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Everything posted by Aub

  1. Yes there will be a normal meeting as well On a side note my G25 went pop last night, eeeek Aww well that's cheered me right up!!! Happy Friday people
  2. Not really there's a 106 there is there not? And I've never seen the Saxo does he still have it or has he sold it? I see the 106 is for sale mind you that took a whack last Sunday.
  3. Lol that's so far out it's quite impressive I seem to remember that driver having a 106 and no wheel arches on it?? Maybe I'm just getting old and lost my memory
  4. Nope not tempted at all! cya
  5. Ok I'm out lads. Mega lack of intrest and the fact I'm in Scotland means I won't be present. Dunno what's up but not keen on racing the f1s and the f2s well we won't even go there maybe my uk dirt days are done who knows? Cya'll about
  6. Can you pop me down as a provisional please
  7. I wont be here take me out
  8. Agreed totally awful i gave up after half a race. oh well clios on wednesday 36 cars all over europe and america no lag woohoo amazing eh!!
  9. No he wont mind mate he loves it. Except Bangers... if its bangers you want Hooty is the man
  10. and if you ever wanted a skin painted mate Dave is the best around
  11. You may aswell all give up now cause dave is the best at it he will either win with his midler car or his jack aldridge rce
  12. Chaps. Can i just maybe book for the premier league? Ive got loads on tonight and i know i wont have time to do the meeting full. If i show up i show up but if i dont i dont. Ta
  13. Er no i didn't i wasn't even in the server at the end of the race i left half way through to cook my tea the people on the secret teamspeak can confirm that. I didn't mind its one of those things
  14. me please simdy dindt go well...lol
  15. Bully jnr 848
  16. This Monday will be Drumbsticks last meeting as a single man as he gets married on the 28th. Now i would like you all to join me in making sure he gets 0 points so we can give him a proper send off
  17. The real Men will be doing the Simdy500 but i see drumbs booked for this.. says it all
  18. Hi Ben i can tell you that Rfactor does not work on a MAC
  19. book me out please
  20. Aub 188 s/s
  21. me please dave time for some drumb bashing
  22. yep just of to rip some some mods and claim there mine back soon
  23. Sorry Aub but you refer to two things in your post that ive never heard of before? What do you mean should have been yellow after scoring 30 points? Are you saying that drivers get an instant upgrade if you score 30 points in a meeting? Also what are rule breakers and how are they added into the results? Forgive me if Im ignorant of these things, just havent a clue what you mean! whites get a instant upgrade if they get 30 points. Rule breakers = corner cutters
  24. Horrible meeting. To be honest I wasnt in the mood for it after the final was fiddled from the night before. Bully should have been yellow after scoring 30 points on wednesday even a admin member agreed to this thus he went and changed to yellow only to find out he now only has 28 points because the rule breakers had been added into the results. Wednesdays final and the last coventry final both saw mike just the corner and miss a sector thus go a lap down. No way should anyone be reinstated after cutting the track you cant do it anywhere else so here should be no exception. It happened to me twice over the two days through no fault of my own and I pulled off in both occasions its only fair not only does it waste admins time but it also confuses other drivers and that could affect the race anyway. Im done
  25. well i had a nightmare sort of the first 2 heats i didnt even finish and got a 3rd in my last heat and that means im gonna have to work bloody hard tonight to make the uk open grid. the final was awesome i was up to 2nd by about lap 3 then me tom and mor had a fantastic race and i made a perfect move on tom for the win. im going to make a video of the final from my pov in car followed by watching it from the track camera's. if johno or someone could send me a copy of the final grid that would be much appreciated.
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