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Marten #291

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Everything posted by Marten #291

  1. It's the same problem here...
  2. Wd Aub. Same story here. Only one race where I didn't get spun out by somebody. And to make it worse, the ffb issue played up in the final.
  3. Great preview, well done to all involved. Good luck all, and someone better save a replay for me
  4. Marten #291 - Blue
  5. Marten #291 booking in...
  6. Cheers Mav Thx
  7. Wd Hutch, a well deserved win from the back of the back. I really enjoyed the euro race, altough I thought it was al over after two laps, when I was in about the last place. But I managed to work my way back up to second wich i'm really pleased with. Anyone got the replay of the euro race they like to share? Cheers Marten
  8. A great nights racing. Had some great battles throughout the night. Wd to Jimmy for winning the final, and running a smooth meeting. I enjoyed the combined meeting with the rods. But what if u only race one of both? isn't all the waiting in chat a bit annoying then?
  9. Great preview, well done to all involved
  10. It works fine here, and i'm on vista. Great track, and a great loading screen indeed Wd once again MoR. Marten #291
  11. Marten #291 booking in
  12. How do I get my crew on track after the race to cool my engine?
  13. Just an normal meeting for me with various spins and crashes in all my races, still had a lot of fun and scored a little above my normal point average. Thought the final was over for me after the first bend chaos, facing the wrong way in about the last position. How I ended up with fourth place in the end is beyond me. And of course wel done to Dan for winning the title. And wel done to Matthew for making sure Dazza dind't win it
  14. Nothing wrong with the league for me personally. I just couldn't do this meeting. The split racing times aren't much of an issue for me to, I'm free the whole night anyway. as said on this thread, u really need an high spec comp + wheel if u want to be competitive. Maybe this puts people of for now? I can't see what else could be the problem. Once you get the hang of it, it's really a great mod to drive, and the racing in the league is great to. I didn't race on-line when heat started coming. But did that league have 30+ people racing in there first season?
  15. I can't believe i actually had a chance to win the title. I never thought i would have any chance from the back of the blues. unfortunately i picked up some suspension damage with about five to go, in one of the many pile-ups. From that point on it just wouldn't corner any more, and i was surprised it took so long for the second placed man to catch me up. I did an all or nothing attempt on Dazza when he overtook me with two laps to go. I almost spun him round but he did well to keep it going. So well done Dazza on a very deserved title, must have been hard work from the back. I know it was for me
  16. What a difference a grade can make. Never able to get anywhere from blue, but had a trouble free night from yellow. I even managed to drive away from some blues after the unlucky start of the final. I was even leading it until Johno and his tyres where there (U can stop testing the tractor tyres now, i'm sure MoR made sure they stay in place )
  17. Can u cancel my booking plz. got some warp issues with the wireless conection. Don't want to ruin anybody race tonight.
  18. Booking in, Marten #291 - yellow
  19. Marten #291 booking in...
  20. I'm using dx 7, i changed the settings to dx9 and it works now
  21. I get an error when installing the track on my comp(vista). The track wont load and the following error is given, error loading texture graveledge for material grassedge3. When i install the same track on my other comp(xp) everything works fine. I followed the same procedure on both comps. Marten #291
  22. Marten #291 booking in for Rfactor ***CAR TO BE USED; CARLOS PEREZ #305***
  23. Here's a little clip of the stockcar show last weekend for wich the skins were made. We thought it would be fun to build Rfactor into the stockcar, for the people to play with. It's a bit dark but it give's an idea of how it was. http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=zGSRYtKL6w0 We made it so that the real throtlle and brake paddle could be used. And we had an beamer so the public could see what the driver was doing. It was a succes, and a lot of people were intrested in getting the game. And many thanx again to Demonstone who painted the skins for the car on a short notice.
  24. I run windows vista, and installed heat essentials. The game works fine, but i can't seem to find my results folder anywhere. And when i save a replay, i can see it in the game. But when i open the folder there's nothing in it. Anyone else with the same problem?
  25. Thx m8 I installed heat essentials, and it runs fine now.
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