This is the one I got the other day...;category_oid=
I got the exact same TV in a local shop, and haggled the price and saved a bit extra
Done lots of research and its one of the best for the size and price range, thats why I chose it.
I don't have HD TV channels, just my Xbox 360. Samsung are great for 360's because some of them have a special mode called "Game Mode" which makes the games look even better, in the highest HD resolution.
Price wise you get what you pay for, you can pick up 32 inch HD TV's for around £300, but the quality won't be as good, such as the "Contrast Ratio" won't be anywhere near as high, so it may be worth forking out the extra money if you can.
When Microsoft where developing the 360 they worked with Samsung, and the demo 360's in shops all use Samsung screens with Game Mode turned on. So Samsung is the way to go