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Everything posted by Aub

  1. Id be up for a shot
  2. Its gonna be crap hardly worth leaving kincardine to go all that way for but hey ho got a day of work so that will do.. 647 H124 101
  3. Is it possible to change the seat postion cause you cant see a bloody thing out the ds3 the seat is so low down?
  4. Had no time to do this weeks at all.... But next week.... Rallycross meeting! Go on Rocket you know ya want to
  5. I had to retire after 5 secs changed a setting on my wheel and the pedals were arse about face so gave up will try again next week
  6. Done mine.. a wee tip dont do it after moving from a rallycross car.. Stage 1 not to bad a couple of spins but nothing to major so i was quite happy with that. Stage 2 hit several trees and took a few time penalties and did the last 2 sections on the rim, trouble was when i hit said trees and finally the post thingy it was all hard front impacts so the speed of the car had slowed down alot. The next 3 stages were about as good as i could hope for with the car in the state it was in no accidents in any of them. Stage 6 mostly went fine but again had to do the last 2 sections on the rim so not a good time for that. Better run overall though and very happy not to see grecce on the list
  7. Aub


    I have many and lots of old cars i plan on giving to everyone, however they are on a old pc and require some sorting out first.
  8. Best not talk about mine...... Lol it certainly didnt look like a fiesta when i finished. Last is mine!! Haha
  9. It shall be i who wins the race to finish last! Lol
  10. Great meeting even if i struggled, well done to the winners been a good season for the small part i could actually race in, Darts commitments at the start of season meant i missed till about late april early may. Had to stop again in August due to wedding/work/honeymoon and finally i could come back last week. Only downside was i have lost all confidence driving on both surfaces shale im not sure why maybe the contact issue as when you hit someone you could never be really sure what was going to happen i think that kinda played on my mind again on Monday, not a fan of this sideways tarmac stuff it wasn't good the first time round in 2009 and not been any better this time but im sure this is being addressed so hopefully we can get some proper tarmac racing next year. Heat 1 i lined up at the back i went for it of the line and got to the front of the reds only to be followed in next bend, lesson learnt i just start at the back he rest of the night. the Consi was just stupid it was very clear the reds dint wanna be in the Afinal i manage to eventually sneak away and got 5th and in a stroke of luck 82 was deemed to jump the start so i got in by default. Final was nothing interesting either was 11th going into the final bend but it was a case of pass one let one passed so i finished 11th. i did have one race where i was on for a massive result of 6th but i made a arse of it and spun out the last bend.. oh well. Anyway thanks to Simon (Dave) and Jamie for your efforts this year you both have done a excellent job! Obviously though i was the best RM of the year, i didnt think id ever be doing that again! and it was a championship! but thats what happens when all admin sod off for the night Anyway if that then makes you think to drop bank holiday meetings please don't as some bank holidays are not nationwide! I must say sorry to Leek it seems i always find him in races and he always ends up spinning some my fault some not! ive gone through my PC and i have a few old skins kicking about if anyone wants one gimmie a shout. ya'll come back next year!
  11. Lol glory hunter go back to your 647 colours! Haha
  12. Now my wedding and honeymoon and work outage is over i hope to be present from next monday.
  13. Wont be racing far to busy at work the now
  14. Can i just check that if i join the grid and pull off at the start that will be enough to get in the consi semi?
  15. Just the semi final for me Bruv not the whole meeting... rumour has it ive got a busy week next week with somthing happening on the Friday! Good write up chap
  16. Aub

    Double Headers

    They worked much better in 2007 when there was double headers and you could only race in 1 meeting. However numbers these days it would not be worth doing it that way cause there wouldn't be enough racers to split it like that.
  17. my old tar car and new shale car in here 188smiT.zip
  18. There's no need you have just as much chance of winning from the back as you do the front on rfactor due to the epic mindset of most drivers. I said in teamspeak at the start the back rows would win and that was indeed the case. As for my night the European was a non event really as I expected so was not that much of a shock to be followed in turn 1 plus I was getting told all day that would be the case. After the first bend I had some damage somewhere but I was still kinda mixing it. Was sat in 4th on the last bend not really thinking about it tom came flying in and then I rolled ending up 8th but hey ho 8th is as good as second. As for the rest of the meeting it was ok until I caught the blue tops. Every race I had I cleared the reds only to be stopped by the the blues. I still dont get what thought process goes through these peoples heads, they think getting in a bumper battle will help them? I really dont want to lower myself to putting people away everybend but im getting very close. Anyway that coupled with a few unfortunate bounces of other cars made for a very mediocre night. So shale next week a strange mysterious surface where the rear bumper simply doesn't exist just a inside rear wheel. Well done to Skinner is that every championship you have now? Also well done to Josh who put up a great fight I could just about see it all going on in front of me. Also well done on winning the Final. Cheers to Dave and Jamie Top job chaps. And thanks to Stumpy for stewarding.
  19. I seem to remember you telling me you've had a drink with him before..
  20. Im sure I could get Gordon Moodie to do it bruv
  21. Sorry I missed both meetings I fell asleep and didn't wake up till late on so I guess I will be up all night! Yay. Anyway might see some of you at Skegness this weekend. As for a final and gn win I did it back in 2007 but that was on heat im sure this is the first time its been done on rfactor. Wd skinner
  22. Aub

    Taunton WCQR

    Aub 188 Red
  23. Ive got 374's cars nearly done but why the early deadline!
  24. Aub 188 Red
  25. Very very surprised at my results I had hardly and practice as Heather thought it would be a brilliant idea to install a printer at about 7 oclock I gave up on that at 20 past 8.. anyway got the printer working just after the meeting finally! And today shes bought a new one.. I had no idea if I was on the pace of everyone except skinner but luckily I was. A good solid showing in the heats was much need after last week and thats what I got. Enjoyed the final was going well dode got past me with 2 laps to go and I got rid of him in fine style and just did the remaining lap and 3/4 to get 2nd. Gn I hit ritzo flat out on the start straight and that broke the outside front but still managed a 9th somehow. Back to shale next week and thats been very mixed for me this year but im looking forward to it all the same.
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