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Everything posted by Rikard

  1. Quality answer! Yeah thats actually pretty funny
  2. Just had a look around, great site mate, i was looking at your skins and your Focus Hot Rod is sensational! you got some talent, I would like to do a bit of skin painting here and there, My signiture says i paint banger skins, im still eagerly awaiting my first client lol I hope i can do a good job like you some day well done m8 Rikard
  3. The guy in the yellow jacket, if you have him in your car and you can see him, can only other people with the yelloe jacket man installed see him to? or can everyone? Rikard
  4. Hello, im upgrading my humble keybord to a game pad, iv been looking around and had some advice (thanks guys) the one im looking at the moment is this one here also can you say if you know where you can get it cheeper http://www.pcworld.co.uk/martprd/store/pcw...7&category_oid= Its a wireless one, i was just woundering if theres any issues with it being wireless? like does it have a slow reaction time? or does it somtimes miss an input? or are they reliable and very precise? Any answers/feedback would be great as im trying to improve my lap times Rikard
  5. Thats a tradgedy (not being sacastic) i recon that its such a clasic that in a few years they will become collectors and it will rise in value, good to know my copies not too scrated and still got the old style cardbord box it came in to, all mint Rikard
  6. Great to see somone who loved them as much as me I never got arenas, it never came out on PC and i don't have a PS2 It would be great if they brought out a new one on next generation graphics, if they ever did you can be i'd be first in line to get my copy Rikard
  7. Well done mate, congratulations, and Rachels a beautiful name Rikard
  8. What formula do you mean for this? Great pointers Rikard
  9. Rikard


    You can choose between lots of different wheels for the bangers, You can check it out at Nicks great website http://members.lycos.co.uk/nickm48/wheels.htm The ones on the Jag are the "triumph" wheels Rikard
  10. I remember the day i got Destruction Derby 2 i had had the demo and played the track "Chalk Canyon" a hundred times, it came out in 1996 when i was just 8 and i still like to play it today, i say its the best game of all time, not only cause iv had it ever since i remember but also im still addicted to it 10 years later! not many games last that long lol, its a shame they never done an on line version UK Dirt style cause i recon i would be World Champ lol The destruction derby races were total awesome, no other word can describe it, the tracks were insanely good, the different cars all had drivers with different styles and personalities, the damage was fantastic and graphics ground shaking! You can't buy it new anymore but you can get it from Ebay for a couple of quid, i remember getting it for £32.99 in County Mall Crawly lol, you may have to run a few compatibility programs if using XP, but well worth it. I know that this is a dead topic being nearly a year old but i saw Destruction Derby being mentioned, and i just had to have my say Rikard
  11. Rikard

    Banger skin

    Yeah nice skin Tombo, iv always like the Runners colour scheme, i also like the plate metal over where the front lights were, nice touch, well done mate Rikard
  12. Rikard

    Banger skin

    opps, i missed the fact that its a coupe version War Rikard
  13. Rikard

    Banger skin

    Thants a nice skin, how do you get the number fins at the side of the roof? or is it a different template? cause the XJ6 i have the number fin is in the middle of the roof? Rikard
  14. Rikard


    Another way (the way i done) i got the chrome from one of the F1's or F2 template, the chrome efect from the top of the bit on the bonnet, air intake filter i think? I use photoshop and i use the "liquidfy" option and shape it till it fits the bit you want to cover, it takes some time to get it spot on, Or you can do what Dazza said, both in my opion look great, if you want me to i can upload the chrome tga for the XJ6 into filemanager? for anyone to use Rikard
  15. lol great game, nice graphics to got 38,194 Rikard
  16. Very Good I like the second one
  17. Anyone got a translater dunno the language think its that text crap Limewire screwed his PC......i think
  18. Just watched a video on the net of the "Western Kentucky State Fair Demolition Derby" in America Is quite funny actually, and different, Their in a slippery muddy bowl where the cars can't get any faster than 10 mph, even though its quite "slow" they sit in there cars wearing t-shirts and vests and don't even wear seatbelts! just use there big bellys to kept them in the seat lol you can watch it here http://www.cinemaenema.net/derby.htm 7 minutes long Rikard
  19. whats up with the RSS Bot? People used to say that non uk dirt members used to fill up the forum space and now theres this? lol I know the forums been upgraded, and maby cause im not into football Just woundering thats all Rikard
  20. Rikard


    I like the Jag XJ6 aswell, i thought id make a nice classy skin for a classy car, I made this Chrome Kit for the XJ6, includes chrome; front lights rear lights door handles fuel tank flaps number plate surrounds top bootlid and some shiny wheels Please tell me what you think [attachmentid=4622] [attachmentid=4623] Rikard
  21. Rikard


    Yeah its pretty swish
  22. I like it, Well done mate Rikard
  23. Nice skin mate i like the lightning effect and purples a top colour, only thing is I think it may look slightly better if you adjust the 29 on the wing to run Parallel to the top and bottom on the wing so its inline with it (just a personal preference) But year i like it Rikard
  24. Nice one mate well done Rikard
  25. I had terrible problems before, I don't wanna speak to soon but its been perfect for last few days, Thanks Kev for your hardwork Rikard
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