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Everything posted by Aub

  1. Rubbish for me Sheffield worse.. but fun
  2. Aub 188 Red
  3. Oh I forgot to add Jamie laughed at me for getting 4 points last week... How does it feel to get heehaw son? Haha #stupidstar
  4. Well it went much better for me than I thought it would I was very slow in practice but when it came to the meeting I was faster than most of the reds I guess I was more consistent than the others. Well its looking very ominous for the world final based on that meeting the gold roof will be staying exactly where it is even with a damaged car he still managed a 2nd in a heat.. Should have had a second in the final but again found a accident and that dropped me down the field but hey ho Wd to the winners
  5. Aub 188 Red
  6. Well a nightmare of a night for me not just the racing but the whole thing, gonna be a long list on the messer thread thats for sure. Random grid draw went as well as they always do for me with only 1 person behind me it was never gonna go well and it didn't but hey ho, that set the tone for the rest of the night really. Nice to see if anyone read my post last week it was completely ignored Well onto next week and a visit to my "home" track I might even opt for a real stockcar rather than one of these fancy racecars. Cheers to stumpy and dave for the help
  7. Well Done to Dode for winning everything.. F2 Nationals: 151 238 380 221 981 691 589 246 356 394 443 848 93 188 276 599 237 39 488 Heat 1: 488 47 380 238 589 151 221 276 394 474 711 93 481 188 Heat 2: 151 39 47 981 589 356 188 848 93 237 599 221 82 246 443 Heat 3: 276 380 246 237 238 356 443 488 981 39 599 848 711 474 394 Final: 151 380 238 47 589 246 443 39 237 356 221 276 394 188 93 488 848 474 599 981 GN : 47 380 246 356 443 276 39 238 394 237 711 151 848 981 589 599 488 474 93 44 pts 380 41 pts 47 35 pts 151 32 pts 238 26 pts 246 24 pts 589 20 pts 39 19 pts 356 18 pts 443 18 pts 276 13 pts 237 13 pts 488 9 pts 981 4 pts 394 4 pts 188 4 pts 221 3 pts 848 2 pts 93 1 pts 474 0 pts 711 0 pts 481 0 pts 599 no shows 0 pts 400 0 pts 481 0 pts 922 0 pts 653 Cya next week for the Scottish Championship The replays are here!
  8. Good evening! F2 Nationals:93,443,474,481,599,237,394,276,356,380,589,653,151,188,22 1,246,488,691,848,981,39,238 (Server 48) Steward 255 Heat 1: 93, 443, 474, 711, 922, 394, 589, 653, 188, 221, 488, 848, 238 (Server 48) Steward 255 Heat 2: 82, 134, 481, 599, 47, 237, 276, 356, 380, 151, 246, 691, 981, 39 (Server 45) Steward 39 Heat 3: 93, 443, 481, 711, 922, 237, 276, 589, 151, 188, 246, 981, 238, (Server 48) Steward 255 Heat 4: 82, 134, 474, 599, 47, 394, 356, 380, 653, 221, 488, 691, 848, 39, (Server 45) Steward 39 Consi: _____ (Server 48) Steward 255 Final: Top 20 points scorers and the top 4 from the consi (Server 48) Steward 255 [no B finals, however there will be GNs for everyone] GN1: TBA (Server 48) Steward 255 GN2: TBA (Server 45) Steward 39 Meet in chat at 8:20!
  9. I wasn't expecting to much from last night but it all came together and ive got used to the tarmac style of driving now so all is good in that department. The last few laps of the grand national were absolutely brilliant I think it was dode, kane and Hhunter proper stockcar racing for 2nd place. However you do see that sort of racing for 15th place witch in all fairness is a waste of time. As has been said here already why do the lower graders feel the need to hit everything going? This will infact slow you down allowing the red grades to catch up even quicker. Surely as a white top you dont honestly think you can keep the reds behind you with those tactics? Ive always pretty much relied on my speed to get passed people ive never felt the need to fire whites and yellows into the wall as they are learning. But what annoys me is that sometimes you can pass one of these people with very slight contact and they then hit you flat out next bend. Why? Im fully aware a stockcar has bumpers etc but its for moving slower cars because your faster than them. I await the day I see Holly Glen fire Gordon Moodie into the wall just cause he past her cause he was faster then I will take back everything ive just said. Looking forward to next week while you lot enjoy the bank holiday in England Us up in Scotland have no bank holiday!
  10. Aub

    Kings Lynn

    Aub 188 Yel... blue
  11. I enjoyed the meeting still struggling with the new tarmac physics but I will get there. Good to have a 1st and 2nd in the final I think we have done it before but im not sure it was a final. Now im the lowest graded Stringer! Thats never happened before! Cya all next week
  12. I have a few old cars kicking about if anyone is desperate. I have rce's a shale randall and a dk I think
  13. Aub-188 Red
  14. Aub-188 Red
  15. I enjoyed the meeting I didn't expect to much out of the meeting due to the track and the way to drive these nowadays. Mind you most of it was bad luck rather than being spun. Looking forward to the shale next week I cant remember the last time I did a shale meeting in f2s maybe 2 years ago. Also rare I was the bottom Stringer of the points tally! I will try to make sure that doesn't happen again haha Cya next week
  16. Aub


    Hello Would admin have my old skins lying about somewhere that can be uploaded into the next skin pack? They should be a purple shale car and a black tarmac car and id guess 2012 I last raced. Thanks in advance
  17. Im gonna have to cancel ive got pedal issues
  18. Can I have last year's shale car please bruv and I will get the tarmac car to ya friday
  19. Drivers Name: 921 Jack Aldridge 2013 RCE Your Number: 188 Your Name/Nickname: Aub Current league/grade: UKDirt - Red?
  20. Aub

    world final

    Good lets hope it stays the same as im on honeymoon the week before..
  21. Aub

    world final

    Hello Can anyone tell me does the online world final take place the week before or the week after the real one? (Please let it be the week after haha)
  22. Thanks very much
  23. Didn't realise id make the grid never mind that high! Anyway im unable to make it due to darts commitments
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