ideas into one.
  16. Liked the track, had no luck!
  17. Not me best meeting ever, topped off by my net dieing in the GN!
  18. Contact on those shale cars appears to be pants! Decent meeting, went into it wondering why I'm red, came out sorta knowing why!
  19. Ryano760, was Red last time out.
  20. You were fine Counter, I cost myself places in the heats with spins and then did better than usual in the Final/GN, I spent most of the night too far down to notice most of the bad driving!
  21. Me, Blue....
  22. + me! White grade.
  23. Stunned to get 19 points, wasnt expecting to get 1 as i was spinning so frequently in practice but it just shows that the racing is more about avoiding crashes/people rejoining than outright speed!
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