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Everything posted by Rikard

  1. Happy birthday mate
  2. Looking good Rodda!
  3. Windows XP 54 or 64? I only knew of Home and Professional?
  4. Get a different car then! lol What about something like a Diesel Focus? get 50 odd mpg doing 55mph on a freeway no problem. Plus diesel is cheeper then petrol in the USA?
  5. I'm on Xbox Live as well now Gamertag is Spedeworth Feel free to add me
  6. Happy Birthday for yesterday
  7. Was it just a home video of you trying to reverse out your drive?
  8. Amazing
  9. The 360 tastes fine thanks
  10. This is the one I got the other day... http://www.currys.co.uk/martprd/store/cur_...p;category_oid= I got the exact same TV in a local shop, and haggled the price and saved a bit extra Done lots of research and its one of the best for the size and price range, thats why I chose it. I don't have HD TV channels, just my Xbox 360. Samsung are great for 360's because some of them have a special mode called "Game Mode" which makes the games look even better, in the highest HD resolution. Price wise you get what you pay for, you can pick up 32 inch HD TV's for around £300, but the quality won't be as good, such as the "Contrast Ratio" won't be anywhere near as high, so it may be worth forking out the extra money if you can. When Microsoft where developing the 360 they worked with Samsung, and the demo 360's in shops all use Samsung screens with Game Mode turned on. So Samsung is the way to go
  11. You may have to use the Windows Compatability program. But I still play it on XP, The PC I played it on when I first bought the game, back in '96 was a Pentium MMX 166 Mhz To get it to run on my PC I have to turn off the "Hardware Acceleration" On empty desktop: Right Click --> Settings --> Advance --> Troubleshoot Then if your PC is the same as mine then turn down the Hardware Acceleration until its off. Took a bit of tinkering to get it to run on my current computer, but now it runs fine, at perfect frame rate! lol "Wow! Total Destruction" "Hes waaaaaaay out in front"
  12. Good old trusty Primera Nice one FBF
  13. Great looking car and great looking model
  14. Some one should set up a rFactor league, like Pedz did in the Briscar F1 off season. That was good fun
  15. After having a good think about it (bout 10 seconds lol) I decided to go for the 360 Got one just the other day. Been saving my pennies and got a high deff tv arriving next week and then i'll hook it up to Live, can't wait some of the games that are out or just around the corner look stunning. Just getting into Forza 2, and the Wrestling game is good fun as well lol. Maining playing Saints Row, which is the perfect game to tie you over until GTA 4 is out. Also can't wait for Call Of Duty 4, think i'll waste plenty of hours on that
  16. Very Funny
  17. I went to Kings Lynn in the end and then on my way home friday I went to Coventry
  18. Weather you are a wrestler in the public lime lite, or under any amounts of pressure, or steroids drugs etc, doesn't give you an excuse to kill your family, if thats what he done. If he was going mad chucking furniture around and turning violent, his poor family must have been terrified. How can someone kill their Wife? Or worse still their own child? Hadn't he herd the WWE motto? "Don't try this at home" lol
  19. Happy Birthday
  20. Rikard


    Some good renders here. And Jamesy that is quality for a 1st attempt
  21. Mass immigration is turning into a big problem in this country. Its not their fault, but the cheep Polish labour can be very damaging to our economy as a whole. We studyed something like this in great detail when i done my Business Studies A Level at college last year. And the Muslims? don't get me started!
  22. another nice model on the way
  23. I’m going up to the midlands this Sunday, I'm hoping to take a de-tour and fit in a banger meeting. Question is, which one? My options are: Standlake - Summer Open - Under & Over 1800cc Bangers - £1000 Prize Money Kings Lynn - BANDIT MEMORIAL Unlimited Bangers, 2L Bangers, 1300 Stock Cars Which one is gonna have more bangers and which one is gonna be better? Thanks for any replies
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