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Everything posted by Dave488
Don't forget the deadline for this is TONIGHT. And I will say again if you have raced a novice skin before you can't from now on so you MUST get a skin to me for this deadline I will update the list later
thanks all for racing well done to DanSkin#236 for winning the british and for top scoring, also well done to all other winners and as always thanks to all the stewards for helping out Results: Heat 1: 188 47 397 691 238 112 356 82 848 474 79 488 Heat 2: 236 481 146 246 151 31 52 380 589 237 443 39 103 Heat 3: 481 52 112 39 237 238 488 188 848 474 146 589 356 103 Heat 4: 397 236 151 47 31 246 691 380 82 443 79 Heat 5: 236 397 31 589 488 443 52 39 848 82 474 691 Heat 6: 481 380 188 112 151 246 238 47 79 356 146 103 237 Heat 7: 151 236 47 31 112 246 356 52 481 474 39 79 82 146 Heat 8: 397 488 380 238 237 589 188 443 103 848 Heat 9: 236 397 31 380 82 39 246 474 481 589 356 79 Heat 10: 47 443 238 237 112 151 488 188 146 NOF 103 52 848 Final: 236 151 112 31 238 39 246 47 188 52 237 488 356 474 481 146 589 82 380 79 443 848 Points: 68 pts 236 DanSkin 53 pts 151 Dode 48 pts 31 Si 48 pts 112 TomD 46 pts 397 HamsterJnr 43 pts 47 Samson 42 pts 238 Kane_M 34 pts 246 Stox 33 pts 481 MackieD 32 pts 188 Aub 30 pts 380 Liam Powell 25 pts 39 LeeK 23 pts 488 Dave 22 pts 52 Hhunter 20 pts 237 RickyJames 18 pts 443 Ritzo 15 pts 589 Stijneman 12 pts 82 Dbecks 11 pts 691 Jakeeey 10 pts 146 CrashleyEngland 9 pts 356 Mitch Wells 7 pts 848 BullyJnr 6 pts 474 BeesFanDanny 2 pts 103 Murray Adams 2 pts 79 WeeRyan NO SHOWS 0 pts 143 DannyH 0 pts 653 Ryan Simpson hope to see you all next week for the double header of taunton and westworld The replays are here!
Welcome to the UKDirt F2 British Championship 2014, please make sure you are in 5 heats each and not in 2 races at the same time Heat 1: 82, 143, 79, 474, 47, 356, 653, 848, 188, 488, 691, 112, 238, 397, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , server .48 ( steward - stumpy) Heat 2: 103, 481, 237, 443, 31, 146, 589, 52, 151, 246, 380, 39, 236, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , server .45 ( steward - danskin ) Heat 3: 103, 481, 237, 474, 146, 356, 589, 848, 52, 188, 488, 39, 112, 238, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , server .48 ( steward - stumpy ) Heat 4: 82, 143, 79, 443, 31, 47, 653, 151, 246, 380, 691, 236, 397, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , server .45 ( steward - danskin) Heat 5: 82, 143, 443, 474, 31, 589, 653, 848, 52, 488, 691, 39, 236, 397, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , server .48 ( steward - stumpy) Heat 6: 103, 481, 79, 237, 47, 146, 356, 151, 188, 246, 380, 112, 238, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , server .45 ( steward - tom) Heat 7: 82, 481, 79, 474, 31, 47, 146, 356, 52, 151, 246, 39, 112, 236, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , server .48 ( steward - stumpy) Heat 8: 103, 143, 237, 443, 589, 653, 848, 188, 380, 488, 691, 238, 397, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , server .45 ( steward - dave) Heat 9: 82, 481, 79, 474, 31, 356, 589, 653, 246, 380, 691, 39, 236, 397, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , server .48 ( steward - stumpy) Heat 10: 103, 143, 237, 443, 47, 146, 848, 52, 151, 188, 488, 112, 238, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , server .45 ( steward - tom ) Top 24 points scorers will go into the final (British Championship) THERE WILL BE NO GNS TONIGHT please be in chat by 8.25
bookings closed
if you would like a late booking or cancel from tonights meeting please post below NOT on the website from now on please post as: name number grade bookings will close at 7.30 CAN I REMIND EVERYONE OF THE RULE ON THE WEBSITE THAT YOU MUST HAVE COMPETED IN ATLEAST 1 MEETING IN THE SEASON TO BE ABLE TO RACE A CHAMPIONSHIP EVENT IN UKDIRT F2S
list updated
This Monday will see the F2s race for their first major championship of the 2014 season, the British Championship at the very small but always interesting Barford Raceway LeightonH #480 is the current british champion after winning the title last year at Kings Lynn, but as he hasnt't raced all year it is pretty certain the title will be going to someone else in 2014 so looking on to who could win the big race come Monday, runaway national points leader Kane #238 must be 1 of the favorites with his consistant results so far this season, as is of course multi champion DanSkin #236, the world and current points champion (along with many other titles) is quick at every track, and this 1 is his local hes enjoyed final success here before so it would take a brave man to bet against him getting the title back he held in 2011, Another driver who deserves a mention is Dode #151 he doesnt race every week but when he does his results have been staggering add these to other current super stars like Leek #39, Wardie #180 and TomD #112 the charge from the back in the heats will be 1 to watch and im sure if these guys all turn up they will be near the front of the final grid It is of course not all about the star men there are some very fast other grade drivers about at the moment not least last Mondays final winners Crashley England #146 and Ritzo #443, they both had great nights on shale and some would argue Barford isnt much different so could they continue their great form even from the next grades up? some others who have shown a glimpse of good form at times include HHunter #52, Aub #188, Stox #246 and the returning Samson #47 amongst many others could any of these grab a title? and lets not count out the likes of Ricky #237, Danny King #474, BullyJnr #848, Stijneman #589, Si #31, CB #167 etc there are alot of whites yellows blues and red tops that know how to use the bumper if its needed to keep them in contention towards the end of the big 1 who will win the UKDirt F2 2014 British championship? Maybe it could be you? GET BOOKED IN ON THE WEBSITE NOW Past Winners! 2013 LeightonH, #480 2012 Robin, #87 2011 Danskin, #236 2010 Mike, #315 2009 Kruiz, #136
We are now collecting skins for the 5th Skinpack of 2014 please send them in and I will try to keep the received skins part updated PLEASE NOTE THE WEDNESDAY DEADLINE (NOT THE NORMAL SATURDAY) A FEW SIMPLE RULES 1: NUMBERS - numbers must be BLACK ON WHITE the white outline MUST be big enough to make the BLACK stand out (no fancy inlay colours please) 2: CAB PANELS/ROLLCAGE - cab panels and cage MUST BE YOUR GRADE OR NEUTRAL COLOUR (ie if you are a red roof you CANT have a white, blue or yellow cage or panels, if you are a blue roof you CANT have red, white or yellow cage or panles and so on) THE COLOUR GOLD CAN NOT BE USED FOR ANYONES CAGE OR CAB PANELS EXCEPT THE WORLD CHAMPION (236) - A NEAUTRAL COLOUR MEANS ANYTHING BUT GOLD, RED, BLUE, YELLOW OR WHITE 3: SAVING - YOU MUST SAVE ALL F2 FILES IN DXT1 NOT DXT5 4: FILE NAMES - please name your car files based on these templates: main file/veh - 14UKD488_DaveT for tar and 14UKD488_DaveS for shale (your name and number not mine!!) other files - use the above but just add the grade colour to the end ie 14UKD488_DaveTred or 14UKD488_DaveTyellow etc if you are unsure of veh files leave them to me as its easier for me that way 5: SENDING IN FILES - please send in your files via THE UKDIRT WEBSITE UPLOAD TOOL or BY PMING ME ON THIS FORUM, DO NOT upload to this thread 6:RE-USING OLD SKINS - If you wish to re-use your skin from the 2013 season, let me know on this thread please and i will add them to the pack 7: NOVICE SKINS - remember if you have used a novice skin this season you MUST upload a skin for this pack or you WILL NOT be able to race until the next pack is made 8: CHASSIS CHANGES - you have 1 change on each surface in the season but can then go back to your 1st chassis choice if you wish, HOWEVER if you send in a new skin that is on the same chassis as your existing skin, just different colours/signs IT WILL CLASS AS A CHASSIS CHANGE, and once you have met the limit for chassis changes no more skins will be excepted from you 9: ROOF COLOURS - i remind you that the roof grades are RED, BLUE, YELLOW AND WHITE NOT BROWN, PURPLE, GREEN AND GREY - if the colour you have chosen is not deemed to be correct admin will fix it themselves, or REFUSE it i think you will find these are very simple rules but many seem to struggle with them, if i have to go through and fix skins to fit these rules myself i can not promise the results will be pretty - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED any questions regarding any of the above please PM me and ask BEFORE sending your skins in DEADLINE FOR SKINS IS MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY 2ND JULY *******PLEASE NOTE THE ABOVE DATE AS ITS EARLIER THAN A NORMAL DEADLINE DATE******* ALSO ONCE AGAIN I WILL ADD IF YOU HAVE RACED A NOVICE SKIN PREVIOUSLY YOU WILL NEED TO SEND ME A SKIN FOR THIS PACK TO CONTINUE RACING F2S NO SKINS NO RACING ITS THAT SIMPLE!! SKINS RECEIVED SO FAR: 80 shale only 103 188 tar only 134 249 374 397 503
well done to ritzo#443 for winning the final and to kane#238 for top scoring Results: Heat 1: 443 503 237 8 167 39 47 488 380 188 374 589 474 52 93 Heat 2: 238 237 146 711 981 488 374 52 246 39 93 384 188 589 Heat 3: 146 238 443 711 384 246 474 380 981 8 167 47 503 Final: 443 238 47 246 52 384 503 474 488 167 589 374 8 380 237 146 188 981 39 93 711 GN: 146 503 167 39 237 238 488 93 981 589 374 246 8 384 474 443 52 47 188 380 711 Points: 42 pts 238 kane 38 pts 443 ritzo 28 pts 146 crashley 26 pts 503 dane bell 23 pts 237 ricklyjames 21 pts 246 stox 20 pts 47 samson 16 pts 167 cb 16 pts 384 the bagoo 16 pts 488 dave 15 pts 52 hhunter 14 pts 711 josh w 13 pts 39 leek 10 pts 474 beesfandanny 10 pts 981 martinb 8 pts 8 llyody 5 pts 380 liam powell 4 pts 374 smithyk 3 pts 93 Twisty 1 pts 589 stijneman 1 pts 188 aub The replays are here!
welcome to the 1st meeting of the night from belle vue, please check you are in 2 heats each Heat 1: 93, 143, 374, 443, 503, 237, 474, 47, 167, 589, 8, 52, 188, 380, 488, 691, 39, Heat 2: 65, 93, 143, 374, 711, 146, 237, 589, 848, 981, 52, 188, 246, 384, 488, 39, 238, Heat 3: 65, 443, 503, 711, 146, 474, 47, 167, 848, 981, 8, 246, 380, 384, 691, 238, , top 18 points scorers to the final plus top 4 from the consi there will be gns for everyone please be in chat for 7.25 ALL RACES WILL BE IN SERVER 48 TONIGHT
bookings added up till here (minus 249) bookings for this meeting will close at 8pm
You need to send me a skin 1st or your booking will be refused due to the fact you have raced a novice already and a pack has been released since. If you planned on racing again you should've sent 1 in as I posted on every skins thread to date
This Monday is another double header for the f2s. You can book in on the website for the. 7.30 start meeting at belle vue and please post below to book for the 9pm meeting at stoke using the following format: Name Number Grade Drivers booked White Dan Heath 65 DBecks 82 Twisty 93 Smithy 374 Ritzo 443 Dane 503 Yellow Crashley 146 Rickly 237 Danny 474 Blue Samson 47 CB 167 Stijneman 589 Bullyjnr 848 MartinB 981 Red Llyody 8 HHunter 52 Aub 188 Stox 246 The Bagoo 384 Dave 488 Jake 691 Ss Kane 238 Number booked so far: 22
bullyjnr 848 blue
well done to danny king#474 for winning the final and getting upgraded to yellow for next week also well done to Samson#47 for top scoring, huge thanks to DanSkin and TomD for helping out tonight Results: w&y: 374 93 474 556 443 954 82 147 237 394 Heat 1: 47 374 8 167 848 246 488 394 93 188 180 556 818 82 Heat 2: 474 238 356 384 52 39 380 443 981 589 237 151 954 147 Heat 3: 443 47 52 39 954 246 848 474 384 394 82 818 589 8 Heat 4: 151 981 238 374 167 356 237 380 556 488 93 147 180 188 Consi: 589 556 180 82 188 147 93 Final: 474 47 981 374 52 394 39 151 8 246 82 384 356 167 556 237 589 488 443 954 380 180 848 238 GN 1: 47 180 167 246 556 848 8 488 394 82 93 374 818 GN 2: 981 39 52 151 238 237 356 380 443 384 147 589 474 Points: 47 pts 47 samson 37 pts 981 martinB 34 pts 52 hhunter 33 pts 474 danny king 30 pts 374 smithy 29 pts 39 leek 23 pts 151 dode 23 pts 238 kane 21 pts 167 cb 19 pts 246 stox 17 pts 356 mitch 16 pts 394 paulE 16 pts 8 llyody 15 pts 443 ritzo 15 pts 848 bullyjnr 10 pts 380 laim powell 10 pts 384 the bagoo 9 pts 237 ricklyjames 9 pts 180 wardiee 8 pts 556 george 8 pts 488 dave 6 pts 954 samwit 2 pts 93 twisty 1 pts 82 dbecks 1 pts 589 stijneman 1 pts 188 aub 0 pts 147 gazlush 0 pts 818 jayjones NO SHOWS 0 pts 79 weeryan 0 pts 146 crashley see you all next week at buxton for the English open The replays are here!
welcome to the 2nd meeting of the night at sheffeild start time 9.10 please check you are in 2 heats each whites and yellows: 82,93,147,374,443,474,556,818,79,146,237,394 server 48 Heat 1: 82, 93, 374, 556, 818, 146, 394, 47, 167, 848, 8, 188, 246, 488, 180, (Server ,48) 15 cars Heat 2: 147, 443, 474, 954, 79, 237, 356, 589, 981, 52, 151, 380, 384, 39, 238, (Server ,45) 15 cars Heat 3: 82, 443, 474, 818, 954, 79, 394, 47, 589, 848, 8, 52, 246, 384, 39, (Server ,48) 15 cars Heat 4: 93, 147, 374, 556, 146, 237, 167, 356, 981, 151, 188, 380, 488, 238, 180, (Server .45) 15 cars top 20 point scorers to the final then top 4 from the consi final: 24 cars gn1: server 48 gn2: server 45 please be in the server for 9.10 on the dot
bookings for this meeting close at 8pm on the dot
I think I did your skin to be able to run either wing in not 100% sure tho. Asking as the name and number fits properly it's fine
Dave 488 Red + Bullyjnr 848 Blue Cheers
its the same ip and password as server 45 I believe? sure someone will tell me if im wrong
you can race when I receive a skin from you but it does say in the rules about novice skins, if you semd me 1 for next week you can race next week simple, if you get 1 sent to me by 9pm tonight you can race crimond
here are the latest grade changes for the f2s these come into effect immediately so please be aware of them and have the correct wings on for tomorrow nights meetings up to s/s no one Up To Red 380 Up To Blue 47 Up to Yellow 79 Down To Red no one Down To Blue 981, 848 Down To Yellow 146 Down To White no one well done to all those that have gone up the grades this month, im sure the 1s that have gone down will be aiming to climb back up again ALSO THIS MONTHS SKINPACK CAN BE FOUND ON >>THIS THREAD<<
the link for skinpack 4 is below, you will all need this for the meetings tomorrow night >>>SKINPACK 4<<< DONT FORGET THE NEW GRADES ALSO COME INTO EFFECT FOR THIS MEETING, THEY CAN BE FOUND >>HERE<< This pack is installed on both servers and server 48 should be set to cowdie/crimmond now IN THIS PACK: new cars: 47 tar and shale 82 tar and shale 103 tar and shale 147 tar and shale chassis changes: none new paint schemes: (taken as a chassis change) 188 tarmac 356 tarmac 481 tarmac fixes: 151 silver stripe added for nationals championship REMEMBER IF YOU HAVE RACED A NOVICE SKIN AND HAVE NOT SENT YOUR OWN SKIN IN YOU CAN NO LONGER RACE UNTIL I RECEIVE 1 FROM YOU