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Posts posted by MoR137

  1. Just repost what I put up earlier in the season on the feedback thread (and new one too!):


    1. A shorter season - more in-line with the real F1 season, so mid/late-March to mid-November. I really think this season went on too long and was partly the reason for dwindling numbers at times. Of course, offer a small winter series or something to keep people going until then.


    2. More track variations - we don't need to race Scunthorpe and Birmingham 4 times a season; let's dig out the non-real life F1 tracks that are suitable and get some proper season meetings on them, and not just winter/end-of-meeting series.


    3. Thursday Night Thunder went well I thought - keep this - maybe do 2 or 3 series over the year to allow people to join mid way, each with their own unique rules and formats.



  2. Thanks Kev for a great meeting, and the whole of admin for an excellent season - I may have only raced less than half of it, but it's been tremendously enjoyable - I can't remember a meeting where I've come away thinking it was rubbish.


    Last night was an excellent way to finish of the season, with a high car turn out, a few returning drivers and some extra races. The night was a mixed bag for me; the Tin Top semi final went very well, with Spike not letting anybody get away, leading to some interesting opening laps. My first heat went resonably poorly, with a big group of blues causes some early problems, but it settled eventually and had a nice finish with Mav at the end. The second heat went much more to plan, although a seemingly out-of-character dutch superstar seemed to taking people out left right and centre, myself included. In the final, I had a problem with my wheel which made the FFB all notchy, but it was a decent race. The allcomers went much the same way as the heats, with lots of carnage to pick through.


    The tin top finale however, went really well. I got a great start and tucked in behind Aub. We had a decent lead so didn't want to start messing around too early, but saw a dead car in the fence and tried to put him in it a few times to no avail, which allowed the pack to catch up. With a big bunch of cars now knocking me about, I thought it was a lost cause, but I then had a lap where everything seemed to fall into place. Firstly I went to stick a big hit in on the back in front (using Murf as a cue ball), and he hit the dodgy kerb collision took off into orbit, and then the next bend, the seas seemed to part and I managed to get a lead. After that I just tried to keep it consistent and steady. Thanks to those who pulled over - it was great to be able to win this one-off race!


    The CoC started very similarly to the Tin Top, with me and Aub getting a little break. Murf eventually joined us, and what followed was 20-odd laps of 'who dares blink first'. Not wanting to let anybody through, I was saving it until last bend (although it was going to have to be pretty precise to ensure Murf didn't sneak past) but Murf got in there early and tried the snooker shot at the start of the last lap. Certainly was a great race, and well done to Aub for winning it, and the success he had for the rest of the night too.


    Thanks again for the season, and see you all next year!

  3. Yep, there's are a couple of new ones. Trying my very hardest to finish them for a release sometime in December, but intense work hours are making it difficult. I'll post some teaser pictures over at rfactorcentral when I get some time (no promises when), and then you can hopefully make up your mind if you want to wait for the templates or not.




  4. Just three weeks ago we had Peppi on here telling us how little respect we have for new/white roof drivers, and here we go again, but this time with a young lad like Mav Jnr. As a relative newcomer, Jnr is doing really well, and definitely hasn't deserved some of the grillings he's had in the past few weeks. As far as I'm aware, he hasn't broken any rules, maybe just a few driving taboos - he gets it wrong sometimes - don't we all - how about people try being forgiving, polite and advisory and I'm sure he'll soon settle down into a staple driver in the league.


    If he's enjoying it, let him carry on - if grown men can't handle their temper over a few pixels, I'd much rather not have them racing than a young lad whose only 'crime' is being a little too aggressive.


  5. Thanks for meeting Spike and Kev.


    This was the first time for me around Arena, and I thought the racing was great - plenty of action and the wide bends made it a little bit more forgiving. The meeting started perfectly for me with a win, although a slightly shakey one; I had a decent lead with about 5 laps to go, but settled into a flow a bit too much, hit a spun car, and then got buried last bend by Harmen. Not sure why he didn't manage to get the win as I hit the armco, but I'm sure I'll see when I watch the replay. The second heat didn't go so well - I made some early mistakes and soon had the shootout guys belting me around the track, but when things settled down it went ok. The final started ok but a few hard hits let the shootouts guys catch up, and a few more hard hits (with Johno being the unfortunate cushion for me on most occasions!) opened up the front of the field, with shootout leaders Tom and Mike batting each other on every bend for the lead. With lots of cars josling for those top positions, it was going to end in tears, which in did for Mike, who had some unfortunate kerb action as I dived in for the big one. Somewhere down the line I managed to get a break from the pack, and what followed were a few tentative laps to the finish (think I was half spun by a backmarker with about 2 to go!). Enjoyed the GN from the handicap, with plenty of action allowing me to climb the places and score some points - it wasn't without it's moments though, at one point I did some interesting kerb acrobatics!


    With a work deadline looming, I'm not sure if I'll be able to race again this season (I will try!), but hopefully see you next week or the week after. Good luck to Tom and Mike - it's good to see the battle for the silver roof going down to the last meeting.


    Like Murf, any chance of the meeting replays please Kev?


    Also, not heard anything about it yet - is anybody doing the UKDirt F1 Awards this year?

  6. Thanks Kev for the meeting, and well done Dazza on winning the GNC.


    The night was an interesting one for me - I managed to get great start in the GNC and slip into 2nd first bend, but Tom already had a nice big lead, so i went for a massive shot going into turn 3. I'm yet to see the replay, but I don't think i had all four wheels across the kerbs and, whilst a huge hit, I did connect, which was enough to hold Tom up to stop him running away with it. I was a bit bemused to get questioned after the race as to why i did this; I think the reasons are pretty obvious; if you let Tom get away, he will get away! After all this, I managed to take the lead for a few laps with Murf and Tom chasing, but the earlier big hit had done something to the car so I couldn't get it going particually well (yes yes, it's MoR with the damaged car excuse again!). With this, I'd never win the race on speed, so set about challenging Murf once he got past. One hit half spun him, but it was quite unavoidable with the rear wheel exposed going into the bend. I wasn't particually a fan of the way I was taken out of the race a few laps later, but it will be remembered for an appropriate time. Sounds like slowing those two up sure made for a more interesting race anyway ;)


    The rest of the meeting went fantastic for me - the setup was working great, and the bit of breathing room from the shootout drivers was a great opportunity to get going at the start of the races. The heats were fun with some great races with Tosh and Danskin, and I was very pleased to finally get another final win - my first for 2 seasons and only my third after 8 seasons. Really enjoyed racing the GN from the handicap too - got very lucky on the last lap and managed to sneak 5 or 6 places!


    As is the norm, the TNT races were crazy and a great laugh, with lots of guys on the wind up.


    Can't race next week, so see you all in two!




    PS - Any chance of the GNC and final replays please Kev?

  7. I'm sorry to say it, but with the league struggling numbers wise, I can't help but feel bit more effort needs to be made to get people booked in!


    I participated in some UKDirt F1 and F2 meetings.

    In my opinion racing was undisciplined and without any respect to other drivers (especially newcomers). Although I could get some good points but it were not good meetings.

    Sorry that I have to say but I rather spend my time with my wife or watch TV or racing in another league instead of getting bad mood.

    Don´t know if this racing style is a special UKDirt problem ?

    Whether it also looks at other mods or meetings I do not know so please do not get me wrong.

    I would like to be convinced of the contrary and take part on more meetings in future when time allows.


    Greetings from Germany



    Sorry to hear you didn't enjoy your UKDirt experience so far Peppi, but imho, I think the racing has been fantastic in most of the meetings I've competed in this year, especially when people turn up in the right mindset, perfectly demonstrated by last nights meeting. I hope you get the time to join us again in future meetings and hopefully get a better impression next time.


    Looking forward to the GNC next week :thumbup:


  8. Thanks to Spike for running the meeting and Corny for stewarding.


    It was very disapointing to see the numbers so low last night, but I'm sorry to say that I think the ball was dropped on this one - I wonder how many people actually knew it was a 2011 WQR as it's not on the fixture list, there was no pre-meeting 'reminder' post and I'm sorry, but a 2 week old post that has dropped down the forum doesn't quite cut it. I was equally miffed to have missed the Tarmac Masters last week - I might have managed to put my foot down and get home in time (I only missed the start by 10-15 minutes!), and take my fairly good place on this grid for this, but there was no reference of this being ran until the day of the meeting. I'm sorry to say it, but with the league struggling numbers wise, I can't help but feel bit more effort needs to be made to get people booked in!


    Anyway, negatives aside, as is generally the case on this low-turnout meetings, the racing was fantastic, challenging and a good laugh. Every now and then you have a meeting where someone is a real pain in your side - I was Tosh's last night (sorry mate!) and Spike was mine! The success of each race for me seemed to pivot around whether or not I managed to get past Spike safely..... fantastic stuff, and good to see Spike getting stuck in and looking much more confident in the F1s. Had some other top races with Mike, Tom, Tosh, Walker and Harmen over the night too. Well done to Johno on winning the final!


    Enjoyed the TNT races again, with some great banter, and a great 'hit-every-bend' battle with Mike in the first one.


    Should be out next week work permitting, so see you then!



  9. Thanks for meeting Spike and Kev and well done on the final Jarry.


    The meeting was very enjoyable, and I was very pleased to see I top scored (I think I've only done that 3 or 4 times in the 8 seasons i've been racing!). Seeing that there was no reds booked in initally made me think I didn't stand much chance (I feel much more suited to picking through action rather than setting fast laps on an open track), undoubtably having shootout s/s on my back before long, but in most races I seemed to keep them at bay until at least the halfway point. My first heat I thought I was on to a winner, after a decent start and finding myself in about 5th with the leaders only half a straight in front, but messed it up by not being more decisive passing Harold and riding up his rear wheel. This demoted me to the outside line, where I was swiftly taken care of by somebody. Heat 2 went more to plan, although I couldn't hold Dazza who had found himself a bit of space and was throwing out the fast laps. The final was another good race, where I managed to pick through some traffic to settle in 3rd with Danskin in front and Leek behind. Dan made a small mistake which allowed me to nudge him wide and get past. Dan was very forgiving and decided to sit behind, allowing us to keep our break over the pack behind. I started trying to get some fast laps in for the remaining 10 laps, and did put a dent in Jarry's lead, although I suspect he was just cruising at this point. After my banter with the s/s at the start of the GN, I was promptly swamped and thrown around by them a bit, but managed to get another decent finish nonetheless.


    The thunder races were also good (any chance of those results and points please Kev?) - they certainly extend the meeting to a better length, and it's good to have a race where everybody is a bit more relaxed!


    See you all in a couple of weeks time (just tarmac for me for the remaining meetings I think!).

  10. Thanks for the meeting Kev - very well run and done in good time, esspecially considering the number of extra races. Really enjoyed racing under lights and calling the British grid on track definately added to the atmospshere IMO.


    Had a reasonable set of heats, with some good races and positions decent enough to get row 4 inside, which I was happy with. As expected, the first bend of the British was very heavy, with big pushes from behind, although not as many crashes as I expected. After a few hectics laps, I found myself in around 5th chasing Murf, LeeK and the two leaders, Dazza and Tom, but I had some minor damage to my left front which affected my pace for a bit. Eventually, I managed to find a style which suited the damage and got back into some decent pace, but didn't really expect much to happen now the race had seemingly settled down. I was wrong, of course, when the back straight claimed it's first victim of the night, in the form of Tom D, who had clipped a car that had been spun. Again, things seemed to settle down for a bit, with Dazza looking to have it sewn up, so I set about aiming for a podium. Things changed on the back straight one again though, with LeeK clipping another spun car and flying into the infield tyres, and then Dazza getting held up by more back straight carnage allowing Murf to catch and mount an attack. With the gap now closed, I resisted all temptation to get stuck in and waited to see what happened. With about 5 laps to go, Dazza went a bit wide, allowing me through (whether I liked it or not!) so I thought to myself 'I had really better get Murf here before he drives away!'. However, the back straight did this for me, with Murf being the next victim of the carnage taking place here, almost mirroring LeeKs earlier exit. Shockingly, this put me into the lead (and left me thinking that I didn't think my luck from the UK open could repeat itself!!). Unfortunately for me, it wasn't to be - my tyres were shot and I couldn't keep anything close to the pace of Dazza, waiting to pounce behind me. After nearly two laps in the lead, the big one came, and boy was it goodun' - I was planted masterfully into the parked Madcowie car on Turns 1 and 2. I managed to get it into first and get out nice and quick, but the gap had been made and I certainly wasn't close enough to try anything in the last few laps!


    Excellent race - the perfect 'stock car hit', the perfect way to win a championship, and strangly for me, the perfect way to lose a championship. Well done Dazza!


    See you all next week!

  11. Well done LeeK on the final win, and well done to FT for top scoring. Thanks to Kev for a great meeting.


    Enjoy last nights meeting - the heats were a little heavy at the back, with hits everywhere and nobody really getting anywhere, which can be frustrating but it's usually part of the package at tracks like NIR and Cov where everybody is very equal. The final was a decent race, with a pretty big pile up near the end which allowed a few places to be gained by the chasing pack. The GN was a great race, where most of the superstars seemed to get a good break (might be the dwindling numbers in the red grade that helped that). Spike is proving that he is starting to get to grips with the game now - once me and DanSkin got about chasing him, it took a good few laps to reel him in. The race went down to last bend which saw a great hit from Spike on me, which I luckily managed to hold for a rare win.


    Good to see a couple of fresh (or refreshed) faces tonight, with Shawty looking good to get to grips with F1s after a few meetings practice and Daveyboy making a return (and promptly getting stuck in whenever I got near - just like old times :rolleyes: hehe ).


    Looking forward to the British next week - always love the format of racing for a grid slot for the big race! See you then! :thumbup:

  12. Thanks guys, I'm glad you enjoyed it.


    Saturday was a total nightmare - I finished the video on Friday evening, so planned to get it exported and uploaded to youtube on Saturday morning. The exporting from Adobe Premiere took about 2 hours, and then it took 3 hours to upload it to youtube (my upload speed on my new connection isn't too great :( ). After that, I found out that all audio had been disabled from the video, because it infringed copyright (it had an intro to the video which had fanfare for the common man playing over it - some pretty snazzy tech YouTube has that can detect what song is playing even with my own custom fades and rfactor audio overlayed!!!!). To replace this, YouTube gave me the choice to choose a 'licensed' song to replace the audio, which I chose, which then took another hour to process before I could watch and decide that the whole feeling of the video had been destroyed. So, then I had to go through the whole process again after cutting the intro out, exporting, uploading etc - it was Saturday evening before it was all done! :banghead2:


    As for a downloadable copy Lee, 720p is reasonably close to the exported version, but obviously not as close as the source files I took with fraps. Unfortunately, to add to my Saturday woes, the exported file's huge size meant I felt inclined to delete it from my pc now it was on YouTube, followed by the source files, which then automatically cleared the exported file out of my recycle bin due to the source files exceeding my recycle bin limits. Then I saw your post! Lol.



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