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Everything posted by Rikard

  1. I couldn't get on all yesterday, and all the day before that, and all this morning! the Guardster thing doesn't seem to work for me, and hiting refresh for no matter how long doesn't worke eiter lol, It normaly works in the evening most times unless its a coincendence, but last few days have been a frustrating no show Rikard
  2. Hi, Im having a few problems uploading some skins, The problem is when i try to upload them it says "Incorrect File Type, It Must Be Zipped Up" Il show you what i done.... Im registered as driver 72, so i put car72.tex into a folder, then included a Notpad file including the table driver, I put it in this folder: [attachmentid=4436] Then i click this: [attachmentid=4437] And then im left with this: [attachmentid=4438] Then this: [attachmentid=4439] And then im left with this! [attachmentid=4440] Any help would be great thanks Rikard
  3. Hi, Iv painted myself a load of skins wich im quite proud of, as they took a long time to get around to doing and finish. Anyway, Iv done my Bangers (all 5) both Hod Rods (class 1 and 2) SSC, F1 and F2, all are tested and in .tex format I go to the upload Tool and theres only the one for Hot Rods so i need the others to be made available for me aswell please. For different classes the Upload tool says "If you want to upload F1 or Banger skins, you must select the specific formula AND class buttons" What about Hot Rods? how do you distinguish between the classes? or do you just upload two files called (in my case) "car72.tex"? in Bangers I herd somewhere you need 2 numbers for the Unlimited class??? i posted on the thread to request a second number but no one replied. Im running non-standard wheels (im using the blue ones "wheel_basename revblue") how do include this in the upload? shall i save a copy of my "Table Driver" in notpad in the zip file aswell? As you can see im quite puzzled (it doesn't take much lol) Thanks for reading this and thanks for any help in advance Rikard
  4. Think he broke the speed limit a bit there lol - nice sound though
  5. i could get on at collage around 12, but at home only got on at 8
  6. nice one m8, you done a good job
  7. If people are handing out their setups how do you get hold of them? Rikard
  8. Same here, I only just got on now. What is going on? me too, its been down all day for me, normaly come on in the evening....
  9. This one Ill never forget, Blockbuster @ Westworld 2002 ? 2003? I was in front row with my family (see purple lining) bout 4-5 mtr from it when this hit happened Still cant believe he stepped out unhurt its amazing, looks like the body got riped off the chasis! but saying that the 126 car is rather large lol Rikard
  10. Rikard

    3ds max

    You can check out 3D Max on this link http://www.exactprice.co.uk/acatalog/3D_STUDIO_MAX_8.0.html As you can see its near enough 3 grand! Is there a cheeper way of getting it? as i dougt all the guys that have 3D Max paid 3 grand a pieace to get it? Rikard
  11. I get this message quite a lot, i couldn't get on the foruam all day today, only in the evening i managed to get on it
  12. sorry i ment Mondeos common as muck but never used
  13. I still can't get my head round why people use Sierras at all. Whats wrong with Sierrars? are they not strong? or cause they're front wheel drive? Whats the next popular car gonna be as they as starting to run out of Cortinas
  14. Januart is a month i made up, its like January but spelled different
  15. Has anyone compleated this game? cause im stuck!
  16. They made quite a good job out of it i still prefer the orignal video though
  17. Hi, As you may know the most people ever online in one day on UK Dirt forum currently stands at 186 accomplished on December the 12th 2005. If everyone logs on to the UK Dirt Forum on the 1st of January we can hopefully beat this record. It would be good to start the new year with a new record. So please come to the UK Dirt Forum on 1st Januart 2006 Rikard
  18. lol great stuff, its amazing how long and detailed you can make a story about slipping on ice and wacking a tree
  19. If you want a top PC and youv got more than a couple of grand burning a hole in your pocket your best bet is to go to www.alienware.co.uk
  20. Not quite as weird and wounderfull as the 1926 Daimler Hearse, but last March at Arlington i saw this MGB GT, [attachmentid=4302] [attachmentid=4303] Looked good and was quick, but as you can see it didn't take much to take it out of action
  21. first of all i dunno how people don't get hurt, but i think its strange how the first car gets totaly destroyed yet the second car takes hardly any damage at all!
  22. same here, neither clips work, i dunno, it may be my pc
  23. Im not sure if i love or hate those games lol
  24. i don't think its a car adverert, it doesnt even say what car it is, i think its just a joke someone has made to scare people surfing the net, thats why it says get back to work after lol, They say theres a ghoast so you look harder at the screen so it makes you jump more, but anyway when that thing poped up first time it scare the living FILTERED out of me
  25. Same here, i still play Destruction Derby 2 on PC, a timeless master piece when it came out i was young at the time and it was the first racer i had on PC, so i got used to the default keys using A to accelerate and Z to brake and arrow keys to steer, i still haven’t come across another game that uses the same so i have to change them all to what i grew up with Its better than only using the arrow keys plus it means you don't get RSI so bad in one hand
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