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Marten #291

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Everything posted by Marten #291

  1. Real nice JK, good final wasn't it. First number noted on dashboard already Was a good meeting imo, some good fair racing. Expected a bit more chaos on this track.
  2. Marten 291, White
  3. After just this meet i think i have to agree with Tosh. It would be better to look at physics then upping the wear. This game already has the rep of being difficult. And i think this will make it even harder, and maybe put newbies of. Also can see a lot of lower grade wins when blue, reds, and s/s battle their way to front and demand to much of tyres in doing that. Gr meet btw, except final lol.
  4. Marten291
  5. Tar - Schutter 332 Shale - Woodhull 335
  6. Soz have to cancel aswell.
  7. 12n Dale Ewers plz.
  8. Personally I didn't mind the two meetings on one night. Was happy to get away from Sheffield, as I just can't seem to get a break there. Maybe a lack of skills or just bad luck dunno lol. I didn't have any problems with driving standards going down at Belle Vue, and I actually think they are really good so far this season. So well done to all drivers for that Couldn't believe i was in front in final after just a couple of laps, and thought i had it in the bag, until backmarkers got in the way a couple of times. But what can you do, was never intentional, they just crashed in front of me. But you swear at screen couple of times and keep going Thx for running meet Johno and Kev. was run excellent
  9. Marten291 booking.
  10. Marten291
  11. Great Racing tonight, hard but fair. Especially a couple of good races with Dazza, and the closing stages of the final was great to. Except for Kruiz pulling away the last two laps lol. Wd Tosh for winning the series, shame you had your chance for the shoot out taken from you like that. But wd Tom for winning the shoot out.
  12. Marten 291
  13. GN was great till last bend, when somebody decided to ruin it all lol. Great racing all night. Good mod.
  14. Marten 291 booking...
  15. Wd on awards Kruiz. And thx to anyone who voted for me lol. I'll send them to you. Might slow u down a bit and give us a chance.
  16. Marten 291 booking in...
  17. 291 Squire Shale+Tar plz
  18. Hey another one of me
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