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About hazy

  • Birthday 21/09/1978

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    United Kingdom

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  1. 12c hazy please
  2. HAZY 12C please
  3. 12c please hazy
  4. 12c - Hazy please
  5. hi looking to have a play at this - can i use novice pls (sorry no time to do a skin at the mo) if so Hazy 512 booking in please
  6. thanks for your reply's lads i think i'm sorted - got a covertor like allstar has suggested - once i check i can get i working in the game i'll load the detals so others can get the help i needed thanks again all
  7. sorry still very confused put both the new and older versions in (at seperate times) in all diferent places bit still nowt happening? i see in the tutorial it says it's tempremental but ?? if anyone can give me exact file location i need to put the files into it would be muchly appreciated
  8. thanks wrightyi'll give that a try - much apprecated
  9. hi i'm trying to convert using paintshop pro 9 unfortunatley i'm having trouble saving as dds file type - the dds convertor is only listed as working for photoshop on the skipainting guide on the website! sorry if i've posted a newbie question but it's really bugging me know - i've also searche dthe web for pluggin instructions on how to do it but they allways reference downloadable files that aren't there (or i cant see LOL) any help greatfully recieved thanks in advance
  10. pls can somebody with the power to reset chewy his password please thanks
  11. My current desktop pic it's my stockkart (#12) and my mate Chris Butcher (#27) - shame we dont get more opertunity to use em anyway we'll be makeing the 12hour drive to crimmond in Sept from EA!
  12. hazy

    Skin help

    And can some one please make some wavy checkers for a Sheerline hearse as mine are crap Stig727 If you make a new layer paint your "spuare" checks - then in effects experiment with distortion or wave effects (sometimes you have to move the squares on the page to get the desired effect you want. TBH chequers are an easy effect but as allways it's 1000000000000000% more satisfying if you can do it youself also try using your painting program help button - it has an explanation of what everything does - i also have a book called instructions its full of writing but if you can read it's really good
  13. hazy

    car file

    it was for a free league meeting - but as the template and or car had problems it was never publically released
  14. you could do it as 2 seperate models e.g. 08Rfw - with wing chassis name 08R - no wing obviously this would mean doing everything twice but just stating the obvious really!!
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