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Everything posted by swerve

  1. If you wanna go for a desktop replacement, try a laptop from www.rockdirect.co.uk 17" or 19" screens, just got mine £2700 . They do cheaper ones with lesser spec, that will still handle anything you throw at it. or if you wanna stick with a desktop, get one from these guys, built how you want it. had 2 pc from them , and there brilliant www.wired2fire.co.uk
  2. Happy Birthday
  3. Lo rik, ive sent you the link. but im having same graphics problems as listed above.
  4. I have some dvds on ebay for sale at the moment, bears on tour 2005, fullmetal mayhem, firecracker XIV, havoc 1 , 2, 3. ...2006 london open.. 5yrs of civil war ...+ a few more. if anyones interested. the camcorder ones do look good, i will have to get them now.
  5. cheer fellas , had a great day. swerve
  6. mcrew. get a few beers inside ya, and get a bit tipsy. that sounds just like a normal day of the week for you. swerve
  7. ok, cheers for that gazmo. swerve
  8. but if i click on normal nascar launcher, then it plays nascar heat game. how do i get it to play a mod? cheers swerve
  9. THANKS for showing me this welly, i gave it a try, but its only working when i launch and play nascar heat, its not letting me include the mods. you have to click on the nascar heat launcher. if i click on one of the mods launchers on desktop it just runs as it was with 2 cores running. cheers anyway
  10. still not sure if it going to work though. i have spoke to a guy in the U.S he has same problems with his dual core pc. hopefully a patch or something could be made by the mod team, as this will cause more problems as people upgrade to dual core pc's
  11. still not sure if it going to work though.
  12. ok heres how to close down one core. this needs to be done everytime. run game . hold down alt+tab. goes back to desktop. hold ctrl +alt+delete. task manager opens top left. click on processes, look down list for nheat.exe right click on it, then click on affinity, you will see core 0 and 1 ticked, just untick one. then close task manager . go to bottom of desktop and click back on game, which is still open running you can now play for the night but if you leave you need to go through this again. there is a way to set up that you dont have to do this everytime, but i need to look into this a bit more. this way you tell pc to start that game with 1 core only everytime, im waiting for some help off another pc tech forum. i would still like to hear about that article in that mag, pedz if you can find it. cheers swerve
  13. rikard go for a raptor 150gb if you stretch to that, about £220 i think if not the 74gb. they spin 10000rpm . over others that are 72000rpm. you will notice differents in loading time etc. swerve
  14. pedz you can help alot of people here, ive spent 2 grand on new pc and cant play any mods without crash log. hopefully you can find that mag. cheers swerve
  15. lo m8 try places like this, i have ordered from most. great service. you will need to check site to see if they have what you want www.scan.co.uk www.microdirect.co.uk www.overclockers.co.uk www.aria.co.uk im sure you find one of these selling what you want regards swerve
  16. hi. i keep having problems with crash logs when running online and sometimes offline, another member is also having the same sort of problems, the one thing we have in common is that we have dual core processors in our pc, could you let us know if you run a dual core proccessor in you pc and you are running nascar heat and mods without any problems, atleast that way we can dismiss the processor as being the problem. if it is the problem then more people are going to suffer as we all upgrade to dual core computing in the future. thanks in advance for you info. swerve
  17. ok thanks guys, it worked for me this morning. cheers swerve
  18. nope, i just tryed again, it says file contains invalid data. did you try the sheffield track that bangers and ssc use, as the other one for F1. F2 works fine. regards swerve
  19. hi i was downloading the banger tracks, i got to sheffield and it said cannot install, file invalid. thought you should no. regards swerve
  20. that does not work, i just want to change it back to how it was, the way it was was an unknown file.
  21. hi can anyone help, i accidently changed the way me tga files are opened, i changed them to open using windows paint, but it should open with other program, but i can t find it listed in the recommended programs. the usuall looking file is white with the red ,blue ( 6 colour dots) on the file. all mine now have the paint logo on them. hope this makes sense to someone. the tga file should look the same as the tex files, which are ok, on these it says program to open with is unknown application. you will be able to see what i mean buy left clicking on a tga file then looking in properties. cheers swerve
  22. u need to buy it, paintshop pro 7 is one i find the best, and some skin painting guides on the forum are based on this version. look on ebay to buy regards swerve
  23. royal auclair (each-way) think odds are currently 28/1 . got placed last year. so im on him again.
  24. yeah it doe's i have tryed changing it to 98 etc. still done it. i did a reinstall of ssc late lastnight and seems ok now. but i know this problem happens now and then... so will proberly happen again some time , just dont know when. just need to do banger practice now and see if the new install has sorted that for now
  25. i see all cars, no red and no nascars, will try fresh install of scc.
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