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Everything posted by Dave488
w&y: 93, 103, 117, 244, 259, 470, 711 // 58, 90, 101, 374, 394, 544, 589, 641, 954 , , (Server .48) 16 CARS.....STEWARD STUMPY Heat 1: 259, 711, 374, 394, 470, 589, 954, 8, 503, 800, 188, 246, 363, 489, 39, 238, , (Server .48) 16 CARS.....STEWARD STUMPY Heat 2: 103, 117, 244, 90, 101, 544, 237, 356, 47, 52, 167, 488, 691, 180, 236, 112 , (Server .45) 16 CARS.....STEWARD WARDIEEE Heat 3: 103, 711, 58, 470, 544, 589, 641, 8, 503, 52, 146, 329, 363, 380, 691, 180, , (Server .48) 16 CARS.....STEWARD STUMPY Heat 4: 93, 244, 90, 101, 374, 394, 237, 356, 443, 47, 246, 488, 489, 236, 397, 112 , (Server .45) 16 CARS.....STEWARD DANSKIN Heat 5: 93, 117, 259, 58, 641, 954, 443, 800, 146, 167, 188, 329, 380, 238, 39, 397, , (Server .48) 16 CARS.....STEWARD STUMPY Top 20 points scorers direct to final plus top 4 from consi there will be enough gns for everyone please be in chat for 7.20 as whites and yellows race will go at 7.25 ish
While I am more than happy for this poll to stay open I do feel I need to just say a decision has already been made re: double headers for next season so no matter the outcome of this poll it will not change that decision. From a admin point of view double headers are not worth the hassle to run. However the fixtures for this year will remain as they are. You can always just book in for 1 you don't have to race both Regards Dave F2 admin
To be honest nez the video is from the whole night not just the euro race. So maybe does look worse than it is for crashes
We are now collecting skins for the 6th Skinpack of 2014 please send them in and I will try to keep the received skins part updated A FEW SIMPLE RULES 1: NUMBERS - numbers must be BLACK ON WHITE the white outline MUST be big enough to make the BLACK stand out (no fancy inlay colours please) 2: CAB PANELS/ROLLCAGE - cab panels and cage MUST BE YOUR GRADE OR NEUTRAL COLOUR (ie if you are a red roof you CANT have a white, blue or yellow cage or panels, if you are a blue roof you CANT have red, white or yellow cage or panles and so on) THE COLOUR GOLD CAN NOT BE USED FOR ANYONES CAGE OR CAB PANELS EXCEPT THE WORLD CHAMPION (236) - A NEAUTRAL COLOUR MEANS ANYTHING BUT GOLD, RED, BLUE, YELLOW OR WHITE 3: SAVING - YOU MUST SAVE ALL F2 FILES IN DXT1 NOT DXT5 4: FILE NAMES - please name your car files based on these templates: main file/veh - 14UKD488_DaveT for tar and 14UKD488_DaveS for shale (your name and number not mine!!) other files - use the above but just add the grade colour to the end ie 14UKD488_DaveTred or 14UKD488_DaveTyellow etc if you are unsure of veh files leave them to me as its easier for me that way 5: SENDING IN FILES - please send in your files via THE UKDIRT WEBSITE UPLOAD TOOL or BY PMING ME ON THIS FORUM, DO NOT upload to this thread 6:RE-USING OLD SKINS - If you wish to re-use your skin from the 2013 season, let me know on this thread please and i will add them to the pack 7: NOVICE SKINS - remember if you have used a novice skin this season you MUST upload a skin for this pack or you WILL NOT be able to race until the next pack is made 8: CHASSIS CHANGES - you have 1 change on each surface in the season but can then go back to your 1st chassis choice if you wish, HOWEVER if you send in a new skin that is on the same chassis as your existing skin, just different colours/signs IT WILL CLASS AS A CHASSIS CHANGE, and once you have met the limit for chassis changes no more skins will be excepted from you 9: ROOF COLOURS - i remind you that the roof grades are RED, BLUE, YELLOW AND WHITE NOT BROWN, PURPLE, GREEN AND GREY - if the colour you have chosen is not deemed to be correct admin will fix it themselves, or REFUSE it i think you will find these are very simple rules but many seem to struggle with them, if i have to go through and fix skins to fit these rules myself i can not promise the results will be pretty - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED any questions regarding any of the above please PM me and ask BEFORE sending your skins in DEADLINE FOR SKINS IS MIDNIGHT FRIDAY 1ST AUGUST ALSO ONCE AGAIN I WILL ADD IF YOU HAVE RACED A NOVICE SKIN PREVIOUSLY YOU WILL NEED TO SEND ME A SKIN FOR THIS PACK TO CONTINUE RACING F2S NO SKINS NO RACING ITS THAT SIMPLE!! SKINS RECEIVED SO FAR: 101 117 503 shale only 691 tar only 800 954 tar only
my new f1s 488_f1s.zip
Not with him as such. He was drinking so was I and we spoke to each other lol. That's enough for me. Jamie would never sleep if he did it
That would mean id have to acknowledge him tho? Lol
At least we won't be short of people to pull the names out this year it seems In the past we have had quite some celebrities do the draw lol 1 year was done by Dave Leonard off of Dave Leonard painter and decorators Another by national hotrod superstar mr Jason kew Then the Scriven brothers from f1 fame Also multi f2 champion Gordon M......DanSkin
Great write up Jamie excellent work But I would like to say after doing the euro draw for a few years now it is anything but exciting I can assure you lol
Ashley England #846 Euro Weekender
Dave488 replied to CrashleyEngland846's topic in Real Life Racing
Yep same as Kane says. And please let me be stood next to wardie at the time lol In all seriousness good luck mate hope you get some good results -
I still use cs2. If it ain't broke etc
Because you scored 5 points after the heats. I only had 1. My other points were scored in the gn
Well done to DanSkin#236 on winning another final/title and also for top scoring, thanks all for racing and also thanks to the stewards as always Results: Heat 1: 397 167 31 380 237 103 954 39 503 146 180 117 356 394 58 Heat 2: 259 691 489 238 236 52 599 151 589 488 246 82 474 93 443 8 Heat 3: 236 691 489 180 599 151 167 503 589 237 146 954 394 117 103 259 Heat 4: 397 31 238 93 39 356 474 82 246 443 52 848 8 380 488 58 Heat 5: 691 151 39 599 589 356 52 848 397 117 82 443 489 167 58 Heat 6: 236 238 180 246 954 93 474 31 380 103 394 488 146 237 503 8 Final: 236 397 238 180 151 39 380 58 237 503 52 31 246 589 93 82 103 356 167 474 848 954 599 691 GN 1: 954 31 58 180 397 488 474 39 380 848 503 237 93 GN 2: 151 691 356 82 599 238 236 589 246 167 103 394 Points: 54 pts 236 DanSkin 46 pts 397 Hamster Jnr 45 pts 238 Kane_M 39 pts 151 Dode 37 pts 691 Jakeeey 36 pts 180 Wardieee 30 pts 39 LeeK 29 pts 31 SI 23 pts 599 HAROLD 20 pts 954 Samwit 19 pts 380 Liam Powell 18 pts 356 Mitch Wells 16 pts 489 Montangoo 14 pts 58 Tom 14 pts 167 CB 13 pts 589 Stijneman 12 pts 93 Twisty 12 pts 474 BeesFanDanny 11 pts 237 RicklyJames 11 pts 246 Stox 10 pts 82 Dbecks 10 pts 259 Charlie Guinchard 9 pts 52 Hhunter 7 pts 503 Dane Bell 6 pts 103 MurrayAdams 6 pts 488 Dave 4 pts 848 BullyJnr 1 pts 117 Dan W 1 pts 443 Ritzo 1 pts 146 CrashleyEngland 0 pts 394 PaulE 0 pts 8 Lloydy **Results edited 09:57 (05/07/14)** Next week will see the European Championships at NIR. Keep your eyes open for the preview thread which will be appearing on here within the next few days. The replays are here!
because you hadn't booked in by the time I made the late bookings thread, you've been racing long enough to know what happens
welcome to the 2014 uk open please check you are in 3 heats each and not in 2 heats running at the same time Heat 1: 58, 103, 117, 143, 394, 848, 954, 31, 237, 356, 503, 146, 167, 380, 39, 180, 397, ,17 CARS , server .48 ( steward 180 ) Heat 2: 82, 93, 259, 599, 374, 474, 589, 8, 443, 691, 52, 246, 488, 489, 151, 236, 238, ,17 CARS , server .45 ( steward 236 ) Heat 3: 103, 117, 143, 599, 259, 394, 589, 954, 237, 503, 691, 146, 167, 489, 151, 180, 236, ,17 CARS , server .48 ( steward 180 ) Heat 4: 58, 82, 93, 374, 474, 848, 8, 31, 356, 443, 52, 246, 380, 488, 39, 238, 397, , 17 CARS, server .45 ( steward 488) Heat 5: 58, 82, 117, 143, 599, 374, 589, 848, 356, 443, 691, 52, 167, 489, 39, 151, 397, ,17 CARS , server .48 ( steward 151 ) Heat 6: 93, 103, 259, 394, 474, 954, 8, 31, 237, 503, 146, 246, 380, 488, 180, 236, 238, ,17 CARS , server .45 ( steward 236 ) the top 24 points scorers will go to the final to contest the 2014 uk open (there will be no consi) PLEASE NOTE: 4 WHEELS ON THE KERB IS NOT PERMITTED AT ANY TIME, AND ANYONE FOUND TO BE DOING SO WILL BE DOCKED PLACES PLEASE BE IN CHAT FOR 8.20
please post below if you wish to have a late booking or to cancel from tonights meeting please, using the following format name: number: grade: DO NOT BOOK IN OR CANCEL VIA THE WEBSITE FROM NOW ON AS IT MAY BE MISSED, ALSO A REMINDER THAT YOU HAVE TO HAVE RACED IN ATLEAST 1 MEETING THIS SEASON TO BE ABLE TO RACE IN A F2 CHAMPIONSHIP EVENT bookings will close at 7.30pm
As aub has said a win from a lap down in a gn has been done before but only on the heat game not rfactor. I've seen a maximum score too but that may have been in f1s? (2 heat wins a final and gn wins = 60 points) a feat that many have said will never happen on rfactor. Looks like mr skinner could soon prove them all wrong Well done dan must've been great to watch
Just have to have another good month from red mate. Take it off him lol
correct but dode had a higher average in the last month, and from a higher grade, I would personally like more superstars as we don't get many turning up but as 397 has started racing we felt that with him we could only add 1 more and we chose dode on the before mentioned point hope this answers your question?
the link for skinpack 5 is below, you will all need this for the meetings tomorrow night >>>SKINPACK 5<<< PLEASE NOTE: This installer has been updated. Anyone who installed the skinpack before 22:09 06/07/14 should delete the following before re-downloading and installing the skinpack. C:\Program Files (x86)\rFactor\GameData\Vehicles\F2Stockcar\F2ShaleOL (delete) C:\Program Files (x86)\rFactor\GameData\Vehicles\F2Stockcar\F2TarmacOL (delete) DONT FORGET THE NEW GRADES ALSO COME INTO EFFECT FOR THIS MEETING, THEY CAN BE FOUND >>HERE<< This pack is installed on both servers and server 45 should be set to taunton/westworld now IN THIS PACK: new cars: 134 shale 249 tar and shale 374 tar and shale 397 tar and shale 503 tar and shale 711 tar and shale chassis changes: 65 tar from bingly to rce 65 shale from bingley to dk new paint schemes: (taken as a chassis change) 80 tarmac 103 tar and shale 134 tarmac 180 tarmac fixes: 188 tarmac
here are the grade changes to be used in july, well done to all those going up, these come into effect for tomorrows meetings Up to ss 151 Down to red No one Up to red 47 146 167 Down to blue 8 384 691 Up to blue 237 443 503 Down to yellow 589 848 Up to yellow 374 Down to white No one DONT FORGET THE LATEST SKINPACK THAT IS >>HERE<<
Now closed. I will not take any late skins
list updated